H.P. Lovecraft’s Birthday Party Gaming Con 2005

The Vancouver Gaming Guild presents H.P. Lovecraft’s Birthday Party on
September 3-5, 2005 at the super-comfy Marpole Curling Club (8730 Heather
Street, Vancouver, BC). Tickets will be $10 in advance or $15 at the door. There
will be lots of Cthulhu-themed games of every description, including Call of
Cthulhu, Mythos, Hills Rise Wild, Cults Across America, as well as HeroClix,
Spaceship Zero, Champions, a/state, Hârn, Adventure!, Living Greyhawk, and
lots more.
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Don’t Awaken the Kraken

Can Abdullah figure out which of the shipboard passengers has an unhealthy interest in the Eye of the Kraken before the ship reaches Hyade Island?

JellyfishGreen spotted this: free game download! Continue reading »

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The 2005 Shoggy Award

You’ve heard stories, you’ve been warned by elected officials, and you had
duck and cover drills in school… but here it is anyway, the exclusive 2005
Shoggy award. When you sign up for the Shoggoth.net Tournement you have a
chance at winning this beasty!! Click more to see it.

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The Bruce Report (6.22.05)

Finally, after a month long hiatus, the Bruce Report has returned. In this installment (broken up into two parts), we have: Rampaging Hyena; Myths and Monsters of Scotland; the Cult of Anorexia; Saddam’s Occult Obsession; Undersea Strangeness; Japan’s Dangerous Roads; Pravda Round-Up… Continue reading »

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Work Week

Work Week


8:00 am — As it has for the past ten days, the knocking and rattling continued unceasingly, echoing from the office’s lobby and throughout the nearly empty building. Continue reading »

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Updates at Kthulhu Kitsch

Just a quick note to let y’all know about a couple new things at Kthulhu Kitsch.

First, we’ve made a section for just Shoggoth.net merchandise, so you can more easily discern what stuff you can buy to support Shoggy.

Second, we have a new T-shirt design: Arkham Fire Department. Yes, very exciting.

You are now returned to your normal talk about Origins ’05.

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Bruce Report: Apocrypha

Introducing Bruce Report: Apocrypha. Apocrypha is a Keeper’s resource, exclusive to Shoggoth.net, presenting a particularly inspiring article culled from the files Bruce Report. The article’s subject matter is then adapted for Call of Cthulhu. Typically, this will mean new creatures or spells, but Apocrypha will not be restricted to simply that.
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Bruce Report: Index Expurgatorius

Introducing a new feature at the Bruce Report: Index Expurgatorius! The Index are stories that were accidentally left out of the latest update, or that there was not simply room for. Continue reading »

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Bruce Report (5.11.05)

In This (Rather Late!) Installment Of The Bruce Report: Pope Benedict XVI and the Templars; China the Center of Human Evolution; Search for the Allghoi Korkhoi; Losing Iraq’s History; More Axum Archeaology; the Monstrous Red Bandana; the Valley of Death; Oetzi’s Revenge; Missing Saxon Water-Monster Bowl; Project Rainbow; Belief In Fairies; and the Dover Demon! Continue reading »

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Bruce Report Update

This week in the Bruce Report: Reverse Engineering UFOs Unlocks Human Potential, Ghosts In Jails, Earthquakes Due to Human Meddling, New Burial Ground Near Ancient Menhir, the Axum Obelisk, Enter the Dragons… Continue reading »

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