Sharer of Pain: Lesser Independant Race

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A couple of us had already felt the impact of magic, like simultaneously being punched with a thousand needles and electrocuted, so we were pretty worried when the dying sorcerer laid that curse on Tom. At least we managed to kill the bastard: turns out wizards burn just fine when doused with gasoline.

After several months passed, we thought maybe it had failed. One day, we’re walking in the woods and Tom convulses, clutches his head and screams ‘Curse! The curse!’ About twenty feet in front of us it looks like heat distortion and this thing comes running out of it. It looked like a naked man, but all shriveled and dirty and it was screaming bloody murder.

I shot it with my .45 and felt a terrible pain in my gut. Next thing I know, my friends are waking me up and this thing is a stinking, bubbling mass and evaporating.

–Excerpt from the memoirs of Franklin Meiers, investigator of unusual phenomena.

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The Krampus

Image is of a male expressing humanoid monster. It has long goat-like horns on it's forhead, a mouth full of teeth like a lion, a pointy curved in nose, long pointed ears and is covered in fur. It's hands are shackled and in one he's holding whips, the other is the strap to the satchel over his back which appears to be holding children. He is grimacing with sadistic glee.
The Krampusby Reuben Dodd for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

It came right at me, walking past Gregor.. Gregor grabbed the fire poker and began beating the thing. It flailed in the air, as if it had no idea where Gregor was… finally in frustration it leapt out the window.  We never understood why until later when we were adults and Gregor explained his bruises.

— Death bed statement, Karl Gustof; Hamburg Hospice Continue reading »

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The Fallen Arabians, Servitors of the Elder Goddess Nemesis

Image is of 3 partially decomposed arabian dressed corpses wielding swords.

The Fallen Arabians
Art by Brad Hicks for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

These creatures first appear after the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) during the Second Persian Invasion of Greece. They were once men, conscripted soldiers of the Arabian tribe, and part of the massive army led by the Persian King Xerxes. They were used as fodder, hurled against the Spartan simply to tire the formidable Greek soldiers before more valuable solders faced them. Thousands of these Arabians died in a single morning accomplishing nothing. Their bodies lay forgotten and unburied, fed upon by crows and wild dogs.  But for the Fallen Arabians death brought them neither rest nor freedom. These men are still called to fight and die, only this time by the dark powers of the Elder Goddess Nemesis, and her cultists. Continue reading »

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Perditii — Daniel Harms

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Date:  July 17, 2015, 15:45:33
From:  [email protected]
To:  [email protected]
Subject: REDACTEDThe gist of your report:  Subject wandered away from her hiking group on July 10.  Extensive ground and air search over fifty miles turned up nothing.  Body was found seventeen miles away on July 14, three hundred feet from an inhabited cabin.  Autopsy shows abrasions on arms and legs.  Death consistent with dehydration, even though this area is filled with lakes and streams.

Why didn’t she seek shelter?  Or call for help?  Or even take a damn drink?

And what about the other three bodies from the last ten years?

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I goofed!!

I published Nemesis twice!! So I give you Nightmare Parasites today from Bruce Piddy. Sorry about the mixup!!

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Nightmare Parasites, Lesser Independent Race

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It was a big blob with a small round head with no neck, looking like a roly-poly. Around its big eyes were wrinkles that glowed…I knew it wanted me to go somewhere. I found myself slipping off the bed. Suddenly, the thing released its strange force and it was gone.” – From the Files of National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena.

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Nemesis, Elder God.

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  Thee, Nemesis, I call, almighty queen, by whom the deeds of mortal life are seen: eternal, much revered, of boundless sight, alone rejoicing in the just and right.

  • Orphic Hymn 61 to Nemesis, 3rd Century B.C.

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Review: OffWorld Designs Apparel

While I’m not normally politically engaged (politics are like assholes…no…wait…politics are filled with assholes, that’s it…), I found myself suddenly inclined to get drunk, read a good book, and broadcast my love for the newly announced candidate.

Cthulhu believes in equal liberties for long as liberties means destruction and death.

Cthulhu believes in equal liberties for all…as long as liberties means destruction and death.

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The Migo Queen

Image is a whale sized grub looking creature with a shrimplike abdomen and a mass of feelers for a head.

The Migo Queen
by Reuben Dodd for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

“Police are on day 6 of a manhunt searching for the serial killer plaguing Redwood Heights.  So far 7 bodies have been found, with parts of the bodies surgically removed.  Local conspiracy theorists are calling back to the cattle mutilations north of Redwood Heights back in the 80’s.  This and Girl’s soccer tournament results tonight for you on News Channel 6” Continue reading »

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Keck, Lesser Independent Race

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These alien being are not native to our dimension dwelling in a shadow realm parallel to our own. They are most often transported into our world accidentally, when a wizard fails in creating a gate, performing a summoning, or in harness the powers of the cosmos. Once trapped in our dimension the Keck has a single option for survival, as it cannot exist long in our environment. The only place it can find refuge is within a living human host.   Continue reading »

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