A fellow cultist in need

Long time friend of the site, all around awesome person and owner of the multiple ENNIE award winning publisher Stygian Fox needs our help. In the current climate in the UK, Stephanie McAlea has been unable to get the surgeries she needs. In a very American sort of way, she has resorted to setting up a GoFundMe to help finance her surgery. We ask you today to look into your heart & your pocket books and see if you don’t have anything to spare to help her get some solace and peace as she goes through a very difficult time.


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“This is a dreadful, a very unpleasant thing.
“Its nose is bowed and crooked entirely like a fishing-hook,
“The arms are not equal, the feet are like branches and boughs (?).
“Its sunken eyes sparkle and glare- It is dreadful if you see it, not only at night but even in broad day.
“It is all nude, quite delicate (?); but it has the shape of man,
“On its forehead it has a horn of the length of a middle finger. Its fingers are not crooked, they are all straight,
“Very unpleasant, each one longer than half a yard.”

Gabdulla Tuqaj, “The Forest-Demon”
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Suburban Zombies

Suburban Zombies

Eternal Cubicle Denizens

I’ve got a review next week if Mohinder finally comes in.  Quarterly reports due in two weeks but I think we’ve synergized with logistics. *harsh cough followed by weeze* So we should be 5×5 for the stockholders meeting before earnings call

—According to the nameplate on the desk Jeff Carter, Regional Manager, spoke whilst experiencing cardiac arrest and dying whilst talking.
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The Hunger Grass

The Hunger Grass

“Oh no – you don’t want to travel these plains without extra rations. Even if you can make it to the next village when it’s still light. I lost five friends for want of some hardtack biscuits and jerky. Sure, I’ll tell you – just watch your feet.”

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Thank you Oscar!!

OctoberNomicon logo

And so ends our solid week of the madness of Oscar Rios of Golden Goblin Press pouring out onto our pages to enthrall you. Still to come; Dan Harms, Cody Goodfellow, Bruce Priddy, Cthulhubob Lovely, Never before seen authors, more scenarios & scenario seeds, and if we all play our cards right.. YOU! As you know, Shoggoth.net is YOU! Submissions are still open and we’re gladly accepting hot new writers and there has never been an opportunity for you to finally have your genius beheld by the world!

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Deep One Hybrid, Abomination

Deep One Hybrid - Abomination

No one goes anywhere near the old wrecked oil tanker, Neptune Venture, in the mud flats. Not during the day or especially at night, whether your deep blooded or shallow, like me. The only people who ever go there are members of the Bishop family, and they only do that once a week. They only stay long enough to drop off a box of food and supplies. Even then they have a dog with them, and someone keeping watch with a shotgun. Kids used to dare one another to go touch the Neptune Venture after dark, that is until two of them went missing trying to do it, and the kids who put them up to it were disciplined by the Esoteric Order of Dagon. There are rumors of a hulking creature that comes out of the wreck at night, to fish, dig clams, and sometime burn a trash pile.  I’m not going to be the one to find out for sure. So, good luck with that…

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Deep One Hybrid – Aberrant

Deep One Hybrid - Aberration

Our guide led us into the old smugglers tunnels under Innsmouth, holding a lantern ahead of us, leading our company into darkness. We were desperate to rescue our companions, who’d been captured when we fled two days earlier. She said her name was Mary-Catherine, and explained that she lived as an exile in the marshes outside of town, because she had never fully made “the change”.  We weren’t sure what she meant, but she had that “Innsmouth Look” worse than anyone we’d seen yet, appearing to be some sort of unholy combination of a human woman, a frog, and a snapping turtle.
Ugly or not, we had limited options, and had put our faith in her, after hearing of the cruelty she’d suffered at the hands of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, whom had banished her and forbad her from entering the town.  Her steps were fast and sure, our team had trouble keeping up with her. Once we were strung out a bit in the twisting labyrinth of tunnels her lantern went out and we were all plunged into darkness. I grabbed for my electric flashing, but it was gone! We heard out guide giggling manically just before the mayhem began.
Of the four of us who followed that creature called Mary-Catherine into dark, I was the only one to survive.

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CthulHaiku Beach Fun

Playing at the beach
Peculiar rock formation
Oh, shit, a deep one

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Drowned Revenant

Drowned Revenant

When the mists roll in over the dark ocean waves,
The wrongfully deceased rise from watery graves.
They hunt for those who caused their death,
Until their quarry breaths their last breath.

-Old Captain Rosario, Kingsport, 1863
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Defeat a Hag

This adventure is designed for your favorite fantasy role playing game, to be inserted into an ongoing campaign, and can be completed in a single session. It consists of a scenario that takes place over time, but should be conducted in a single game session. It will work best with players who are interested in mechanics and roleplaying, maximizing both of those aspects of your favorite game.

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