An Introduction…

Hello…and just a quick intro from me, as talking about myself is not on my list of favorite topics. My name is Chris, and I’ll be the new Content Manager on I’ll help in reviewing submissions, looking for new contributors and writers, etc. I look forward to working with everyone who wants to pitch in to make this into the best Mythos site on the net!

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New Editor! is pleased to announce the addition of Chris Loveless to our staff! Chris will be handling content acquisition and midnight beer-runs 😉 Welcome aboard Chris!

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Cthuliod with Butterfly wings

To the tune of Smashing Pumpkins’ ‘Bullet With Butterfly Wings

The world is a shoggoth, born to pain
Secret destroyers, hold up your flames
And what do i get, for my pain
Fractured sanity, and a piece of the game
Even though i know-i suppose i’ll show
All the angles flow, and eyes that glow
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Stairway to Kadath

To the tune of Led Zepplin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven

There’s a lady who adores all that’s hidden and old
And she’s flying o’er mountains to the Plateau.
And if she gets there she knows though it’s long dead and closed
There’s a word tells her she can get what she came for

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R’Lyehan Pie

To the tune of Don McLean’s ‘American Pie

A long long time ago
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
I could make those shoggoths dance
And maybe they’d be happy for a while
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Livin’ la dios loco (Living for the Insane god)

To the tune of Ricky Martin’s ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca

It’s like a superstition
strange chants and rat-infested walls
I feel a premonition
that I’m gonna take a fall
he gives me new sensations
strange flutes beyond the night
he’s like a new addiction
I shake every night
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The Innsmouth People

With apologies to Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People

I’m not like you, and you’re not like me
you’re of the land, and I’m of the sea
and in not to long you’ll all be gone,
the human race is here just to feed Dagon
The Innsmouth People, The Innsmouth People
Your first clue should’ve been at that steeple,
This odd little town so close to the sea
come tonight you won’t believe what you see. Continue reading »

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Necronomicon in the news

The Necronomicon was in the news recently, it appears some looney’s thought it was a real book again and were doing the whole sacrifice to satan thing again.  The funny thing is that kills me, is that so many people believe its real.  It almost reminds me of a virus hoax e-mail.

The actual article
The Dan Clore Necronomicon
The HP Lovecraft Assiociation’s Page
The Necronomicon Files
Simon’s Necronomicon part 1
Simon’s Necronomicon part 2 Continue reading »

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The Seer

The place is a zoo, I thought, a little disturbed, as more and more people packed themselves into Casey’s Irish Pub. A Karaoke DJ was going full swing in the corner, and what seemed like hundreds of milling bodies pushed and gyrated on the dance floor. Beer flowed endlessly from the taps as several pretty young waitresses rushed beverage after beverage to their customers. Continue reading »

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She is at it again, I realized, as I slowly stirred awake in my bed. The glowing dial on the bedside clock read 1:40 AM, and the steady tapping in the walls was growing louder as Mary felt her way through the walls of my old farmhouse. I sighed, flipped the covers off of me, and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.  My stun gun sat on the dresser. I took it with me as I left my bedroom and headed for the cellar stairs. Continue reading »

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