A little light this week. Enjoy Everyone.
Baby with tail ‘reincarnation of Hindu God’
A Muslim baby born with a tail, is believed by Hindus to be a reincarnation of
their Monkey Lord God.
Cemetary Causes Erotic Nightmares
Villagers in Chile claim that demons possess them at night, causing them to have
nightmares of a sexual nature.
Giant Waves Blamed for Disappearance of 200 Ships
Over the past 20 years, 200 supertankers and other large ships have disappeared.
Scientists now believe the culprit to be cyclopean, as Lovecraft would say,
waves, over 36 meters in height, which can strike with little or no warning.
The Daughters of Ummo
This article takes you inside a belligerent, UFO sex-cult operating in Bolivia,
that claims to have “Nordic and African” brothers across the world. The name
Ummo has been around since the 60s, people reporting the Ummo as an alien race,
set to invade and make Earth a Utopia in 2033. The early reports of the Ummo
in the 1960s were very similar to the modern UFO abduction phenomena.
Villagers Threaten To Leave Over Evil Spirit
Mysterious deaths, illness, odd behavior (such as a vegetarian developing a
taste for raw flesh), ghostly arcane symbols have led villagers in a town in
India to believe that if they do not leave their homes, they will die.
Hell to Pay
“By the time we were introduced to Martina she had already been coming to see
Father Alfredo twice a week for six months. To the casual observer, each
exorcism is a stomach-churning spectacle. As she is strapped into the chair,
Martina starts to speak with a diabolical growl: torrents of Tuscan expletives
pour from her lips. If you have seen the film The Exorcist, I can confirm that —
minus the revolving head and fluorescent green vomit — it is a deadly accurate
Man Wants $10 Million For Strange Object
A Florida man is selling an object he claims was dumped from a UFO in New Jersey
45 years ago, and that could hold the key to unlocking the secret of
Observatory Could Detect Hidden Dimensions
“The Pierre Auger Observatory, currently being constructed in Argentina to study
cosmic rays, could examine the structure of space-time itself, say physicists in
the United States.
If, as some suspect, the Universe contains invisible, extra dimensions, then
cosmic rays that hit the atmosphere will produce tiny black holes. These black
holes should be numerous enough for the observatory to detect, say Jonathan Feng
and Alfred Shapere of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge,

Bruce is a sociology student and co-host of The Crypt Keepers podcast