Archive for Crowdfunding

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival: Cthulhu at Arkham World’s Fair
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Mythos Artist John Donald Carlucci needs your help!

black stocking cap wearing, bespectacled grey bearded man in a hospital with sensor on his finger

Did you all like the Fiction Advent Calendar we ran in December? Well all that art was done by our very own John Donald Carlucci. Unfortunately, he does not have medical insurance and has been in the ER lately more than a Boston Trade Unionist goes to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. He needs your help to get back on his feet, and back to making horrible things for us to enjoy. Check out his GoFundMe here:

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Mythos Author Laird Barron needs your help!

All around awesome person Mike Davis of The Lovecraft Ezine & Podcast has helped set up a GoFundMe to help with the medical costs for Laird Barron. If you’re a fan (and you should be) you should consider pitching in! Every bit helps!!

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Cthulhu Awakens on Kickstarter

Cthulhu Awakens Roleplaying Game

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Bread of Heaven

As our kickstarter continues, we had an extra scenario come up that couldn’t make it’s way into the book. In normal form, we are opting to share this scenario with you dear readers! There is still time to back Terrors of the OctoberNomicon! Consider this scenario a free preview of what’s awaiting you in the finished book. That said, we bring you… Bread of heaven!

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Terror of the Octobernomicon Live!!

We are live and over 50% funded!!

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Terror of the Octobernomicon Kickstarter

So the fine folks at Golden Goblin Press have been working on a secret project with us. We’re very proud of our yearly Octobernomicon, and they’re fans too. So we sat down and put all of our twisted little heads together and came up with a secret project I’m announcing now…

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Kickstarter: Cthulhu & Miskatonic U. Cufflinks, Tie Bars, Pendants, Pins

Friend of the site and all around swell bunch of blasphemous CobblerElves the Arkham Bazaar have launched yet another AMAZING Kickstarter!! Get in while the gettin’s good!
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HP Lovecraft Film Fest 2020

It’s time once again for the HP LOVECRAFT FILM FEST! Register today!

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Growing Up / Overnight – Two Cthulhu Mythos Fiction Books

By the trembling jowels of Tsathoggua! There’s 24 hours for you to get in on a double dose of Lovecraftian Horror from the awesome folks at Golden Goblin Press!
Head over now!!

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