I of the Storm

It’s been looking back at me for hours. I can smell its fetid breath now as it draws ever nearer, hear its grumbling and moaning as if it were in the next room.

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Once I gloried in the smell of old books, their crumbling, mildew-stained pages reminding me of the ancient and forgotten mysteries I beheld nightly within their covers. But no longer, for it was my fate to survive the most primal of terrors, and to find myself beyond the shroud of ordinary existence for a while…a destiny I shall relate in this account.
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Twelve Investigators

For the last installment of “Twelve Days of Cthulhu”, I thought I’d bring it back around to the most important aspect of any Call of Cthulhu adventure, the Investigators, and provide a more inwardly focused scenario. Please check your rotten fruit at the door.

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Eleven Changeling Children

Do you know what Lovecraftian critter just doesn’t seem to get enough credit? The Great Race of Yith. I mean, here they are, living five hundred million years in our past, yet swapping minds with people in our own world. They even have a cult that helps them out. This vast secret society, and not even Delta Green has a commentary on them. Well, it’s about time we gave the Yithians more credit, and help them learn the meaning of Christmas in the process.

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Ten Evil Toys

And now, because you had to have seen it coming a mile off: The obligatory Puppet Master rip off. Because when you think about Christmas, you think about toys, and when you think about toys in horror, you think, “Puppet Master!”

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Nine Killer Snowmen

Genius strikes in the most unlikely of places. Newton allegedly got the whole idea for gravity from a falling apple. Who would imagine that the idea for the next cool military weapon would come from a lame 1990s horror flick…

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Eight Tainted Eggnogs

It’s the 21st century, and the Fungi from Yuggoth have a Christmas present for the people of Investigatorville! Yummy eggnog, everyone’s favorite Yuletide beverage. There couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with it, could there?

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Seven Grinches Grinching

Everyone gets just a little sick of the holidays these days. The blatant commercialism is enough to suck the life out of anyone. But what if this Yuletide apathy were to take on physical form and smite the citizens of Townsville (Or wherever the Investigators happen to live)? So, let’s take a moment to meet little Ms. Tabitha Elliott…

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The State of Chaosium Address

Happy Holidays from Chaosium!

We want to thank all of you for your support over the past year. 2001 saw us greatly improve our printing schedule over that of
2000, from six printing cycles (new books and reprints) to about fourteen this year. For the first time in a couple of years we
are not out of the CALL OF CTHULHU rulesbook over Christmas (huzzah!). We’ve celebrated the 20th anniversary of the original
release of CALL OF CTHULHU. Since 1981 we have published about 100 supplements and adventures for the game, some of them quite
memorable. We look forward to bringing you another 100 Call of Cthulhu releases in the coming years.
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Six Cults a-Culting

Following once again in the tenuous holiday connection of “the stars just happen to be aligning on the Winter Solstice!” we present a scenario in which arcane resources are finite, and a number of fringe cults and duking it out to come up on top before the Winter Solstice.

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