Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.
Howdy Folks!
Welcome to the July issue of Chaosium’s R’lyeh Report. What follows is plenty of Chaosium news for your pleasure & edification. Enjoy!
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Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.
Howdy Folks!
Welcome to the July issue of Chaosium’s R’lyeh Report. What follows is plenty of Chaosium news for your pleasure & edification. Enjoy!
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The Chaosium online shopping catalog is now live. We have hooked the catalog
up to our familiar product pages so that now, when you order, we get your
information directly across our secure, encrypted system.
The R’lyeh Report
Volume 7, Number 3
April 15, 2003
Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.
The big news so far this month is the return of our Online Catalog. You can now order Chaosium books at if you’re having trouble finding them locally. At present, you can buy all of our in print books as well as Miskatonic University Diplomas there.
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May the New Year bring us all plenty of joy, rewards, and Crunchy Chaosium Goodness.
2002 was a pretty good year for Chaosium. While we didn’t publish all the books we had hoped, we did manage to release eight new
The R’lyeh Report
Volume 6, Number 6
September 13, 2002
Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.
Welcome to the September 2002 issue of the R’lyeh Report, featuring all the latest Chaosium news and views.
Howdy Folks!
As I gaze out the Leng Embassy office window I can see aspen turning to gold, which means Autumn is here. Where did the Summer go?
I reckon I missed it while preparing for, attending, and catching up from Origins & Gen Con. 🙂
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Howdy Folks!
As I write this month’s report, there is plenty going on at Chaosium. Our d20 COC GM pack is nearly finished being printed, and is
expected in our warehouse within a week. It’ll ship off to distributors & a retailer near you by the end of the month. Our BRP
book is at the printer, and there’s an excellent chance we’ll have it at Gen Con. Our H.P. Lovecraft’s Dunwich Sourcebook is in
final editing, and should ship off to the printer very soon. It looks like this book will be available a little early – mid August
or so.
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Origins GM’s
We need GM’s to
cover six Arkham Horror events at Origins, July 4th – 7th.
We’ll supply a copy of the game for your use, and mail you
a copy of the rulebook so you can familiarize yourself
with the game before the show. Volunteering gets you
invited to our Origins staff Death By Pizza Bash, and gets
you some CHAOSIUM SWAG at the end of the show. If you’re
planning to attend, and have some time to spare, drop us a
line! [email protected]
Howdy Folks!
It sure has been a Looooooong time since the last R’lyeh report went out. I hope February and March treated you well. We Chaosium
folk have been running as fast as we can to keep new book projects moving along, and chasing some old projects as well. A Trade
show in mid March took half the company out of the office for a week, and we’re still catching up from that. Add to the mix a new
influx of Call of Cthulhu fans with all sorts of questions to answer, new retailers asking about our books, and a couple of
distributors who are suddenly interested in our company again, and you can see why it’s been so long since our last report. If it
weren’t for the Unexpected Arrival of Chaosium dude #4.5 – Ben Monroe, we’d be hopelessly behind. As it stands, we’re simply
hopefully behind. Now that we have 4.5 Chaosium dudes, we’ll be quite dangerous once we get some cash flowing back into the
company. 🙂
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Howdy Folks!
Here’s what’s new at Chaosium:
Shipping Now! Slaves of Fate (CHA 2018 $15.95), written by Jason Durall, is now
shipping to distributors world wide. Many game shops could have this book in
stock by February 1st.
Far out to sea, captive on an Vilmirian slave ship, the adventurers’ troubles
are just beginning. If judged worthy they are destined for the slave markets of
corrupt and terrifying Pan Tang, If not, they will be callously slaughtered at
sea, their souls left for the dread undead galleys of the god Pyaray, Tentacled
Whisperer of Impossible Secrets.
While struggling to escape before matters get any worse, the Chaos goddess
Eequor, Blue Lady of Dismay, takes an interest in the adventurers’ plight. Their
fates are forever changed. A d20 adventure for character for levels 1-3.
Stormbringer conversions will be online soon! For more info see:
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Happy Holidays from Chaosium!
We want to thank all of you for your support over the past year. 2001 saw us greatly improve our printing schedule over that of
2000, from six printing cycles (new books and reprints) to about fourteen this year. For the first time in a couple of years we
are not out of the CALL OF CTHULHU rulesbook over Christmas (huzzah!). We’ve celebrated the 20th anniversary of the original
release of CALL OF CTHULHU. Since 1981 we have published about 100 supplements and adventures for the game, some of them quite
memorable. We look forward to bringing you another 100 Call of Cthulhu releases in the coming years.
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