Archive for Creatures

Accursed Thieves

These creatures are created when a mortal person dies after being subjected to a powerful curse, usually one placed on a sacred site or tomb. Most Accursed Thieves were thieves and grave robbers in life, or those they infected afterwards. They appear to be walking corpses very similar to a standard zombie, but a bit more driving and intelligent. Their open wounds teem with maggots. Worms wriggle under their skins, behind their pale eyes, and drip from their open moaning mouths.

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Deer Woman

This creature, native to the central planes and eastern forests of North America, enacts vengeful upon those who have harmed innocent women and children. The Deer Woman also target womanizers, unfaithful lovers and husbands, appearing as temptress. They’ll try to lure them away to secluded places using their powerful otherworldly charm. Such men are often never seen again. Deer Women seem to always be able find such men within a 20-mile radius, using their very keen sense of smell. There are rumors of spells and rituals that attract such a creature, and direct it towards a particularly heinous offender. 

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The Unnoticed

Whether these solitary creatures degenerated into being from humanity or simple took on human shape in order to hunt us is unknown. What is known is that they freely move about society, emerging from their hiding places at night to feed upon the unsuspecting. They appear barely human, typically having lost yellowing skin over corpulent frame, overlong arms and short legs, filthy claws and sharp teeth on elongated jaws. They always seem dirty, with greasy hair and filthy clothes. Their disguise is mainly on their powerful psychic abilities to cloud the minds of any around them.

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The Disappearing Fog

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Police Statement taken from Officer Rafe Pilgrim, 

We were called out to a local park, there had been a report of youths drinking and damaging property. We entered at the main entrance and the other patrol would go in via the smaller southern exit, the only other way out would be over a 12-foot-high iron fence. 

As we entered the gates we could see evidence of vandalism, a discarded spray can and some empty alcoholic beverage containers. Then officer Daglish, my patrol partner, reported hearing something, I was on the radio to HQ but he swore he had heard something odd. As we proceeded into the park the fog began to become more present, at first our vision was good, we could see the lights of the houses and even the entrance we had used. But as we walked, the fog became denser.

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Boudica’s Legacy

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Rejected Dissertation presentation by Artimus Hier 2019, Boudica’s Legacy

Whilst the details of Boudica’s rebellion and cruel treatment by the Roman Empire have been well documented and argued in the hall of academia, my research has uncovered a possible legacy that has gone unexamined. I speak of Boudica’s Legacy, whilst the famous statue of her daughters conjures images of a powerful and wrathful force, the true scar she left upon the Roman Empire lasts far longer than she or her daughters did. With my findings so far, I have every reason to believe that her famous toppling and beheading of statues was in fact a year’s long guerilla war, that the children of children fought. Once funding is granted and access to the Vatican’s Restricted Library is granted, I will be able to uncover the darker side of the rebellion and the measures a desperate monarch is willing to take to retain power. 

Dissertation proposal rejected by the committee, reason given, conspiracy and lack of reliable source material prevents any credible ability.

Additional notes, Artimus Hier is no longer with the university program and has not responded to any communications regarding revised proposals. A forwarding address to a post box has been provided, the post box is sublet by PMC Black Lake.

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Homeless Spirit, The wandering Soul, The Never Born

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This Spirt is a wandering Demon or perhaps a lesser god. It feeds off of fear and delights in torment and pain. Be cruel in its psychological attacks and horrific in its physical attacks. It will make an attack scene as gruesome as possible. This is a sanity killing opponent, use it in this way. It is happy to leave madness instead of death, but needs fresh corpses.

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Heinrich Müeller

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This asshole has Xeno Tier 3 written all over him. Intel believes he may have been a commandant at Auschwitz, but that hasn’t been confirmed. We do know he’s a powerful sorcerer with undead servants and spends time on the other side of sleep.

We’ll have to make sanitizing him a surgical op as he rarely leaves his offices. International businessman and philanthropist my ass.—Cpl. Franklin Miller, Team Leader, Project Star Team 3.

Müeller’s dangerous with a capital D. Project Star has shared with us they have a team going in tonight. I wish them luck, and I hope we don’t have to fight their animated corpses later.—Marcus Johnson, Wizard of the Manchester Foundation.

The guy’s a total freak. Usually some flunky answers the door and accepts the packages, but every now and then it’s him. He’s like the main bad guy in a Weird War Two B-movie.—Jimmy McPherson, Driver for United Package Courier.

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Weeping Larva

“The season changing seems to draw people here to the bridge.  Is it the view of the wooded landscape or is it something else?  The Spring brings winds of new hopes and opportunities; the Autumn slowly closes the door on the year, and one remembers loved ones and reflects inward. 

“This rural county has one well-known bridge, where people swear, they hear the wailing cries of a baby said to have perished decades ago.  It hides on this abandoned road located in the west of the county, now taken over by age and the elements, and here lays the remains of a rusted bridge crossing the creek in the hills.  The changes of the seasons draw them here where people claim to hear the eerie cries of a child late at night; hence, the name the Crybaby Bridge or Wailing’s Crossing.  Cries reportedly can be heard late in the night and wailing can bring a person to tears and the trees begin to sway in despair.  

“The legend can be traced back to the 1920’s when the newly constructed bridge was the scene of tragedy.  A family of 3, father, mother and daughter were picnicking in a field near the newly constructed bridge.  The family never returned home, eventually the father and mother were found just outside the picnicking area both were horribly slaughtered and tied to the base of the bridge.  The daughter was never found.

“Rumors also have it that every 3 or 4 years a person or a couple visit the bridge and never return.  Investigations suggest they may have fallen into the creek and were washed away downstream.  Yet, every year this area draws new visitors to view the hillside, hope and reflect.”

*—Jane Wickens, WCTH (last recorded message before leaving to investigate the county bridge)

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The Brain that Would Not Die, Murderous Horrors in a Glass Jar

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The detective asked, “You expect us to believe you have no memory of the last five days? You were found sleeping in your car, with a gun, that’s been tied to five murders in the last two days. We have eye witnesses AND video of you entering and exiting the homes of three of the victims. You have gun residue on your hands and clothing. You also tested positive for methamphetamine. All this, and the story you’re going with is I don’t remember?”

The suspect replied, “It’s true detective. It wasn’t me. I’ve never fired a gun in my life, I don’t know any of those people. I’ve never even been to Wisconsin! I was in the lab, working late, cataloging the new samples, and then I was here, lying in this hospital bed. I swear.”  

“What kind of samples?” the detective asked, “Drugs? Meth maybe?

“No,” the suspect replied, “Brains, a half dozen preserved human brains.” 

The reporter, from Paranormal Quarterly, who’d been ordered to not speak asked. “Would one of those brains happen to belong to Betty-Ann Gilroy, the recently executed serial killer?”

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The Beast of Yucca Flats, Gigantic horrors from a nuclear testing site.

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Lurking the vast wastelands of Yucca Flats, a major nuclear test site in the state of Nevada, is The Beast of Yucca Flats. They are rarely seen as they live in a highly restricted area. However, every once in a while hunger drives one into more civilized areas in search of prey. 

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