Lovecraft’s A-Team

In 1927 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Rhode Island underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as antiquarians and dilettantes who seek out mysteries of the beyond. If you have an otherworldly problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.

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I’ve been getting many bounced messages to [email protected], lately.
These bounces are basically servers telling me that [email protected] is
trying to send so and so a virus.

Someone is infected with a virus and is sending out copies of the virus and
using [email protected] as the from address. This poor user isn’t even
aware that they’re infected more than likely. However, if you recieve mail
from [email protected], be aware that it is not us. You will never recieve
mail from [email protected] as that email address is merely a forward that
sends on to all of the staffers. There is no one really AT that
address to reply with it. So, that said, be forewarned.

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Origins: el fin

As all good things must come to an end (and you always wondered why we chose chaotic evil), so must Origins. Here’s the blow by blow and play by play for Saturday night and Sunday. Why combine two days into one? Because they.. both kinda greyed together.. Continue reading »

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Origins Day One: The Verbing….

Origins day one: We got here around 3am last night. Woke up at 7:30am.
God kill me. The con ran from from 1 till 8. I did get to check out the sites in
the con Continue reading »

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Origins a Go-Go

HEY KIDS!! Its that time of year! Flowers bloom, byakhee scream, and deepones commit debauchery, and con’s spring up. AS SUCH, your faithful minions of will be there, to report on what there is to be seen, represent you the Cthulhu faithful, and if we see you there, more than likely mug you in the parking lot for your newly purchased dice. Continue reading »

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Order of Dagon with Chips

Quantum Muse ( presents “My Part in the Dooming of Mankind” by Jacob Lewis this month in their “Alternative” fiction section. Lazy slobs who wouldn’t know a Deep One if it came battered and deep-fried with their order of calamari need not apply.

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The Hyperborean Curse

This text was found in the early twentieth century during an estate sale in England. It appears to be an excerpt from “The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents”, dated 1653. Due to its late discovery, it does not appear in Goldthwaite’s nineteenth century reprinted edition of Relations. The first chapter of Relations, written by the Paris editor, recounts the capture by an English vessel of the ship which conveyed Father du Peron and the Canadian mail to France. The Father’s papers were seized and carelessly flung about by the soldiers; he rescued what he could, but some pages were lost, and the Relation for the year 1653 was not, in consequence, complete. Apparently the missing pages containing the excerpt were later gathered by the crew and given to the captain who filed it away until it eventually found its way to the estate sale.

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Pickled dragon mystery

Pickled dragon mystery

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Horror on the Radio

HP Lovecraft never desired his unearthly tales to be dramatized in the vulgar medium of film, and this foresight proved authentic. For Lovecraft and his cadre of weird fiction writers, the catalog of films is, at best (and this is being kind), mediocre. At worst they are more fear inspiring than any tentacular thing to ambulate out from ‘neath a crypt foreboding. Adaptations transform atmospheric works of dense psychological horror into monster/slasher flicks or pure hokum. Continue reading »

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Cthulhu Chick

Do you know Jack Chick? He’s very determined that we can all be saved. However, there is no hope – we will all be eaten. If someone in YOUR life can’t see past their little problems to the really big ones, they might appreciate

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