Monthly archives: January 2022

More 2022 madness!

Why not take this opportunity to warn you about… Fiction Fridays!! Every friday new fiction will be posted here on This year is looking up! As always feel free to submit any Cthulhu Mythos creations to [email protected]

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2022 Plans and pardon our dust!

With the start of the new year, we’re going to try to do our damnedest to get more content out for you! As such, we’re starting Monstrous Mondays and Fiction Fridays. Admittedly Monstrous Mondays has gotten off to a rough start with the creature dropping on Tuesday and not getting art until Wednesday, but I believe The Hallowed makes a great first impression for the rest of the year! As always, feel free to send us your creatures, your fiction, your scenarios, your reviews and all your creative endeavors to [email protected]!

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The Hollowed

The Hollowed

To see them is to see the embodiment of emptiness. When they stand, they are taller than any person but are as comfortable on all fours as they are upright. Emaciated and lanky, bones protrude beneath thin flesh the color of filthy snow. A slight breeze will ripple the skin. Thin arms terminate in rough taloned hands well below the knees. Vacant, bottomless eye sockets dominate their face, along with a round pit where a mouth should be. They emit a constant soft, rasping howl, the sound of a quiet wind, the only warning they are near. 


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