NaNoWriMo Prep!

Are you getting ready for NaNoWriMo?

Don’t know what it is? Maybe you should. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, AKA November! A lot of the staff at are authors, and some of us partake in this annual word party.

The goal? 50,000 words in a month.

Interested? Sign up an and then comment in the comments of our site with your page link. We’d love to friend you and follow your progress.

November is going to be a fun month for NaNoWriMo members here at We’re planning a few surprises as well as giving you regular updates as to our own progress.

That being said, how do you get 50,000 words in 1 month? It isn’t easy, but has built a little calendar that you can make as your wallpaper on your computer desktop to help keep you on track with your word count.

NaNoWriMo Calendar

NaNoWriMo Calendar

Let’s see how many words the NaNoShoggothers can get this next month. We’d love to see how many monsters we can bring into the world…

My NaNoWriMo link? Here ya go:


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Here are your contest updates:

  • Augustus Cantos voting begins NOW (Lower right hand corner of any page, feel free to vote for more than one)!
  • OctoberNomicon Writing voting begins Nov 1 (submit your monsters soon!!)
  • OctoberNomicon Art voting begins Nov 15 (More time to submit your art!!)
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The Garson Invaders

Enter the contest. Draw this creature. Click here.

This creature doesn’t have art yet. You can help and possibly even win cool prizes by making the art yourself! Click here to find out more

“Three strange beings emerged from the craft. They were about 13-feet tall, greenish-blue in color, and the face was a color combination he had never seen before…Their bodies seemed to glow, and they had a single eye in the center of what passed for a forehead. The beings had six evenly distributed sets of arms and/or hairy legs. The ‘hands’ were equipped with crab-like claws, which opened and closed spasmodically. They also were equipped with a natural, twin antenna in the head…“One of the beings started to come toward Ennio, who turned and ran. However, the being sent a sort of hypnotic stare after Ennio that ‘froze’ him in his tracks, and then spoke to him in a voice that seemed to address him inside his head…The being sternly requested or ordered Ennio to perform some task, the nature of which he has stoutly refused to divulge, even to officialdom. He was emphatic that he would ‘rather die’ than do what they asked him to do.” – Project Blue Book Continue reading »

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Cover detail from The King In Yellow 1905 book

Regular contributor Duane Pesice turns his horrified gaze upon the realm of a certain jaundiced ruler …

The leading edge of the ripple is aquamarine, with trailing edges of amethyst. The two small suns, nameless, are prominent, one pale yellow, one dim crimson, high in an azure sky. The twin moons, nameless also, trace a path from the lake shore to the far horizon, passing before the starscraping towers of ruined Carcosa, over the courts of the King in Yellow.

It is the first season of the year on Carcosa. The blooms have yet to show. The lake, Hali, is verdant, mordant, fertile with possibility.

The versions of the play that are performed this season may hold out some forlorn hope, a touch of pathos, of genuine tragedy amid the madness and death. Perhaps a player or two will even survive until the next performance.

Stranger things have happened, in Yhtill.

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Tainted Rosebush: Taint of Shub-Niggurath

Enter the contest. Draw this creature. Click here.

This creature doesn’t have art yet. You can help and possibly even win cool prizes by making the art yourself! Click here to find out more

I can’t remember what I saw, only running through the woods in terror, trying to escape it. I emerged from the forest and collapsed in a field, exhausted. My arm burned with unimaginable pain and blisters were forming so fast I could watch them swell.

Once in town, I had to be restrained in order to prevent me from tearing open my arm to ease the itch.  Surprisingly, the blisters dried only a few days later.  The skin is still dry and itchy, but nothing like on that day.  I have since found other places to hike.” — Julie Everest, Field Biologist. Continue reading »

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No Asylum

My shattered mind shrieks
Echos in the empty halls
No more asylum

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One of ours does good.

After we started running for a while… I came to the belief that often functions as the “Minor Leagues” of the Cthulhu Mythos & Weird Fiction community. So far we’ve had to pull articles from the site because they have been published in print anthologies, we’ve had a fan who enjoyed the site without posting start my favorite game company, and most recently, we had a guy submit an entry into our art contest and got a cover deal out of it. Brave readers, you have no idea how proud this makes me. So, as you read this, if you have a creative leaning, a crazy idea, or other exciting idea.. write them up and send them in. You may think your idea sucks. You may be right. BUT those who read your work will make suggestions and comments in the comments and can help you create better next time. You may inspire someone else to post their work. You may be wrong and end up getting some paying work. A good & trusted friend told me just today; “there are LOADS of good people, talented people, who just need some encouragement. We need to train a new crop, because the Great Old Ones are starting to die off.”

Truer words have never been said. Submit, submit often, and we’ll continue to do our best to bring you our worst. Our most horrid, our most alien, our most dispicable. Because here’s our secret. We are you. is ran by and for you, the creepy kids of all ages who read our stories, play our games, and draw our pictures and write our tales. For this, I am most honored and humbled. Thank you each and every one of you, yes, even those of you who have never submitted and never will. Our only hope is that we live up to the great expectation and duty you’ve chosen to bestow on us. We shall endeavour to increase our presence and our reach. We shall hit up all the conventions we’re able to so that if you can’t make it, you can feel like you’re there (HP Lovecraft Film Fest: Portland videos are coming soon). We shall try to get more contests up, we are working behind the scenes to develop new technologies for the site to offer users more functionality. Like the creatures of our namesake, we work tirelessly; day & night, to serve the community and enrich the mythos we all love.

Here is the link to the Golden Goblin Press posting about it.

Ia Ia!! Tekelili

Matt “trollboy” Wiseman
Head Weirdo of

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The Halloween Man, Great One – Scott David Aniolowski

Image is a tall, lank man in an old, tattered black tuxedo with tails. VERY thin -- skeletal. Hands covered by white gloves. Figure is slightly hunches and crooked. Overly tall, thin top hat, again old and worn and bent. High collar on shirt and hat hide face -- just a black shadow but with a pair of burning jack o'lantern eyes and a wide burning jack o'lantern mouth showing. Carries an evil looking, glowing jack o'lantern in one hand and a large black sack over his shoulder hat he uses to scoop up children.

The Halloween Man
Art by Brad Hicks for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

The Halloween Man appears as a very tall, stick-thin figure, bent and arthritic. He dresses in tattered black dress clothes including high collared tuxedo coat with tails, spats, dress gloves, and an unusually tall and thin stovepipe top hat, bent and battered like the rest of his clothes. Where a face should be is nothing but blackness, out of which burn two pupiless fiery eyes and a jagged glowing jack o’lantern mouth. An old carved jack o’lantern turnip sways from a rusty chain in one hand, green hellfire and sulfuric smoke wafting from its blazing features; over his shoulder the Halloween Man carries a large black sack. Like the Halloween version of Santa Claus, he visits children on Halloween night, but snatches them up in his sack and carts them off to his lair, never to be seen again. His pockets are stuffed with sweet Halloween treats to help ensnare children: candy apples, chocolates, candy corn, etc. Continue reading »

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Free copy of The Adventures of Andrew Doran

A special limited time offer for friends of Enjoy the entire Adventures of Andrew Doran in this free pdf download.

Includes three stories from the Adventures of Andrew Doran!

Andrew Doran Box Set

Andrew Doran Box Set


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Tainted Fruit: A Taint of Shub-Niggurath

Enter the contest. Draw this creature. Click here.

This creature doesn’t have art yet. You can help and possibly even win cool prizes by making the art yourself! Click here to find out more

We got a call that some kids didn’t come home after being out late. Turns out they’d been going down County 12, near the old Fletcher place. I hadn’t really thought much about it after the raid all those years ago when he disappeared under, undisclosed circumstances.

When we got there, the land was overgrown, the plants were all too big, bloated. It stank like hell too, rotten and kind of like old sweat. I walked over to an apple hanging by the side of the road. It was huge, dark and it look like something was squirming under the skin.

I reached out and held it, gave it a little squeeze with my thumb. It just popped open and blood came gushing out. I yelled like hell, Jake pulled his pistol, and that’s when the bad shit started happening.”–Excerpt from intake interview of Henry Thompson, Sheriff of Benner County Louisiana: performed by Gregory Reynolds, Chief Alienist, Benner County Hospital.

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