’s New RPG Editor

Hello gamers!

I’m Chitin Proctor, the new RPG Editor for While new to the SDN team, I’m the Director of Operations and Chief Editor at Stygian Fox Publishing, and have done freelance work (proofreading) for Chaosium and Sentinel Hill Press.

Prior to working in the RPG industry, I’ve worked in a variety of different fields. I’ve managed restaurants and internet companies, lead marketing teams, worked as an F&B cost controller, and managed warehouses and even disaster restoration companies. But…this industry…it’s where my heart has been at for a very long time. Sneaking out of the house as a teenager to go play Call of Cthulhu was the first time I ever felt like I belonged. The other kids didn’t care what I looked like or where I came from. It was the first time in my life that I felt accepted.

And so, after a long hiatus in which I was a workaholic at one corporate job or another, I eased back into gaming-related stuff, starting with proofreading Stygian Fox’s The Things We Leave Behind in 2016. The initial work was therapeutic…it was what I’d turn to to de-stress from managing three restaurants. It’s why my name is in every Stygian Fox book in some capacity or another.

It wasn’t until 2020 though, when I found myself unemployed for the first time in 26 years, that I realized how messed up all work and no play had made me…how much of life I’d been missing out on, mostly working at jobs that I did not love. Which is how I found myself typing up an email to Matt at, applying for the RPG Editor position. Cause at this point in my life, I only want to work on things that I love…so hello readers. Let’s do horrific things together!

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OctoberNomicon and beyond; a Call for Revelations!

A popular meme at the moment expressing ostensible dissatisfaction of HBO’s application of the shoggoth appellation to their new creature.

Yes. Sort of. Details below.

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The Lovecraft Tapes

These pod people are awesome. Their play style is one I can virtually never tolerate in a horror game. They constantly interject humor, and make boatloads of out of game, character, genre, and period, comments: aaaaaaand they’re wonderful.

The GM’ing (Keeping), and play is great, they are genius, their timing is impeccable, their humor is gut-busting–they’ve made me laugh so hard I stopped breathing–and the production value is fantastic.

In addition to live play, they suggest games, movies, bands, etc., and present advertising for the most hilarious faux products, or perhaps they are real . . . Dum dum dum!

It’s very much like listening to The Firesign Theater play Call of Cthulhu.

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Gaming: Reasons PCs Leave

Sometimes a player, for one reason or another, leaves the game group or has agreed with the GM to play a new character. Where does the PC go? Unsatisfactory possibilities abound: they inexplicably wander off; become a lifeless, two-dimensional NPC; are arbitrarily hit by a truck and killed, or any number of options that detract from the mood of the game.

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Madness: Why Do Exposure to Mythos Entities and Truths Make You Insane?

The protagonists in most Mythos stories are, or become, insane. This is because they see things, learn information, etc. beyond the capacity of the human mind to cope with and/or understand. Why does this result in madness?

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Musings on Cthulhu as High Priest and R’lyeh as a City

Cthulhu is described as the ruler and high priest of his kind, and able to garner and maintain human followers through dream projection while asleep/comatose in his city of R’lyeh, immersed beneath the Pacific Ocean.

Cthulhu is a member of a group of beings, all immortal and extremely powerful, referred to as the Great Old Ones. The two other primary classes of entities in this mythology are the Elder Gods, and the Outer Gods, however the nature of these two groups is largely not within the scope of this essay. The same is true of the rest of the Great Old Ones.

More recently, these distinctions have been viewed as unnecessary.

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Facehugger for Call of Cthulhu

“Return to the place where no one can hear you scream…”

This article contains information on inhabiting your world with the “facehugger” from the Aliens series of movies. Included are: Anatomy, Combat statistics, and recommended sanity losses for encountering them.

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Original Art

Recently we asked Sarah! (, ) to draw five Mythos beasties based solely on their original descriptions without being able to google what other artists have produced.

This, is what she came up with

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DNS Kerfuffle was down today do to a DNS error. Said error has both been resolved and mitigated for the future. We’re now running in a cloud based configuration and have updated our DNS servers to better facilitate that fact in response to this outage. We thank you for your patience.

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Cthulhu Mythos Holiday Ornaments inspired by H. P. Lovecraft

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