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Multiple large bats covering the body of a screaming man, draining the blood from him. The bats have grasping hands, using them to cling to the man.

I’m entering the cause of death for that family as “animal attack, unknown.” Thing is…and this has to stay between us…thing is, I know what killed them. But there’s no way I’m making it official. I’d lose my job and no other coroner’s office would ever hire me again. The evidence is undeniable. The fur samples we found around the farmhouse tell us what kind of animal did it. Bats. The bite marks on their bodies tell us. They look just like bats…except bigger. Bigger than any bat in existence.  

Alternative names: Cave Devils, the Swarm. 

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A flat, slug-like creature surging out of water and rising up to engulf a screaming woman. The top of the creature is patterned like a cow. The narrow rim of the creature is lined with small, sharp, curved teeth. On the top of the creature, near the front or "head" are multiple stalks tipped with a single eye on each one. The back of the creature features dozens of soft, spike-like appendages.

GURUVILU. Monstrous animal of some lakes in the kingdom. The Mapuche say it swallows men. They do not agree upon its shape. Some make it long like a serpent; others nearly circular like an extended cow hide. – Father Felipe Gomez de Viduarre, Historia geografica, natural y civil del Reino de Chil

Alternative names: El Cuero, Hueke Hueke, The Leather, Mata-Mata, Gla’akini.

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Anomalous Creature X-1968

A massive black blob on the ocean floor, debris such as sunken ships protruding from it. Several tendrils of various lengths reach up from the mass, one ensaring a blue whale.

 (Unique Entity)

I know what I saw. No threat to stay silent from the alphabet agencies can change that. We found the crew of the Ever Grace after they’d been in the water for about three days. We’d radioed our location and were about to start lifting them into the helicopter. Then the water turned green under them. Then pink. Then blue. Faster and faster. Brighter and brighter. And they started going under. They didn’t even have time to scream. Just there, then gone. Then something came out of the water. A tentacle but not like an octopus or squid. No suckers or anything like that. Smooth, oily, the changing colors following across its surface. It swiped at the helicopter again and again. Our pilot is a bad ass. He’d been in Iraq during the worst days to be in Iraq. We were lucky to get out of there. 

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A gigantic angler fish, with the bodies of dozens of human men fused to it at their waists.

I saw it just beneath the surface. An anglerfish, big as an orca. Larger. The dead white eyes, set just above the mouth lined with sabre-like teeth, seemed to regard me. Then I saw them, men, a dozen of them, writhing against the monster. No, not against it. Part of it. They gaped and reached and struggled against this thing that was part of them. Each face distorted pain, jaws dislocated from screaming, eyes threatening to escape their sockets. I reeled back. But then…they were gone. Then there she was. Dead five years but as full of life as during our happy years. Before the cancer. Arms and legs open, begging for me to join her in the water.  

Alternative names: Sirens

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A monstrous catfish, larger than a person. It's pectoral and ventral fins have vestigal, webbed fingers. It's sucker-like mouth is attached to the top of a man's head, sucking his brains out. The catfish's long wiskers are wrapped around the man's neck.

The beams from our flashlights fell on Courtney, sprawled on the rocky shore. A fish, or something like a fish, big as a car, was at her head. Blood and something yellow trickled from its lips as it sucked on her head. Her eyes and tongue bulged as her body twitched. I screamed. The fish seemed to notice us then. The long whiskers that held Courtney untangled from her, and shot into the air, lashing at us. Then the fish slid water, dragging her with it. 

Alternative names: Dobhar-chu, Mamlambo, Nommo, Sirians

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The Undying Ahsuha (Unique Entity)

A man dressed in a sharp three piece suit, an evil smirk on his face. Pieces of skin are feeling from his face, revealing reptilian scales and eye underneath

After Professor Mitchell was murdered, he found this file folder in a locked cabinet. Nothing in it but photographs. Here is one of Edison. Here is one of Mashara Hussein right before the US dropped a cruise missile on him. In each one, behind the subject is another man. Tall. Thin. Never the same race but similar features. Almost like they could all be cousins. This is the weird part. Here’s a picture of a Carthaginian bust of a noble that lived during the Second Punic War. This is a photo of a coin featuring a Bithynian noble, that history tells us is the man who betrayed Hannibal to the romans. Both have features similar to the people in the photos! On the back of each photo is the date it was taken, or when the bust or coin was made, and the caption “Ahsuha”. What do you think it means?

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Messengers of Yig

A mass of writhing snakes that has taken the rough shape of a man.

The Tables of Maxctli was defaced centuries ago. From context clues, we can see there was once instructions to summon the so-called Serpents That Walk but someone chiseled them from the stone. Their true name was removed as well. It is unknown if the epitaph carved in the wound, Messenger of Yig, was an attempt at humor on the part of the vandal or an attempt to placate them. 

Alternative names: The Serpents That Walk, Zsthu

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N’kinih and Zha-shg

A beautiful woman conjoined at the back of her head with a giant snake.

The Tables of Maxctli gives us a sort of family tree of the Court of Yig. This may be the most suppressed part of the text. You’ll find few translations. The implications are not fit for polite society. Especially in regards to the Aygghya, a title given to twins that are both children and grandchildren of the Snake God. 

Other Names:  Mother-of-All-Serpents, Aygghya

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The Apocalypse Serpent

A giant snake with feathers on its head, rising over mayan pyramids, fangs bared, reaching toward the sun.

The Tables of Maxctli give us the best picture of the Apocalypse Serpent, which the Ophidian Folk call Yqphuactl. A snake leagues upon leagues in length. A head crowned in feathers, much like Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs. A mouth so wide it could, and will, eat the sun. Of course, this is probably all metaphor, Yqphuactl is too large to be seen whole by the human eye. 

Other Names:  The Great Dragon, Yqphuactl, Jörmungandr

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A tiny, wizened and mummified, sexless humanoid creature. It's head looks too big for its body. There are two sunken sockets were the eyes used to be, and sharp teeth protrude its lipless mouth. The hair from its head is long and unkept, reaching its legs. Both its feet and its hands have long, sharp claws.

Arif opened the small wooden box. Inside, resting on a bed of excelsior wool and its own long hair was a tiny mummy. Something like the remains of a man that was withering away, in danger of shrinking down to nothing. Was it human, though? It was the rough shape of a man or something close, certainly. A monkey? Thin arms terminating in long claws crossed its chest. Tusks protruded from the top and bottom of the mouth. As we examined the tiny creature, it seemed to shift in its bed. We jumped back from the shock. Not a mummy but a living thing! “Welcome to the Church of Kailour. He is pleased to accept your worship,” said Arif. 

Alternative names: psychic mummies

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