Archive for Gaming

A Curiosity: A One-Round Gaslight Adventure For Call Of Cthulhu 6th ed.

A Curiosity
March 10th 1870

Keeper’s Background

Three years ago Alfred Philbrick, who has been somewhat shunned by his upper class peers for his occult activities, purchased a house built over Wookey Hole Cave, a location long believed to be a locus of supernatural activity. He has invited the Investigators (three of whom are his peers and share his interest in the occult, the other three being servants of Philbrick’s friends) to a dinner party where he promises to show them “a curiosity.”

“Curiosities” were spectacles displayed and enjoyed by the upper crust of Victorian England and generally had occult overtones, as things occult and mystical were very much in vogue at the time.

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Trail of the Mummy: An Introductory Adventure For Trail Of Cthulhu

Trail of the Mummy
Wednesday, 28 March, 1934

Player’s Information

The traveling exhibit of a mummy arrived in Chicago for a two week showing, beginning Tuesday the 13th of March until Tuesday the 27th of March, 1934. This was the body of Akh (Axe), a lesser known priestess of Isis.

At 5:00 am on Wednesday the 28th, head curator Miles Jennings arrived at work to supervise the dismantling and shipping of the exhibit. He was shocked to find the bloody remains of Klaus Huntsman: the night watchman and custodian. He also discovered that the mummy had been stolen. Mr. Jennings has asked the Investigators to look into the matter, hoping to delay the attention of both police and press for fear of scandal.

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Dreamlands Music

I think this is excellent background music for the Dreamlands.

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Augustus Cantos Winners!

Our winners are:

  1. John Almack: Sororum ex Noëma (Sisters of Na’amah)
  2. Simon Yee: The Unspoken Silence
  3. Guy Incognito: Augustus Cantus: The Tenders of the Stone

Congrats to all that participated! To the winners, please reach out to [email protected] to arrange your prizes!

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Eater of Luck: Lesser Independant Race

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It took effect that’s for sure. Next week, this awful lookin’ little bastard showed up. Followed me everywhere, mumbling a bunch of crap nobody could understand. Even when I ditched him, he’d just show back up. My gambling luck went to hell, I’d slip and fall, and getting a date? Shit. People around me too. Lock their keys in the car, burn themselves lightin’ a cigarette, cut themselves cooking. One time I took my shotgun and blasted its arm off, thank God mine stayed on. Next day, there he was.

Finally, we went to see the witch. We’d done business with her once before when we was desperate, the worst and only time you’d try such a thing. She wasn’t no wrinkled old hag livin’ in a swamp neither, had a real fancy apartment in the city. She looked damn fine, too; don’t know if that was real or not and I don’t much give a damn.

She did her thing and the little asshole was just gone, never seen him since. She didn’t ask for nothing, up front, but we knew she’d call in the favor. Based on the first time, we knew whatever that was, it wasn’t gonna be good.

–Earl West, shotgun man for the Society of The Oath-Bound.

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The bogey-owl is a fragment of magical energy created by ritual contemplation of (or worship of) certain Great Old Ones or Outer Gods: Byatis, Mormo, Nyarlathotep, and Shub-Niggurath especially. As these beings shred the consciousness and sanity of their perceiver, the magical potential “charged” by both the sorcerer-worshiper and the god or titan takes on a shadowy form, usually that of a humanoid-seeming owl. (Cases of bogey-dogs are the second most common, followed by bogey-ravens, bogey-cats, and occasionally bogey-children.) While its maker remains conscious and linked to the world, the bogey-owl usually remains connected to him, and (it is said) can even provide spells or other lore from the Outside if questioned correctly. Continue reading »

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Sharer of Pain: Lesser Independant Race

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A couple of us had already felt the impact of magic, like simultaneously being punched with a thousand needles and electrocuted, so we were pretty worried when the dying sorcerer laid that curse on Tom. At least we managed to kill the bastard: turns out wizards burn just fine when doused with gasoline.

After several months passed, we thought maybe it had failed. One day, we’re walking in the woods and Tom convulses, clutches his head and screams ‘Curse! The curse!’ About twenty feet in front of us it looks like heat distortion and this thing comes running out of it. It looked like a naked man, but all shriveled and dirty and it was screaming bloody murder.

I shot it with my .45 and felt a terrible pain in my gut. Next thing I know, my friends are waking me up and this thing is a stinking, bubbling mass and evaporating.

–Excerpt from the memoirs of Franklin Meiers, investigator of unusual phenomena.

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The Krampus

Image is of a male expressing humanoid monster. It has long goat-like horns on it's forhead, a mouth full of teeth like a lion, a pointy curved in nose, long pointed ears and is covered in fur. It's hands are shackled and in one he's holding whips, the other is the strap to the satchel over his back which appears to be holding children. He is grimacing with sadistic glee.
The Krampusby Reuben Dodd for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

It came right at me, walking past Gregor.. Gregor grabbed the fire poker and began beating the thing. It flailed in the air, as if it had no idea where Gregor was… finally in frustration it leapt out the window.  We never understood why until later when we were adults and Gregor explained his bruises.

— Death bed statement, Karl Gustof; Hamburg Hospice Continue reading »

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The Fallen Arabians, Servitors of the Elder Goddess Nemesis

Image is of 3 partially decomposed arabian dressed corpses wielding swords.

The Fallen Arabians
Art by Brad Hicks for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest

These creatures first appear after the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) during the Second Persian Invasion of Greece. They were once men, conscripted soldiers of the Arabian tribe, and part of the massive army led by the Persian King Xerxes. They were used as fodder, hurled against the Spartan simply to tire the formidable Greek soldiers before more valuable solders faced them. Thousands of these Arabians died in a single morning accomplishing nothing. Their bodies lay forgotten and unburied, fed upon by crows and wild dogs.  But for the Fallen Arabians death brought them neither rest nor freedom. These men are still called to fight and die, only this time by the dark powers of the Elder Goddess Nemesis, and her cultists. Continue reading »

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Perditii — Daniel Harms

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Date:  July 17, 2015, 15:45:33
From:  [email protected]
To:  [email protected]
Subject: REDACTEDThe gist of your report:  Subject wandered away from her hiking group on July 10.  Extensive ground and air search over fifty miles turned up nothing.  Body was found seventeen miles away on July 14, three hundred feet from an inhabited cabin.  Autopsy shows abrasions on arms and legs.  Death consistent with dehydration, even though this area is filled with lakes and streams.

Why didn’t she seek shelter?  Or call for help?  Or even take a damn drink?

And what about the other three bodies from the last ten years?

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