Trevlix, a Group Keeper and of YSDC fame, has begun posting of his Origins experiences in his journal.
Check it out, here.
Trevlix, a Group Keeper and of YSDC fame, has begun posting of his Origins experiences in his journal.
Check it out, here.
Have some comments on this year’s Group events at Origins?
Have stories to tell?
Have suggestions for next year?
Would you like to participate as a Group GM in 2008?
Let us know! Send in a submission! Post in our forums! Post at the forums. Send me an email! Continue reading
Invented by
The new album by The Darkest of the Hillside thickets is finally
available. It’s on and everything. It’s worldwide! Go get it! Continue reading
Here’s a teaser for the “Tombstone” adventure at Origins 07
You board the stage coach, your compatriots; Wyatt and Virgil Earp, et. al. following shortly behind you. Along with your party, a young gunslinger joins you. You realize he’s a gunfighter, due to his utter inability to shut up and stop showing off. Gun spinning, targeting things through the window, etc. Continue reading
In a strange series of events that can only be classified by a word our team of loyal shoggites(yes that’s a word, so what if I just made it up) at oxford are working on developing (they’re handling that one, because we all know what happens when I make up a bloody word) we were down for a couple weeks.
Well a few SQL tweaks and a sacrifice to shub-internet later and here we are! YEAH! In the meantime, anyone recommend a good CMS? More on that and such IT Geekery below. Continue reading
*Sound of an engine roaring* We were fifty miles outside of Barstow when the
drugs began to take hold… Continue reading
You’ve heard stories, you’ve been warned by elected officials, and you had
duck and cover drills in school… but here it is anyway, the exclusive 2005
Shoggy award. When you sign up for the Tournement you have a
chance at winning this beasty!! Click more to see it.
and its over.
I met a lot of fun people, played alot of fun games, and think I sold my spleen to gypsies.. or I’m married.. I don’t remember because I only speak chinese now and not
japanese… Continue reading
Well, today was mostly uneventful… I ran some intro to cthulhu games for folks and will be running one tommorow at noon.
Come play with me.
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