Tag archives for octobernomicon

The thing at the window

Appears to be a 15' tall wolf standing on it's hind legs, back lined with thick crystals, in front of it (it's other form) it's a kindly old lady

Every kid sees danger in the dark, it’s the primordial instinct that allowed us to survive and thrive into what we are now. But this isn’t just kids being scared of the dark, there’s something there taking them! There’s been a consistent number of disappearances and I think I found a pattern. I think something is taking them, every year the pattern goes to a different state, but all of the victims attended the same health care centers before disappearing. There is something actually in the dark, preying on children and using the parents as patsies for their crimes. I have a lead, a serious lead, I think that the murderer is using the system of treatment to identify suitable families to prey on and then blame the parents to keep the heat of them. I am meeting a contact tonight who reached out to me after my last attempt to interview a Dr, whom I think is connected to it all. If all goes well, I should be able to blow the lid on this and help to capture Dr Death. 

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BoogeyMan (Unique Entity)

A dark closet. Two hands emerge from the dark, clutching the door frame on either side. Two glowing eyes stare from the dark.

The closet doors opened on their own. From the darkness inside, five hands reached forth, each grabbing the doorframe. The wood beneath the clawed hands groaned as it pulled itself forward. A blackened mist, a miniature storm cloud, spilled out of the dark. Within the cloud, a half-dozen mouths of dagger-like teeth swirled and snapped. Four pairs of red eyes, spider eyes, swirled as well. They fixed themselves forward as the cloud glided toward the little girl asleep in bed.  

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A single head-sized eye, sometimes bluring into a collection of smaller, semi-transparent eyes.

Life is a secret to be cut open and understood

I will find this being and make it teach me all it has learned. So many deaths can’t just go to waste without a single human profiting from it—anonymous note on an edition of “Monsters and Their Kynde” containing lore on the vivomancers.

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Formless Nightmare

A black mist rolling towards the investigators like a crashing wave.

The Alpaca

Darkness falls, the stars go out, and the faint moonlight disappears leaving the investigators in complete darkness. A wave of blackness seeps towards them like a deadly fog. Mesmerising shapes that swirl inside it reflect the nightmares of those that stare into it as it forms tendrils and tentacles that writhe around one another

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The Matador 

the Matador is a tall and broad skeletal humanoid, with a body made from bits of machinery, ropes and pulleys, ticking gears and whirling levers. Parts of its body, notably the face, arms, and legs, are decorated with either papier mache, porcelain, or fiberglass, though this does practically nothing to hide its human figure. Nestled within its chest is a single, glass jar containing several leeches, fattened with blood and swirling in the brackish water. Its face resembles a venetian mask, within an unmoving, knowing smile. The Matador’s right arm ends with a sword. Usually a Spanish rapier of fine craftsmanship, though they’ve been encountered with homemade approximations and substitutes. Its left arm clasps a Muleta of deep crimson cloth in its skeletal hand.

A Daredevil of Carcosa 

Fee Fi Fo Fin#0812 and magnificentophat#2199 

“It was standing on the bed, it cocked its head at us like a german shepherd. Hellmann was crawling towards us, it must have stabbed him at least six times.” 

“Then what?” 

“Then – I don’t fuckin’ know – it just throw that cloth over itself and it was gone. It just wasn’t there. I don’t (unintelligible)” 

“Okay. So it’s still out there somewhere.”

– After-action report gathered by Agent Wynch 

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Delta Green // Moment of Impact

// Delta Green: Moment of Impact

For decades, for seemingly no other reason than dumb chance, one intersection in the projects of Atlanta, Georgia, Barber, and Lewiston,  has earned the infamous title as one of the most dangerous intersections in the United States of America. No one is able to understand why.

The intersection is in Lithgow Heights, an area of the Georgia “projects”, home to thousands of african-Americans who were clumsily shuffled into low-income housing by white realtors eager to keep “non-whites” out of “white neighborhoods”. It is, by all appearances, a normal four-way stop. Thus far, no city planner or architect has been able to understand why this one intersection has claimed more lives than any other intersection in the entire united states, each year, dozens of t-bones, head-on collisions, and multiple-car pile-ups claim lives numbering often in the hundreds. Until now.

it is about to become a problem for the Outlaws to deal with. This is a scenario that takes place in the Summer of 2021. The agents in this scenario are part of the “Outlaws”.

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Tusk Mice

Ostensibly like some what large mice, but with two long needly like dusks on their lower jaw

“They are small, gray or brown, and look velvety soft. Cute, really. Except for those tusks. Those actually look like they could do some damage. Then, when the little bastards start swarming, all thoughts of cuteness vanish right quick. Wish I didn’t take that path through the forest. Didn’t even notice the little holes in the hillside where I decided to take a break, until they started streaming out. I woke up not long after that.”

-from the dream journal of Charles Curry 
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A fat-bodied snake 7 feet long, with either two, four, or six stubby clawed feet and a head resembling a cat's. Its breath is poisonous.

Newborn Servants of Bokrug

“Well-equipped,  I started out on a spring morning (near the end of April 1929) and after a short climb I reached the top of the Tempelmauer. After a short rest between the cliffs I started to look for the entrance to the cave. Suddenly I saw a snake-like animal sprawled on the damp rotting foliage that covered the ground. Its skin was almost white, not covered with scales but smooth. Its head was flat and two very short feet on the fore-part of the body were visible. It did not move but kept staring at me with its remarkably large eyes. I know every one of our animals at first glance and knew that I faced the one that is unknown to science, the tatzelwurm….[the] tatzelwurm did not have large claws but short and atrophied-looking feet….Most probably the tatzelwurm is a rare variety of salamander living in moist caves and coming only rarely to the light of day.” – unnamed Austrian schoolmaster, quoted in On The Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans (1955)

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The Perfect Soldier

Soldiers with their heads replaced with a fist, with a lens acting as it's eye. It is enhanced with molded steel plates and has a small motor on it's back to power

Used, Broken, But Unending.

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime” – Ernest Hemingway, 1946

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An 8-foot-tall woman, wearing a white sundress. A wide-brimmed, white sun hat on her head obscures her eyes. Her mouth is a dark pit in an O shape

Po…Po…Po Po Po…Po…Po…Po Po…

Alternative names: The Eight-Foot-Tall Lady 

Hachishakusama is a spirit that abducts children on the edge of puberty. She takes the form of an unnaturally tall and lithe woman. A long white dress clings to her body. A matching wide-brimmed sun hat casts a shadow over her beautiful yet cold face. A haunting, deeply masculine voice chanting “Po” always accompanies her. She haunts the liminal spaces between civilization and wilderness such as farms, country homes, and suburbs. She has even been encountered at parks in dense urban areas. 

She first makes her presence known to a child she intends to steal while the child is alone outside. After initial contact she withdraws, making no attempt to harm the child. This begins a campaign of terror that lasts 1D20 days. Over the course of days, Hachishakusama will appear to the child at random moments, a hungry, sinister expression on her face. Most often she will appear at a distance, though only for a moment, vanishing in a blink. In some reported cases, she will stare at a child through a window at night. She makes gestures to the child, beckoning them to come to her. Hachisakusama is also capable of mimicking the voices of adults the child trusts, though the “Po” runs under her words. 

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