Tag archives for Hideous Creatures

OctoberNomicon Is here.

OctoberNomicon logo

OctoberNomicon 2022 is upon us! Submissions are still open!

As many of you know, every October we do 31 days of new RPG monsters for Cthulhu Roleplaying. Well, it’s time to ask for submissions again!! Do you have a beastie in your crawl that you want to get out? Are you feeling especially plucky and want to write a full scenario? Are you a fiction writer and have a terrifying tale for us? Are you an artist willing to trade your creation in exchange for early (SECRET DO NOT SHARE) access to this year’s submissions? Reach out today at [email protected]

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The Undying Ahsuha (Unique Entity)

A man dressed in a sharp three piece suit, an evil smirk on his face. Pieces of skin are feeling from his face, revealing reptilian scales and eye underneath

After Professor Mitchell was murdered, he found this file folder in a locked cabinet. Nothing in it but photographs. Here is one of Edison. Here is one of Mashara Hussein right before the US dropped a cruise missile on him. In each one, behind the subject is another man. Tall. Thin. Never the same race but similar features. Almost like they could all be cousins. This is the weird part. Here’s a picture of a Carthaginian bust of a noble that lived during the Second Punic War. This is a photo of a coin featuring a Bithynian noble, that history tells us is the man who betrayed Hannibal to the romans. Both have features similar to the people in the photos! On the back of each photo is the date it was taken, or when the bust or coin was made, and the caption “Ahsuha”. What do you think it means?

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2022 Plans and pardon our dust!

With the start of the new year, we’re going to try to do our damnedest to get more content out for you! As such, we’re starting Monstrous Mondays and Fiction Fridays. Admittedly Monstrous Mondays has gotten off to a rough start with the creature dropping on Tuesday and not getting art until Wednesday, but I believe The Hallowed makes a great first impression for the rest of the year! As always, feel free to send us your creatures, your fiction, your scenarios, your reviews and all your creative endeavors to [email protected]!

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Bundle of Tentacles

Tentacles 6
Tentacles 6
Tentacles 6

BundleOfHolding.com The sixth offer of Cthulhu Mythos tabletop roleplaying game ebooks, TENTACLES 6

This year it contains:


  • Apocthulhu
  • Bayt al Azif issues 1-2
  • Convicts & Cthulhu



  • Tiny Cthulhu
  • Hideous Creatures
  • Apocthulhu: Terrible New Worlds
  • Tiny Cthulhu: Sister of Yhanith’lei


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