Archive for Gaming

October 10th: The Popobawa

The Popobawa Artist Unknown

The Popobawa
Artist Unknown

I woke up frightened. It’s if I knew to be afraid even before I saw the monster. It lopped from the shadows on all fours, planting its wings and swinging its back legs forward. Not like a bat moves, but like a gorilla, you know? But it was a bat, and a man, with one big gleaming eye in the center of its face, right on top of that disgusting grin. I just got sense it was happy I saw it, happy I was afraid, and when it took me, happy I was in pain. It forced me to keep eye-contact until I passed out. – anonymous Popobawa survivor, as told in John Leek Hansen’s Dark and Dangerous Entities from Around the World. Continue reading »

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October 9th; Vladimir Dracula, Prince Of Walachia, a Favored of Nyarlathotep

Bela Lugosi Mark of the Vampire

Bela Lugosi
Mark of the Vampire

“I was a soldier in the War of Northern Aggression, it was well over a century and a half ago. One evening while I was on patrol, a finely dressed gentleman strode from the woods toward camp. Before I could even challenge him, his eyes burned into mine. I felt him flip through my thoughts as a man might the pages of a book. As I fell to my knees, I knew him to be my master, my lord. I would serve and love him unswervingly-walk through the gates of Heaven or Hell for him. I wept to think he may look away.”

– Jedadiah White, Private, Confederate States Army(deceased).
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October 8th: Subterranean Deep One

Subterranean Deep One Art By Celeste Burcham

Subterranean Deep One
Art By Celeste Burcham

The things in the cave… they took my friends. All of them. Oh, God, the eyes.. their eyes.. And Pete. They, they broke his arms then twisted him right in half, Lucy screamed and we tried to stop them. They dragged her off into the water… And Nick, he fired at them. We should have brought more guns, it wasn’t enough. I hit my head. I don’t know where Nick and Frank are… everywhere… and then I woke up, they were all gone. My friends. The things. Just muddy footprints at the water’s edge… I can still hear her screams.

–Logan County Sheriff’s Department, Case #: 345214, October 8th, 1997 04:15, Transcript of verbal statement. Mike Pickering to Deputy Carl Schmidt. Charges: Influence of a Controlled Substance (LSD). Suspect: Disappearances of 4 people. Continue reading »

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October 7th: The Hook

The Hook Artist Unknown

The Hook
Artist Unknown

A boy and girl park away from town, away from lights and judging adults. As windows steam and the couple loses themselves, something is coming for them. Something with a sharp hook, thirsty for their hot blood. Continue reading »

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October 6th: Mothman

The Mothman By Cathy Wilkins

The Mothman
By Cathy Wilkins

“They all looked into the blackness and saw two red bright red circles…the startled foursome saw they were attached to some large animal. ‘It was shaped like a man, but bigger,’ Roger said later. ‘Maybe six and a half or seven feet tall. And it had big wings folded against its back.’ ‘But it was those eyes that got us,’ Linda declared. ‘They were hypnotic,’ Roger continued. ‘For a minute we could only scare at it. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.’” – John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies.

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OctoberNomicon Contest

Tales of the Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz-Era New Orleans

Tales of the Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz-Era New Orleans

Oscar Rios of GoldenGoblin Press has graciously offered to donate a copy of “Tales of the Crescent City—Adventures in Jazz Era New Orleans; a collection of scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game.” to the top submission for OctoberNomicon!  We will have a voting booth set up after OctoberNomicon runs its course.   Get ready to vote for your favorite! And if you want to throw your hat into the ring, email me at trollboy[at]

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October 5th: Siren Weed

“The lake has been a placed of comfort, and death, since time began.  On nights when there is no moon a lone traveler can go there to meet with the ghosts of their past.  If they are lucky, or unlucky, they are met by the specter they seek.  Final good byes can be given, apologies made, or confessions delivered. Many come from the lake with a sense of closure and resolution, but some who go there are never seen again. What happens to them remains a mystery” – Translated from the original German, excerpt from the diary of Deitrick Jaeger.

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October 4th: The Deep One Scientists

“The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ”
― H.P. Lovecraft

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October 3rd: Mirror: Avatar of Bast

“From the edge of the lamplight, amid the swirling dust of the tomb, strode a cat with fur as black as the night sky. Purring loudly, it began to curl against my legs, nuzzling me. As I reached down to pet the cat, she looked up, her bright green eyes piercing my awareness. “Meow,” she said, and I knew her name to be Mirror.” Continue reading »

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October 2nd: Skeletal Jester: Avatar of Nyarlathotep

“Something in my peripheral vision. I turned my head and my skin tightened into gooseflesh as I beheld a jester, all in a dirty, tattered, black and white costume. The only body part visible was a skull, browned from the rotting away of flesh. It carried the scent of decay but, even more horrid, the thing radiated a nearly tangible malignancy.”

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