The Lonely Rest Stop

Situated along a lonely highway somewhere in the United States. The last stop for gas before a 50 mile stretch of wilderness. The lonely rest stop is designed to be dropped anywhere along a highway a Keeper desires, and can serve as either a quick night’s distraction or the base of a longer scenario centered around it.

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Infested Pumpkin

Infested Pumpkin

The smell of rotting sickly pumpkin on the autumn breeze is a warning to all, as the infested go unharvested or worse, used as the heads of scarecrows. The writhing infesting vines, wind their way through the makeshift puppet’s stuffed body, animating it. Skittering on all fours through the cornfields, they delight in catching crows, grinding and popping their hollow bones with glee. In time the infested will bloat, dropping their fattened tendrils into the earth. These twisting and lashing roots burrowing deep to mature and wait for the tilling of the fields. Uprooted they take hold in the new harvest and start a new cycle. If disturbed the infested scarecrow will stalk and hunt intruders, keeping it’s territory free of any life, the kills dragged around, soaking the fields in blood. All the better to grow fat little tendrils in.

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Bound Destroyer

Bound Destroyer

I still remember when the cartel came to our village.  They wanted to teach us a lesson, and chose quiet old Mr. Santos to make an example of. They tortured him for hours while we were forced to watch.. It wasn’t until they slit his throat that Mr. Santos started laughing… the blood that poured from his neck reached out.. And tore each of those poor men, those murderers, apart. — Raul Morales, former Catholic Priest, non functional alcoholic.

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“The strangest of all the phantasms described is, perhaps, the Yohualtepoztli, literally, ” the night hatchet or axe.” It manifested itself by causing loud intermittent sounds resembling those produced by the blows of an axe in splitting wood. These ominous sounds were audible at dead of night in the mountains, and inspired terror, for they were said to be illusions produced by Tezcatlipoca in order to frighten and mock those who were out in the dark.” .

– Zelia Nuttall,  A Note on Ancient Mexican Folk-Lore
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Vengeance writ in a child’s blood

“Nothing in the cry of cicadas suggests they are about to die.” – Matsuo Bashō

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” – Confucius (attributed)

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John and Jane Does: The Disassembled

The Disassembled

Every state has them. They turn up in the news every so often. Nameless people found in pieces. Sometimes dumped in a single container, sometimes spread out over an area. Take a look back further in history and you’ll find they’ve been turning up long before the dawn of the 20th century. 

They are spread out over too wide an area, and over too long a timeframe to be the work of just one lunatic. There are too many of them, and they seem too evenly spread to be the result of random homicidal maniacs. So what are they? 

Who these poor souls were in life may never come to light, but what they’ve become in death is something that can push investigators to their breaking point. 

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[Octobernomicon 2021] Ilycladian Worm

Ilycladian Worm

That Which Hides Among Us

James, who had always seemed so normal, passive even, picked himself up off the floor. The anger in his eyes told Amos that things had gotten out of hand. Before he could apologize, six chitinous legs thrust outward from James’s mouth, bracing themselves against his flesh, and the monstrosity inside his friend forced its way out. 

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APOCTHULHU 80% off tomorrow

apocthulhu cover

What happens after the stars are right? The opensource game APOCTHULHU is going on sale 10am tomorrow on DrivethruRPG and can be picked up for a pittance! At least two creatures in our upcoming Octobernomicon are stated out in the APOCTHULHU system. Get yours today!!

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Our ritual metastasizes

OctoberNomicon logo

A hearty thanks rolls out to all who have submitted so far! We’re pleased to announce contributions from Dan Harms of The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia,The Encyclopedia Cthullhiana, and more recently Balloonists, Alchemists, and Astrologers of the Nineteenth Century: The Tale of George and Margaret Graham, as well as by Oscar Rios of Golden Goblin Press. We still need many more submissions before October. We also, are well aware of that gnawing you’ve had in the back of your mind… of the itch of a thing living there.. whispering to you in your sleep.. and finally we know that you know what the best way to exorcise that fetid thing is..  Look at previous submissions here, you can use our official template here (Hit File then Make a copy when you view it). Email submissions to [email protected]. We await your madness.

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as the leaves die, memories stir

OctoberNomicon logo

What horrors awaken as summer dies? This is the question I ask you once again oh dearest reader.. Once again I must announce to the world that OctoberNomicon has once again set upon us. Come ye and once again dump the poison metastasizing in your minds onto the screen and help us in our endeavor to remind the world WHY they fear the dark, WHY they avoid the shadows, WHY the forgotten is best left as such.. artists take the heed of Pickman before you, writers take your pen in hand like a prison shank… and show us what horrors you have inside you!

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