Tusk Mice

Ostensibly like some what large mice, but with two long needly like dusks on their lower jaw

“They are small, gray or brown, and look velvety soft. Cute, really. Except for those tusks. Those actually look like they could do some damage. Then, when the little bastards start swarming, all thoughts of cuteness vanish right quick. Wish I didn’t take that path through the forest. Didn’t even notice the little holes in the hillside where I decided to take a break, until they started streaming out. I woke up not long after that.”

-from the dream journal of Charles Curry 
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A fat-bodied snake 7 feet long, with either two, four, or six stubby clawed feet and a head resembling a cat's. Its breath is poisonous.

Newborn Servants of Bokrug

“Well-equipped,  I started out on a spring morning (near the end of April 1929) and after a short climb I reached the top of the Tempelmauer. After a short rest between the cliffs I started to look for the entrance to the cave. Suddenly I saw a snake-like animal sprawled on the damp rotting foliage that covered the ground. Its skin was almost white, not covered with scales but smooth. Its head was flat and two very short feet on the fore-part of the body were visible. It did not move but kept staring at me with its remarkably large eyes. I know every one of our animals at first glance and knew that I faced the one that is unknown to science, the tatzelwurm….[the] tatzelwurm did not have large claws but short and atrophied-looking feet….Most probably the tatzelwurm is a rare variety of salamander living in moist caves and coming only rarely to the light of day.” – unnamed Austrian schoolmaster, quoted in On The Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans (1955)

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The Perfect Soldier

Soldiers with their heads replaced with a fist, with a lens acting as it's eye. It is enhanced with molded steel plates and has a small motor on it's back to power

Used, Broken, But Unending.

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime” – Ernest Hemingway, 1946

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An 8-foot-tall woman, wearing a white sundress. A wide-brimmed, white sun hat on her head obscures her eyes. Her mouth is a dark pit in an O shape

Po…Po…Po Po Po…Po…Po…Po Po…

Alternative names: The Eight-Foot-Tall Lady 

Hachishakusama is a spirit that abducts children on the edge of puberty. She takes the form of an unnaturally tall and lithe woman. A long white dress clings to her body. A matching wide-brimmed sun hat casts a shadow over her beautiful yet cold face. A haunting, deeply masculine voice chanting “Po” always accompanies her. She haunts the liminal spaces between civilization and wilderness such as farms, country homes, and suburbs. She has even been encountered at parks in dense urban areas. 

She first makes her presence known to a child she intends to steal while the child is alone outside. After initial contact she withdraws, making no attempt to harm the child. This begins a campaign of terror that lasts 1D20 days. Over the course of days, Hachishakusama will appear to the child at random moments, a hungry, sinister expression on her face. Most often she will appear at a distance, though only for a moment, vanishing in a blink. In some reported cases, she will stare at a child through a window at night. She makes gestures to the child, beckoning them to come to her. Hachisakusama is also capable of mimicking the voices of adults the child trusts, though the “Po” runs under her words. 

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Eye Drops

a magical elixer with a dropper

 He was so damn insistent I almost did it just out of frustration, to get him to shut up. I didn’t know why it had to be done in some dank, musty old cellar, though I do now. He said the location and the work of the alchemist, some ancestor of his, had to be kept secret. Clearly he was correct.

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Irradiated Scavenger

A horrid irradiated, glowing thing coppled together from random parts; of machinery, human anatomy.. they hunt the country side after catastrophes and scour for parts to expirement with and add onto themselves.

Defiler of the Forsaken

For a scavenger, Patience is the key to the Pantry.

-Delia Owens
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Shepherd / Shepherdess of The Black Goat

A massive humanoid creature, long limbs, fingers, sharp claws. Faces have a goatish appearance, glowing eyes, broad shoulders and a boney ridge along the spine

These creatures start out as human. They are chosen before their birth for the honor of becoming a guardian of a site sacred to the Outer Goddess Shub-Niggurath. Their mothers are ritually sacrificed to the Shub-Niggurath at the time of their birth. The babies are then raised by the cult they will one day serve. These chosen children receive mental, physical and spiritual training, as well as being fed special diets, in preparation for their future role. Once they reach adulthood they are given a ritual drink, triggering extremely painful physical alterations, forever changing them at the cellular level. This agonizing process takes a full day and night after which they are granted special powers and protections by the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. They are now a Shepherd or Shepherdess of The Black Goat. 

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Lesser Shepherd / Shepherdess of The Black Goat

tall humanoid, lanky creatures with long arms, hands and claws, small ears, tiny black sunken eyes, and narrow slits for a nose. Hunched posture, curved back

Much like the greater variety of this creature, Lesser Shepherds / Shepherdess’ of The Black Goat begin life as a normal human. They too had mother’s die during childbirth, but never as part of a formal ritual to Shub-Nigguruath. During their childhoods they receive none of the special diet or training of Greater Shepherd or Shepherdess’. None of these creatures had any connection to a cult of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young. They are created when an unlucky individual whose mother died in childbirth eats or drinks something made from the black milk of a Sacred Ewe of Shub-Nigguruath. This is close enough to the criteria for creating a Greater Shepherd or Shepherdess that it triggers a similar transformation, albeit one resulting in a less powerful version of the intended creation.

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One-eyed Goblins

A one-eyed goblin resembles the semi-transparent head of a little boy, with one large single eye and a mouth housing a long, prehensile tongue that generates a displacing shock upon contact. It has a button nose, wiggly ears, untidy hair and brattish grin that sometimes misses a tooth.

Many cultures feature legends of uniocular people or monsters: the Arimaspi (Greek), Likho  (Slavic), and of course, Cyclopses. Japan’s Hitotsume kozō and kasa-obake, both being  somewhat cute, mischievous yōkai are closest in depiction and demeanor to these pests, which  likely originated the myths of monocular entities. The character of Slimer from the  Ghostbusters franchise is a binocular cousin to this strain of goblin.  

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Void Speck

A tiny black hole, maybe the size of a pencil erase at most, or a period. It annihilates anything it touches, so in and of itself doesn't look like much, but the devastation it wreaks would be more visible; think of doing an extreme close up of someone's face where the Void Speck went through their face, or a TNT detonator, or a scuba air line, or a spaceship, or...anything where a tiny hole is hugely bad.

“Out, damn spot! Out, I say!” 

–Lady Macbeth
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