Archive for Creatures

Extraordentarii / Savage Warriors neither living nor dead

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Only serious fans of the arena have heard of the Extraordentarii, one of the rarest forms of gladiator. A play on the Ordentarii (a class of non-specialized gladiator), the Extraordentarii is as the names suggests, something extra ordinary. It appears as a man covered in spiked leather and rings armored leather armor and a full facial helmet. The small sharpened spikes are to discourage opponents from grappling them (causing a penalty dice for such actions). The spikes also grant them a bonus dice when attempting to free themselves from nets. An Extraordentarii’s hands are covered in cestus gloves, it only weapon. They are built into the creature’s armor making it impossible to disarm an extraordentarii.  

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Stygian Hound, Relentless Trackers of the Night

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These creatures are summoned into our reality from another dimension through spells created by the sorcerers of the Fallen Kingdom of Stygia. Typically, a single such creature is summoned, but powerful sorcerers can summon multiple (1D6+1) Stygian Hounds. These creatures relish the opportunity to hunt in our world and happily obey their summoner. However, regardless of the caster’s ability a Stygian Hound can only remain in our dimension for a single night. Once the sun rises these creatures vanish in a shimmer of starlight, regardless if they are exposed to sunlight or not. 

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Survivors Guilt Manifested

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Informal patient notes by Dr Chase

Patient G – day 8 of observations. 

The patient continues to exhibit a significant disconnection with reality, hallucinations both auditory and visual appear to be constant. Usual methods of treatment are ineffective, patient is convinced her 4 deceased “friends” are still alive and has total amnesia of the road traffic incident. Nurse Murray has been able to create some rapport with the patient, a mutual shared interest of obscure pop music is the basis for this. Nurse Murray to act as main point of contact for intervention treatment, showing before and after photos of patient G with the accident being the focal point. 

Additional note

Patient G’s incessant humming, originally this was thought to be the tune playing during the traumatic incident. Nurse Murray has researched this using online sources and the tune does not exist, I have sent a copy of the melody to a nearby music college, to see if this could be some unknown tune taught in music academia. The friends were all studying music at a local college, is this some form of vocal warm-up the group created together?


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Santa Claus (Avatar of Nodens)

A man dressed in a long, rough woolen gown, dyed red with white spots. A large white beard obscures much of his face. His head is adorned with a reindeer skull and antlers. He rides astride an eight-legged black reindeer. The animal's mouth is drawn in a hideous grimace, slobbering.

“He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry!
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.”

A Visit from St. Nicholas, Clement Clark Moore.

Alternative names: Berchtold, Bokkenrijder, Nikamund the Red. 

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A monster with a thin, spindly body and an enormous oval-shaped head. The head has no mouth and giant black eyes.

It never leaves me. Wherever I go, it follows me. Always watching. Always staring. At the office. At the park. Standing over my bed at night, those giant black eyes just inches from my face. I scream at it to do something, to kill me. It does nothing. I put my hands around its throat, trying to pull its bulbous head from its scrawny, skeletal body. It doesn’t even fight back. Just dies, staring me in the eyes the whole time. But it’s not over. It’s never over. I kill it, and there are two more a couple of days later. 

Alternative names: Those That Watch.

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A giant flying insect, the bones of a human wrapped around it. The head of the bug is inside the skull, its thorax inside the rib cage. The skeleton is missing its pelvic bones and legs. The segmented abdomen protrudes from the bottom of the rib cage. Fly-like, translucent wings emerge from the back of the rib cage.

Through the graveyard, frantic digging could be heard. The ground shifted. Dozens of headstones fell, many into the pits that opened where once lay burial plots. We saw the skulls, then shoulders bones and rib cages push their way out of the stinking mud. Something was wearing the bones of people. Long, segmented legs hung between rib cages. A curled abdomen curled where the pelvic bones and legs once were. From the back sprouted gossamer wings. The creature chittered and clicked to one another, then flew into the night. 

Alternative names: Corpse Flies

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A man wearing loose, shimmering robes. Only his head and hands are exposed. He has aquiline features, pale eyes, and long white hair. Over his shoulder floats a metallic orb, about the size of a baseball.

Master Rirhi first appeared to bear witness and give testimony to the initiates in 1893. When he next imparted his wisdom to the initiates, this time in 1921, he appeared as he had decades before. No new line or spot marred his face. His alabaster hair had lost none of its lusters. Same for his eyes, brilliant azure, reflecting the infinite depths of his wisdom. The intervening years had not conspired to stoop him, no arthritis had entered his bones. His bearing was as regal and imperious as ever. The older initiates declared this was indeed a sign that his wisdom had lifted him up into divinity. From The All-Pervasive Teachings of Master Rirhi Unveiled, by Col. Raymond R. Cook (published 1930)

Alternative names: Ascended Masters, Chrononauts, Exalted Patrons, Secret Chiefs

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A thin insect-like appendage, multi-segmented and terminating in claws, reaching out from behind a tree in the forest

We felt eyes on us for miles. We’d turn only to catch a glimpse of something slinking behind a tree. Later, I felt a tug on my collar. My shirt ripped as I spun. The leg or arm of a giant insect was curled around the tree, torn fabric held in its claws. Then it slithered back behind the tree. We ran. 

Alternative names: Grabbers

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Vestals of Ii-Ha

A tall female humanoid figure, wearing a long tunic. The tunic is decorated in arcane symbols in rows running up and down the length of the garment. She has four arms, two on each side. Each arm has multiple joints, segmented like an insect. From under the bottom of the tunic peek the ends of multiple insect-like legs. On their head they wear a veil that terminates just below the eyes, obscuring them. Under the veil, the face is dried and withered, the nose and lips missing, teeth exposed and gritted in a sinister grin.

It was something of a female figure, taller than any human, moving among the seeming infinite shelves of books. A finger traced the spines of the collected volumes, at the end of a misformed arm, segmented like that of an insect. A priest’s vestments hung from the being’s body. Across the gown were sigils I could not comprehend. Yet something inside of me roiled when I saw them. The creature floated as it moved. Sharp, thin feet, dozens of them, kicked from under the hem of the gown. I must have made some sort of noise. It turned toward me, a hiss coming from its skeletal face. It lifted a veil covering its eyes. The empty sockets began to glow. 

Alternative names: Canonesses of the True Face, Sisters of the Throne. 

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A Picture of a Rose

a plain black box

Alternative names: Langford’s Rose, Xithxrar’s Face

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