Have you seen The King In Yellow?



Because James Monahan has, and The King is horrible, mesmerizing, beautiful.

Check out more of his work at Monahan Photography!

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Part V of The Curse of Azathoth’s Amulet: LOST.

Dr. Taylor drove as long and as fast as he reasonably could. His eyes felt like they were made of sandpaper. His yawns threatened to crack his jaw and no amount of head shaking and skin pinching could keep him alert. The second time he drifted off, he recognized it was time to pull over. If he didn’t, he’d die in the resulting crash and all really would be lost.

He passed an exit that announced the presence of several hotel chains. The street he eventually found himself on was littered with the refuse of humanity. He pulled into a two story-hotel whose neon “Vacancy” sign had a burned out “Y”. The potholes were more like craters and there were only five cars he could see.

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Introducing Matthew Davenport!

This is a Picture of a fair skinned male wearing glasses with a well manicured beard. His facial expression is one of bemused confusion.

Matt Davenport

Well, this is awkward. An introductory post on Shoggoth.net.

Dang it! I mean exciting.

It would only be awkward if I were a Mi-Go, hiding in the flesh of Matthew Davenport, a new editor at Shoggoth.net.

And I’m not. That’d be silly.

Since I’m obviously not an alien being that travels through time and space choosing to currently be wearing a Matt-Suit, I’d love to tell you a little bit about him … err, me! Continue reading »

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Failing, yes, but failing UPWARD!

O Gentle Reader, your faithful correspondent thought it would all go so well. Taking the Greyhound Bus (now with alleged Wi-Fi and power outlets!) across the country from Las Vegas to Providence, Rhode Island over 3 full days would be an honest homage to H.P. Lovecraft, who traveled by bus back in the day before regular commercial flight (and, apparently, quixotic attempts to write a novel draft on two cross-country bus trips).

Yes, folks, “riding the dog” across our fair land was a FAIL creatively and even makingsensely. Even when the Wi-Fi appeared AND the plugs were working (“A fuse musta blown,” several drivers in a row said, and also said that only mechanics at a major stop could flip the breaker back into the “Keep bored passengers from forcing the bus off a goddamn cliff” position), did you know that a bus is an incredibly distracting environment to work in? This is why you rarely read historical reports of Vincent van Gogh or Hieronymus Bosch doing the work they intended to at 70 mph seated next to a sweaty farmboy.

Image is a scene from hell, a platypuse creature is carrying a pike with a bound human on it that is peirced by a ballista bolt while a head with feet wearing a hood follows behind.

For example, Bosch originally intended this to be a still-life of a bowl of fruit.

>>> Read the rest at Sean Hoade Brings You
The World’s Greatest Blog In The World!

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Tales of the Caribbean news!

Image is 5 books laid out in presentation around a statuette of a golden goblin. The books itself features the text "Tales of the Caribbean" it features a man approaching the bottom edge of the cover with the ocean extending up behind him. In the ocean is some sort of tentacled thing with tentacles reaching towards him.

First looks at the new “Tales of the Caribbean” by Golden Goblin Press

Loyal denizens of Shoggoth.net; we have got an exclusive look at Golden Goblin Press‘s new Kickstarter; Tales of the Caribbean. It will be amazing. Golden Goblin Press continues to set the standard for an impressive game.  The artwork is impressive and the scenarios are superb.  The subtle elegance of “the Golden Goblin” look is unmistakable.

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NEW graduate-level fiction workshops open for enrollment!

Typewriter typing the words "What's your story?"

Hello, all! I wanted to let you know that my in-person and videoconferencing fiction workshops are starting up again in October. This is a safe and productive writing and critiquing environment where tales of the macabre and even Lovecraftian are most welcome (as are all other flavors of fiction).

“Sean Hoade’s Fiction Time Workshop has been an educational and rewarding experience. Sean’s expertise at both writing and workshop facilitation, together with superb classmates, have made it a treasure. Enthusiastically recommended.” — Sean I., Salt Lake City

This is an Iowa-Writer’s-Workshop-style graduate-level fiction workshop. It is being held in Las Vegas but anyone from anywhere can take part through live videoconferencing by Google Hangouts. The videoconferencing has turned out to be a HUGE hit with writers from across the country.

Read the rest at Sean Hoade Brings You the World’s Greatest Blog in the World!

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Three Dreamers

Three Dreamers by Sarah Walker


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Island of Ignorance: the Third Cthulhu Companion

Image is of a book cover. The illustration is a 1920's era female pouring over old occult manuscripts with a bottle of wine, it's accompanying glass and a pistol. Several tentacles ending in eyes and mouths descend from the library shelves behind her.

Following in the footsteps of the Chaosium classics, The Cthulhu Companion—Ghastly Adventures and Eldritch Lore and Fragments of Fear—The Second Cthulhu Companion, Golden Goblin Press is proud to present Island of Ignorance—The Third Cthulhu Companion, a collection of articles and scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Island of Ignorance: the Third Cthulhu Companion is another gem from the good folks at Golden Goblin Press. This supplement is for keepers whose players demand more. This is the first supplement to carry trigger warnings. How’s that for pushing the horror envelope? You have been warned. It is far more a collection of scenarios. In the style that we have come to expect from Golden Goblin, this book starts with a collection of eight articles. Each of which is an excellent keeper resource. Continue reading »

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[OFFICIAL] 2015 OctoberNomicon Rules & Prizes

Expertly carved Jack O' Lantern
Expertly carved Jack O' Lantern

Jack O’ Lanterns by
Eric Freitas

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The Stars were right, because I’m in Providence!

Gentle Readers, after a 3-day bus trip that has caused soreness in areas of my body not formerly known to science, I am in the city of Providence, H.P. Lovecraft’s familiar haunt (GET IT? OMG HUMOR). It is a beautiful town, and I shall be EHRMAGERD posting her and on Facebook like a man on fire trying desperately to get a friend request accepted from a bucket of water.

I will for now publish just a teaser since nothing has actually started yet, but PICS!

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