The Waiter at the Altar

originally published American Atheist Magazine 1998

For nearly five years I have brooded a ghastly and horrifying secret. A secret so dark and blasphemous, it blurs the edges of my consciousness and tinges my every thought with stark blue terror. When I sleep, it haunts my being and stains my nightmares the dripping, blood red of madness. And now it seems my unwholesome labors have brought forth a dreadful and appalling issue.

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Roddy McDowall reads HP Lovecraft

Happy Friday, have you considered helping out with the OctoberNomicon yet?

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Submissions for OctoberNomicon Now Open

Attention Artists! Attention Writers! Attention Weirdos!

Getting a head start on things; we have now opened submissions for our yearly OctoberNomicon! Submit your monsters, npc’s and abomonations to appear all through out the month of October. We are open to any game system. If you’re an artist and want to volunteer to draw things; let us know! We’ll give you a sneak peak of the submissions so far so you can bring these horrible things to life. As always send your horrible things to [email protected]

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THEY ARE NOT MOCKED: The Cuteness Of Cthulhu

“We can only avoid assimilation by writing hermetically; by not making ourselves clear to every department store shop-assistant. Mystery is frightening…”

––Unidentified Trotskyite speaker sampled in Greater Than One’s “Fear Is The Agent Of Violence”

            Much rhetorical blood and literal ink has already been spilled over the question of graven or implushed images of Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones; but, while the argument may have fallen away unresolved as a relic of the halcyon days of sane public discourse, the failure to address the true scourge afflicting our dreams of hegemony haunts us still, and shall grow ever worse unless and until we cleanse it with purifying (albeit figurative, for now) fire.

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Bone Demons

Bone Demons are tiny, vaguely anthropomorphic jumbles of bones from small animals or infants. Sorcerers create them as servants in a ritual that requires self mutilation and bloodletting. They are covered in decaying meat, held together with sinew, twine, wire, glistening with dried blood. Bone move in a jerking dance, bones rattling against each other as the creature moves.  The monsters must be bathed in blood frequently to remain alive. Bone Demons work as assassins, guards, messengers, and assist in spellcasting. Some are even capable of casting spells on their own.

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Corpse Spider

Corpse Spiders are the intrusion of a foul alien mind upon our world, the nightmare of a vast and horrid imagination made manifest. No one knows what is ultimately responsible for the creation of the corpse spiders, what it wants or needs, only that is uses humans as the vessel to enact its will. Why it chooses one human or another is a mystery as well, appearing to be random. Even if a reason could be found it is sure to be incomprehensible to mankind.

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Review: The Babadook

(No spoilers)

Coming in at a good duration of 93 minutes, The Babadook is intelligent, dark and frightening. Claustrophobia and gut-wrenching stress are intruded upon by a well meaning(?) outside world of school staff, social workers and haughty housewives. There is enough ambiguity to keep the viewer guessing as to what is actually going on, and the hero of the story is most unlikely–though always close by.

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Review: Fear’s Sharp Little Needles

“Fear’s Sharp Little Needles” is a book of short scenarios, by Stygian Fox, and written for the Seventh Edition Call of Cthulhu role playing game published by Chaosium.

The cover art has elements I like, but is so dark it gives the impression you’re missing detail. That said, it’s very well executed.

The pages have a very cool parchment look. It’s bold enough to be noticeable, yet subdued enough to not interfere with reading. The table of contents gives the scenario titles on simulated scraps of paper, which is a nice touch. The text is Times New Roman, with the section headings bolded, and in some sort of sans serif font, making for an easy reading experience.

The interior art is beautiful. Also, not only does each scenario start with a full-page illustration which is a teaser for what’s in store, but there are also maps galore. The scenarios are intentionally brief. They are all set in the modern era.

Now, on to the scenarios, with an effort to minimize spoilers. Unfortunately, this leaves me only room for introductions. The cover page of each scenario contains three or four words which give an even briefer idea of what is contained therein–nice touch.

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Review: Delta Green, Need to Know

First things first, this is a beautiful product. Arc Dream Publishing does a great job with the covert ops decoration–bits and pieces of classified documents, blurry, black and white photographs, documents with blood drops, etc. Combine this with beautiful cover art of a sufficiently horrid monster and you’ve got a product which says “Buy me. Play me.”

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Faceless Human-Like Things

“I swear, Doctor, they’re real. They came at us last night after our van slid off the road. They were all dressed differently, one was in an expensive suit, but they had no faces!

If they grabbed you, your face started disappearing too. One of them got Bill and he started changing! I shot it twice and it just vanished, like Alka Selzter in water. Later, Bill said he could still breathe when his face was going smooth, but he was forgetting his identity. After I shot the one, and Jeremy–he’s a boxer–knocked one down, they just ran away.”—Name withheld for HIPPA compliance, Harrison City Psychiatric Hospital.

The Faceless Human-Like Things are a creation of the Mi-Go. They appear like ordinary men, except they have smooth skin where their faces should be. They wear various, ordinary clothes.

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