This Old House

“I saw her again,” said Chris, looking up at me from his seat on the floor. He still held the Playstation controller in his hand, although from the look in his eye, it was all but forgotten now. On the television screen, his car swerved off the road and smashed into a tree.

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Chaosium News and Views

Howdy Folks!

As I write this month’s report, there is plenty going on at Chaosium. Our d20 COC GM pack is nearly finished being printed, and is
expected in our warehouse within a week. It’ll ship off to distributors & a retailer near you by the end of the month. Our BRP
book is at the printer, and there’s an excellent chance we’ll have it at Gen Con. Our H.P. Lovecraft’s Dunwich Sourcebook is in
final editing, and should ship off to the printer very soon. It looks like this book will be available a little early – mid August
or so.
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This is an announcement to let you know that the registration and scheduling page for the HPL Birthday con just went up at

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All I ever needed to know, I learned at the Chaosium Booth

After the careful admission of Sodium Penythol, I managed
to get some cool news to post here from Charlie and
Dustin. Continue reading »

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I Live! Plus, a Dagon Review!

Hi all! After an accidental six-month hiatus from Shoggoth, I am back to fill you full of tentacly goodness. To mark my return, I present you with my thoughts on Dagon.

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Well, oh loyal readers, your loyal webmaster, the smooth
pimp of love Trollboy, will be going to origins in less
than 2 weeks. I will be roaming around the con sometimes,
hanging out in the Chaosium Booth with Charlie Krank and
infamous Dustin, running games for GAMA, or checking out
Columbus. So look for me at origins or at the local
Columbus hotspots, such as the zoo, my grandmothers, or
the local goth clubs, etc.

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The R’lyeh Report – June 2002

Origins GM’s

We need GM’s to
cover six Arkham Horror events at Origins, July 4th – 7th.
We’ll supply a copy of the game for your use, and mail you
a copy of the rulebook so you can familiarize yourself
with the game before the show. Volunteering gets you
invited to our Origins staff Death By Pizza Bash, and gets
you some CHAOSIUM SWAG at the end of the show. If you’re
planning to attend, and have some time to spare, drop us a
line! [email protected]


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REVIEW: Let Sleeping Gods Lie

I recently acquired, via a revision of the aforementioned pact with Satan,
The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets new Let Sleeping Gods Lie CD. To all
those who haven’t heard it yet, all I can say is; You poor bastards. This CD
is a MUST have. Unfortunately its in short Supply, as Toren informs me they
only have precious few left. So if you missed your chance to grab one in the
new Cthulhu D20 book, here’s what you’re missing: Continue reading »

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SUBMIT!!! is currently accepting submissions for a very secret project. To participate, send your
original 800×600 High res art work to [email protected].

Include your name and the title of the piece.

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The R’lyeh Report – April 2002

Howdy Folks!
It sure has been a Looooooong time since the last R’lyeh report went out. I hope February and March treated you well. We Chaosium
folk have been running as fast as we can to keep new book projects moving along, and chasing some old projects as well. A Trade
show in mid March took half the company out of the office for a week, and we’re still catching up from that. Add to the mix a new
influx of Call of Cthulhu fans with all sorts of questions to answer, new retailers asking about our books, and a couple of
distributors who are suddenly interested in our company again, and you can see why it’s been so long since our last report. If it
weren’t for the Unexpected Arrival of Chaosium dude #4.5 – Ben Monroe, we’d be hopelessly behind. As it stands, we’re simply
hopefully behind. Now that we have 4.5 Chaosium dudes, we’ll be quite dangerous once we get some cash flowing back into the
company. 🙂
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