Thee, Nemesis, I call, almighty queen, by whom the deeds of mortal life are seen: eternal, much revered, of boundless sight, alone rejoicing in the just and right.
- Orphic Hymn 61 to Nemesis, 3rd Century B.C.
Thee, Nemesis, I call, almighty queen, by whom the deeds of mortal life are seen: eternal, much revered, of boundless sight, alone rejoicing in the just and right.
While I’m not normally politically engaged (politics are like assholes…no…wait…politics are filled with assholes, that’s it…), I found myself suddenly inclined to get drunk, read a good book, and broadcast my love for the newly announced candidate.
“Police are on day 6 of a manhunt searching for the serial killer plaguing Redwood Heights. So far 7 bodies have been found, with parts of the bodies surgically removed. Local conspiracy theorists are calling back to the cattle mutilations north of Redwood Heights back in the 80’s. This and Girl’s soccer tournament results tonight for you on News Channel 6” Continue reading
These alien being are not native to our dimension dwelling in a shadow realm parallel to our own. They are most often transported into our world accidentally, when a wizard fails in creating a gate, performing a summoning, or in harness the powers of the cosmos. Once trapped in our dimension the Keck has a single option for survival, as it cannot exist long in our environment. The only place it can find refuge is within a living human host. Continue reading
Here are your contest updates:
“Three strange beings emerged from the craft. They were about 13-feet tall, greenish-blue in color, and the face was a color combination he had never seen before…Their bodies seemed to glow, and they had a single eye in the center of what passed for a forehead. The beings had six evenly distributed sets of arms and/or hairy legs. The ‘hands’ were equipped with crab-like claws, which opened and closed spasmodically. They also were equipped with a natural, twin antenna in the head…“One of the beings started to come toward Ennio, who turned and ran. However, the being sent a sort of hypnotic stare after Ennio that ‘froze’ him in his tracks, and then spoke to him in a voice that seemed to address him inside his head…The being sternly requested or ordered Ennio to perform some task, the nature of which he has stoutly refused to divulge, even to officialdom. He was emphatic that he would ‘rather die’ than do what they asked him to do.” – Project Blue Book Continue reading
“I can’t remember what I saw, only running through the woods in terror, trying to escape it. I emerged from the forest and collapsed in a field, exhausted. My arm burned with unimaginable pain and blisters were forming so fast I could watch them swell.
Once in town, I had to be restrained in order to prevent me from tearing open my arm to ease the itch. Surprisingly, the blisters dried only a few days later. The skin is still dry and itchy, but nothing like on that day. I have since found other places to hike.” — Julie Everest, Field Biologist. Continue reading
My shattered mind shrieks
Echos in the empty halls
No more asylum
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