Karaoke Dancing Cthulhu

Contributed by Seth & Sharon:You might get a kick out of this:


This was done by my girlfriend Sharon for a party we threw last Halloween. Hope you like it.


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Special Announcement.

In a effort to generate more visitors to our site, we’ve been trying to actively recruit Cthulhu fans to visit shoggoth.net. Unfortunately we’re not finding fans fast enough for our liking. As such, we’ve begun manufacturing our own fans here in-house. That said, our RPG editor phobia got the ball rolling last night with a 8lbs 4oz girl named Rachel Lynn. Congratulations David, we wish you all the best.

NOTE:Your loyal webmaster will not be following in this as there are special agreements with the US government and NATO stipulating I can not breed.

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Curse the Darkness: A Cthulhu/Star Wars Crossover

As promised long, long ago, here’s the first in my series of crossover settings. Since I mocked the concept of a Star Wars crossover, I figured that would be a good place to start with this series. I’ll start with bringing Cthulhu into Star Wars, and then in a later article I’ll show a way to bring a little Star Wars into Call of Cthulhu.

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The Bruce Report: Resurrected V

A short Bruce Report this week folks.  I don’t know if the holiday made the news trickle out slow or what.  Not much quality news.  On top of that, my wife was in and out of the hospital all weekend, so I was not exactly inspired to do much digging for the news.  Hopefully, next week, everything will be back on track.

This week we have: Spielberg’s conspiracy; Britain’s UFO Files; Nature’s Artwork; More on the Gorman Ranch; European skull could re-write American history; and Aryan UFOs under Antartica.
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The Bruce Report: Resurrected IV

Links to articles and websites that may be of interest to Call of Cthulhu Keepers, or anyone interested in the strange and paranormal.

This week we have: Aztec’s dark gods; Tesla’s flying saucers; Strange object found off Indian coast; Pilot dies after being
connected to NASA theft; Atlantis on Malta; Strange Place On Earth; Snake Eats Boy; and Ball-Lightening Weapons. 

Claims and Opinions in various articles and websites do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor.

Miss an issue of the Bruce Report: Resurrected?  Back issues can be found on Shoggoth.net.

Editor’s Note:  Yes, the Bruce Report is a bit late this week, and I apologize.  My anniversary Sunday, and suffering a
bit of an accident yesterday delayed it until today.
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The Bruce Report: Resurrected III

Links to articles and websites that may be of interest to Call of Cthulhu Keepers, or anyone interested in the strange and

This week we
have:  Aztlan In Utah; Horse Attack Update; Cats Mutilated In CO; Rogue Waves Threat to Ships; Man Lives With Mother’s Dead
Body; Voodoo Queen’s Faithful; Grave-Robbing Witch Doctors; White House’s Search for Noah’s Ark; Old Woman Mistaken for Vampire;
James’ Coffin Created By Aliens; Goth Neo-Nazis.

Claims and Opinions in various articles and websites do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor.

Miss an issue of the Bruce Report: Resurrected?  Back issues can be found on Shoggoth.net.

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Servitors of the Spider-God, Atlach-Nacha

From “The Seven Geases,” a short story by Clark Ashton Smith, comes the Great Old One named Atlach-Nacha. Since like most other Great Old Ones Atlach-Nacha has campaign ending power, the keeper can now foil the best laid plans of investigators with a new, equally horrific, and slightly less powerful mythos creature that serves this Spider-God.
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The Bruce Report: Resurrected II

The Bruce Report Resurrected #2.  Links to articles and websites
that may be of interest to Call of Cthulhu Keepers, or anyone interested in the strange and paranormal.

This week we have: Ancient Snake Worship; Ancient Arab Manuscripts Found In Library; Prince Charles’ Pagan Stone Circle; Witch
Helps Police Solve Horse Attacks; UFOs Will Land in 2003 (Yeah Right!); Voodoo-Priest Murdered; Swamp Creature Delays Road;
Artifact In Ohio Tied to Noah’s Ark?; Oldest Star Map in the World; Sick and Twisted Rebels in Uganda; Man Murders Cats; and a
Goblin Possessed Girl.

Claims and Opinions in various articles and websites do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor.
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The Bruce Report: Resurrected

The Bruce Report Resurrected #1.  Links to articles and websites that may be of interest to Call of Cthulhu Keepers, or anyone interested in the paranormal.

This week we have:  The Son of Sam’s Occult Connections; Invasion of the Giant Jellyfish; Monsters of Arkansas (No, not Bill and Hillary); Monsters Force School Guard’s Early Retirement; Haunted Prison; Pre-Incan Ruins In Lake Titicaca; Ghostly Car Accidents; The History of Black Cats; Jersey Devil’s Big Screen; Angola UFO Crash; Tawain — the Cradle of Civilization?; UFO Responsible for Human death?

Claims and Opinions in various articles and websites do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor.
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Pagan Publishing Update

Pagan Ships a Book!

As the lamb opened the sixth seal, yea and verily did Pagan announce that The Resurrected III: Out of the Vault is now in gaming shops everywhere. You can check out a sneak preview, or order it from our online catalog. The resurrected III: Out of the Vault is a collection of ten scenarios from early issues of the Unspeakable Oath, the most recent of which has been out of print for nearly eight years.Scenarios by John Tynes, John H. Crowe III and Kevin A. Ross. Continue reading »

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