A Death on All Hallows’ Eve

I shall not hold you in suspense, Dear Reader, as I leave you with the burden of these, my final words. The ‘Death’ in the title of this note is, of course, mine own. Why I chose All Hallows’ Eve to perform my final act is pure coincidental timing. The gray aliens killed my mother. Then a group of Deep One cultists carried my father away to a watery demise. In both cases I could do nothing to intervene. The gray aliens somehow froze me and the cultists hit me on the head and knocked me unconscious. I am alone but not for much longer, Dear Friend.

I hope I prepared whoever finds me with the emergency signs I printed for the windows:


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A Man to Purgatory, A Woman to Hell

About the Scenario – This adventure takes place on the island of Martinique, in early May of 1928. The story begins in the capital of Fort-De-France and should end in the mountains to the north, along the road leading to the city of St. Pierre. The title refers to a Martinique proverb, “L’homme est pour le purgatoire, la femme pour l’enfer”, which translates to “A Man to Purgatory, A Woman to Hell.” This means that men are punished for their sins but women are dammed for them. It involves a missing man, his vengeful mistresses, his wife, their secret, and La Diablesse, a creature of Martinique’s folklore.    Continue reading »

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La Diablesse — Oscar Rios

Image is A beautiful woman with a cow's leg, full dress, and a large hat

La Diablesse by
Ian MacLean

These creatures begin as a normal human woman who are transformed and corrupted by dealings with various dark powers, most often The Black Man, avatar of the Outer God Nyarlathotep.  Their creation follows a dark pact, wherein the woman uses magic to secure the romantic attentions of a particular man. Her wish is granted but with a price. When the object of her affection dies, typically by a tragic accident shortly after her wish is fulfilled, her dark contract is fulfilled. The “accident” is always caused by the malevolent that made the pact; as such beings seldom play fair. The woman is transformed into an immortal creature cursed to lead men to their doom. Continue reading »

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It begins..

Howdy Denizens, Trollboy here.  October is going to be an absolutely insane time for us. Well.. more so than usual.   Continue reading »

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The Cultists of Xuthltan

In a remote region of Provincia Pannonia (the province of Pannonia, encompassing parts of modern day Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina) sits a village much hated by its neighbors. High in the mountains the village of Xuthltan is populated by peoples unrelated to anyone but themselves, a squat and stock, powerfully built race said to be mixed with the blood of the wild men of old. It is whispered they worship dark gods, practice black magic, summon demons and make human sacrifices before a tall black monolith. No one really knows what the truth is about Xuthltan, for outsiders who visit the village seldom return, and the few who do are usually insane. For the most part the people of Xuthltan keep to themselves and are shunned by the few outsiders who know of their existence.


However on certain nights of the year youths and children vanish from the villages surrounding Xuthltan are taken.  Some are forcible removed from their homes by raiders, others are snatched off trails via ambush, and no survivors of these attacks are ever found. The tracks from these attacks always lead back to Xuthltan, but the terrified locals do nothing. Their legends say that once the villagers tried to attack Xanthan, in revenge for such raids and to put down these degenerate sorcerers and devil worshippers once and for all. The attack ended in failure and now the villagers simply watch over their children, lock their doors, and keep weapons close at hand whenever the seasons begin to turn.

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Mantis Men, Lesser Independent Race

Enter the contest. Draw this creature. Click here.

This creature doesn’t have art yet. You can help and possibly even win cool prizes by making the art yourself! Click here to find out more

“Triangular Head. Huge, slanted black eyes. Just like a Praying Mantis. It’s whole body was gangly, nobby…but you could still sense it was powerful, and no– I would not say it was a “Big Bug”– it was definitely humanoid despite the mantis/insect qualities…”
– Eyewitness Report, “The Musconetcong River “Mantis Man” Returns”, PhantomsAndMonsters.com Continue reading »

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OctoberNomicon Art Contest: The Mantis Men

We’ve been secretive with the list of monsters so far, and that is no longer necessary. As such, as monsters are revealed, if they don’t already have art, we’ll be listing them here as available.  If at any time all currently revealed monsters have all their art shown, duplicates; other renditions of the monsters by other artists, will be accepted.   Continue reading »

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Advertise on Shoggoth.net!


A lot of the people that we run into, either in person, or through the blog, are creators in some way or another. That, combined with the niche that our blog studiously rests within, led us to adopt a new idea:
We’re going to offer up an advertisement program.
If you’ve noticed in the sidebars, we have examples of some of the advertisement options that we’re offering. Anyone that’s a creator, or has a product that’s Mythos or Weird Horror specific (You know…fits our website), is more than welcome to request a quote for a banner ad, Social Media ads, or a blog post advertising your creation.
Then you’ll be adding the visibility of every Shoggoth.net subscriber to your product’s potential.
That’s kinda awesome!
Interested? Email [email protected] and request a quote. We’ll send you an email with your options and pricing.
Disclaimer: We have the right to refuse any ad placements that we deem don’t fit the concept of our site or might in some other way be just too offensive or weird. We’re pretty open-minded people, but even we have limits.

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Review of Lovecraftesque (Kickstarter)

As a roleplay-focused GM, some of my best games involved very few dice rolls and lots of delicious, scary, tension-building narrative that made the players squirm in their seats. For these sorts of stories, a good game moved away from mechanics and doubled down on rich settings, character interaction and pure story.

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Book Review: Book of the Dead, by Greig Beck

Book of the Dead by Greig Beck

Book of the Dead by Greig Beck.

For years, my colleague and overseas pal, David Hambling, has been trying to encourage me to write a Lovecraftian story that has at least some part of the setting in the area that I’m living in. I’ve been hesitant, but after reading Book of the Dead by Greig Beck, I’ve learned that setting doesn’t matter, it’s the story that drives a novel.

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