It was just a glass, or so I thought. That’s how it appeared anyway. Really simple, like from a cafeteria–complete with those white rings of tiny little scratches from the dish machine shaking them around.
I chose physical and drank down the water. It happened fast; I felt confused and a little dizzy. I have to admit, since that day I’ve felt a little dumb. But strong, really strong
–William Watkins, a member of a group of friends who have stumbled onto greater truths.

Sometimes called the Glass of Transformation and other names, it is unknown if the Glass of Enhancement is a unique item or if more can be made. It appears as an ordinary drinking glass, appropriate to the current or a previous time period. It can be destroyed as easily as any mundane drinking vessel it represents.
To use the Glass of Transformation an Investigator must fill it with ordinary, drinkable water, then spend 1 POW and lose 1D4 SAN. This attunes the Glass to the user, and it can be attuned to any number of users at a time. Once the Glass is attuned to an Investigator, they may use it any number of times.
The user must then decide if the Glass will increase physical Characteristics (STR, CON, DEX, SIZ, and APP), or Mental Characteristics (INT, EDU, or POW). Once set, this decision may not be changed.
When the Investigator drinks the water, the player rolls 1 D20. The result is the number of Characteristic points the user gains and the MP point cost. They also lose 1D4 SAN.
They may then distribute these points to the Characteristic category they have chosen to increase, and must subtract them from the opposite category. These changes are permanent.
Sanity Loss: Assuming a Glass of Transformation can be made, the process will require 1D6 hours, the expenditure of 1 POW, and the loss of 1D4/1D6 Sanity Points. As this loss takes place over an extended period of time it poses no risk of Temporary Insanity.
My name is CthulhuBob Lovely, I live in my childhood hometown of Columbus, Ohio, and have a son and two daughters. I volunteer at MisCon, which occurs each year on Memorial Day Weekend in Missoula, Montana and help out at other shows.
In my younger years I had seen H.P. Lovecraft’s books in the collection of my older brother, Brian, who is also responsible for introducing me to Monty Python, Star Wars and many other things geek.
I began running and playing Dungeons and Dragons in 1977 at the age of 15, and Call of Cthulhu since its original publication in 1981.
I believe geekery and gaming can have positive effects on math, reading and writing, and social interaction skills, as well as family togetherness. I have three published stories online at