The OctoberNomicon Cometh

Expertly carved Jack O' Lantern

Jack O’ Lanterns by
Eric Freitas

It’s 2015 and that means a whole new October.. and as we all know around these parts.. that means a whole new OctoberNomicon!!  As such we’re asking YOU, our faithful readers to start thinking up horrors to inflict upon your fellow Cthulhu fans.  Continue reading »

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Too Many Jenkinses

jenkinToo Many Jenkinses (Brown Jenkins, part five)

soundtrack here
The place was a mess. The walls were covered in geometric designs, like an OCD-laden Pollock had been at work. Blue light streamed from the skylight, and there was a green mist in the air.
Worst of all, Brown Jenkin was still there, gnawing on a hambone.
“What the living fuck?” Shouted Nat. “What’s going on here?”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” said Jenkin around his bone. “They may be lean and athirst, but these angles will lead them astray.” Continue reading »

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PulpFest 2015

While won’t be in attendance (yet), PulpFest writes:

Join us Thursday, August 13th – Sunday, August 16th at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Columbus, Ohio for PulpFest 2015. The theme this year is the Cthulhu Mythos and Weird tales. Normally this is more a literary con but this will be the first year for gaming, too.

We are starting off small since it is our first year for gaming but we will have the Clark room set aside for us. We will start gaming on the 14th. So far, I have lined up several groups to run a number of RPGs such as Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder along with board gaming.

PulpFest is a convention for readers and collectors of the old adventure and SF magazines from the 1930s through the 1950s. These magazines are part of the foundation that gaming was created on. These stories started the stories of the Shadow, Doc Savage, Conan and featured the Cthulhu Mythos stories by H. P. Lovecraft along with a the works of writes like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler.

There are a number of authors reading their works and panels on different literary themes. Also, the dealers room is great and has a large variety of books, magazines, films and artwork. It is a lot smaller than Gen Con and Origins but like many small local cons, it has an atmosphere all its own

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Graduate-level fiction workshop for Lovecraftians!

Hello, all. This is Sean Hoade, Assistant Acquisitions Poobah here at I wanted to let you know that a fiction workshop is going on that is focusing on tales of the macabre and even Lovecraftian (although any kind of fiction is welcome). Here’s my original call:

This is an Iowa-style graduate-level fiction workshop. It is being held in Las Vegas but anyone from anywhere can take part through live videoconferencing by Google Hangouts.

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The Lovecraft Alphabet

There’s no better way to teach your kids the eldritch ABCs … by the incredible Lone Animator!

Thanks to Bill Collins for finding this!

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The Feeling

This bit of flash fiction gives us a blood-chilling preview of doom.

The feeling is like what the heroine goes through in a silent film, tied up and laid on the train tracks, at the approach of the 12:05. The villain is gone, the hero is nowhere to be seen, and your slim, pale neck rests on one steel rail while your calves cross the other. The train is almost there. You can feel its vibrations through the metal, like an Indian guide with his ear to the ground, and you can now just hear the chugging of the steam engine. Continue reading »

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Double X

Brown Jenkins part four

soundtrack here



Nat had to think fast. But necessity is the mother of invention, they say, and he invented something.
“I’m going back,” he said. “I’m gonna turn it all back around.”
He ran back down the block and got his car. His guitar was already in the back seat.
The biggest question was—how would he spend the time?
He needed somewhere to hole up for about eight hours, until nightfall, where Mazurewicz and Keziah Mason and above all Brown fucking Jenkin wouldn’t find him, if they chose to follow.

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This satisfying story starts with a question that every successful scribbler of fiction has been asked—and then pushes us straight into the terrible Void where one writer’s answer resides.

“Where do you get your ideas from?”

The question came from somewhere out in the audience. Sam squinted but couldn’t see past the stage lights. A bead of sweat tickled his hairline and threatened to roll down his face, smearing his pancake makeup. Those lights were so hot. He struggled with a feeling of irritation and pushed it down, then smiled.

“My ideas? I have a muse trapped in my closet.”

Cue laughter, next question.

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Bad Vibes

Brown Jenkins part three

by Duane Pesice

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To Sample The Primal White Jelly

Friends, we have a duesey of a story for you today. Fred Lubnow has explored through deep time and deep Antarctic wastes to bring you back this tale of cosmic horror set in the Mountains of Madness.

From the Neo-Galactic Sacred Text of the Elder Things:

When the Elder Things arrived on Earth, it was nothing more than a steaming rock covered with oceans, lakes, and pools. Life was essentially comprised of loose aggregates of unicellular cells. Cyanobacteria were photosynthesizing, emitting copious amounts of toxic oxygen into the atmosphere. The Elder Things used this prokaryotic raw material to create more complex eukaryotic cells through endosymbiosis.

They then used these more complex cells to generate various forms of multi-cellular life; some are still in existence, most have gone extinct. However, all were small bundles of cells, passively floating in the organically enriched waters of the Earth. While the Elder Things used this biological material to initiate the forces of evolution, they were not content to work with Terran biomatter. The Elder Things wanted more. They wanted to create larger creatures that were useful relative to their needs and purposes.

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