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Insane rage-filled priestesses of Antheus

The Maenads are women who have drank tainted wine brewed from special grapes grown from Antheus, the Blooming God. Upon drinking the tainted wine, the women are wracked with visions of the full glory of Antheus, introduced into the god’s world of madness, pleasure and the lust of conquest. 

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Myxinous Scion

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Great Sea-Worms, Keepers of the Sunken Temple

Deep in the freezing depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the God of the Sunken Temple waits and dreams, sealed within the ruined, weed-wreathed buildings that were once the glory of Atlantis. Appearing in artwork and men’s dreams as a supernaturally beautiful young man, the God’s true form is unknown; perhaps the Myxinous Scions, enormous worm-like creatures that tend to the God’s temples, offer a hint to the entity’s true face. 

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Dr. Reginald Aster

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Healthcare in America is difficult to navigate for lower income families. Those who fall into the cracks often find themselves putting care off. Fortunately, there are those who are dedicated to providing low-cost care to those in need. People like Dr. Reginald Aster.

Dr. Aster has opened a series of clinics throughout lower-income neighborhoods in his city. He’s been featured in several local and national publications applauding him for his work to make quality health care accessible to all. He’s been named as a rising star in the medical field. He’s been interviewed on daytime TV.

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Stygian Hound, Relentless Trackers of the Night

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These creatures are summoned into our reality from another dimension through spells created by the sorcerers of the Fallen Kingdom of Stygia. Typically, a single such creature is summoned, but powerful sorcerers can summon multiple (1D6+1) Stygian Hounds. These creatures relish the opportunity to hunt in our world and happily obey their summoner. However, regardless of the caster’s ability a Stygian Hound can only remain in our dimension for a single night. Once the sun rises these creatures vanish in a shimmer of starlight, regardless if they are exposed to sunlight or not. 

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Killer Shrews, Shaggy savage relentless killers

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Some say these creatures are products of unspeakable scientific experiments, or mutants resulting from nuclear tests or toxic spills. Still others say they’re an ancient, natural species driven up from the deep earth by fracking (a type of mining using explosives to create cracks in the earth). Whatever their origins when Killer Shrews appear death soon follows.

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Mavca (Nyavka) / Deadly Temptress of Ukraine 

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In the ongoing war, called a Special Military Operation by the Russians, in Ukraine reports of mysterious deaths are being surprised on both sides. Reports of men found dead in wooded areas after leaving their positions without having ever firing their weapons. The victims are often along but sometimes found in small groups. So far over five hundred such victims have been reported, although the actual number is likely to be much higher.

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Yellow Baboon / Sacred Animal of Ancient Gods

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This common African primate is just under three feet tall, and weights between twenty-four and fifty pounds. They are social animals, living in troops of between fifty and two hundred and fifty members. The yellow baboon has yellowish brown fur, an elongated dog-like snout with very intimidating canines, long limbs, and a long tail on their slim body. They are excellent climbers and swimmers. They are opportunistic omnivores, with a well-deserved reputation for being aggressive, raiding people camps, farms, or settlements for food. In combat they can throw stones and deliver vicious bites.

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The woolen outer god

Yog-Sock’thoth knows the laundry room. Yog-Sock’thoth is the laundry room. Yog-Sock’thoth is the detergent and the guardian of the laundry room. – H.P. Lovecraft (-ish).

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The Astronaut (Unique Entity)

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Alternative Names: The Emissary, The Magician

The Astronaut, as its name suggests, appears to be a human wearing a bulky spacesuit. An intense blue-white light pours out of the broken visor, obscuring the features of the person inside. The laws that govern space and time seem to break down in the entity’s presence. Witnesses report déjà vu, along with glimpses of other places and times when encountering the being. The Astronaut has been blamed for several disappearances. Each missing person reported seeing the Astronaut in the days leading up to them vanishing. 

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The Brick

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An innocuous black object, perhaps 15cm tall and 8cm wide. It feels almost plastic, almost metallic. The Brick is quickly and easily able to form a parasitic relationship with the first intelligent creature that it can attach itself to.

The Brick is notable in that it is indistinguishable from a modern phone in its form and function. Those plagued by the brick spend several hours a day staring at the object and will carry it with them at all times, often becoming deeply uncomfortable and anxious if they are not touching it. The experience for the victim is not entirely unpleasant. The victim engages in increasingly complex hallucinations that absorb more and more of their time. The process of hallucination can leave the victim drained and tired as the brick feeds on its victim. 

Prolonged exposure to this parasitic object slowly wears its bearer down. They are constantly sick, suffering from increasingly intense headaches, migraines and exhaustion. Their screen time slowly increases as they become more and more addicted to the Brick until they eventually become bedridden, unable to do anything but stare at the brick for up to 20 hours a day.

To an observer, the Brick lightly camouflages itself. Looking like a mundane object in line with period expectations. Close observers may notice a small white wire trailing out of the Brick and inserting itself directly into the victim’s spinal cord. Although most observers pass this off as a set of the latest headphones.

While it is possible to extricate a victim from the parasite, any would-be investigator must be careful, otherwise they themselves may find themselves attached to the Brick, replacing their own phone and slowly falling victim to its hypnotic lure.

It has been suggested that polarised, mirrored sunglasses are able to block the lure of the brick, or at least dull its influence. There is some evidence to suggest that government departments take this accusation seriously, as their senior agents wear such protection. As do members of some illuminati groups.

A brick is not particularly easy to destroy, although it can be done through heating it above 2000॰c or with enough compressive force. A faraday cage may block its hypnotic lure, but a Brick may live indefinitely without a host, biding its time and waiting for another intelligent creature to come along.

The Brick is rarely studied, and it is not known how many exist. Further, it is unclear if they are biological or technological in origin.

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