Archive for Stories

Behind the Eight-Ball

Image is a rate with the feet, hands and head of an elderly bald man.

Brown Jenkins by John Donald Carlucci

Behind the Eight-Ball

soundtrack here.

Buzzing. Buzzing and creaking and hissing, a conversation whispered in darkness. Nat was a fly on the wall, having gotten curious after a half-hour or so of intense colloquoy.
“I saw red,” Brown Jenkin said simply. “When the Zoog-weasels attacked me for no reason whatsoever, I retaliated.”
The man in black nodded. “And so it was necessary to kill them all. I see.” He templed his fingers, put them to his mouth thoughtfully.
“You realize that this kind of behavior is why I didn’t keep you on, yes?”
“I do. But I am who I am.” Jenkin scuffed at the ground with his left foot.
“Pity, that.” A chuckle came from the darkness under his hood. “You can be useful. So, since you’ve managed to be persona non grata in yet another place, what do we do with you now?”
“Promote me. Make me governor. You have kingdoms to spare. Why not me?”

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Augustus Cantus — A Cthulhu Invictus Contest

Image is a book cover showing a collage of various scenes of ancient rom.

Horrore De Cosmico
Six Scenarios For Cthulhu Invictus
By Golden Goblin Press

Salve citizen!
It is with great honor that I announce the Augustus Cantus Cthulhu Invictus contest! Our beloved Patron Golden Goblin Press has been generous enough to offer us “boo boo books” (Slightly damaged in production, but still in fine order) as well as Roman Replica Coins in their own small bag that we can give away to the contestant who comes up with the best Cult of Ancient Rome. Our two runners up each get their own aforementioned copy of Horrore De Cosmico, and our Grand Prize winner gets the final Horrore De Cosmico, as well as 9 Replica Roman Coins, and the long awaited Cthulhu Invictus Fiction Book, Tales of Cthulhu Invictus.


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Hachūrui-shin Tai Kuto~urufu!

Will Tokyo be destroyed? Will a tentacled hero rise to save the city from another kaiju? Or will Kuto~urufu perform his usual ritual of pain and death? This creature feature takes us to Japan to find out …

A magnitude-9 earthquake originated from the Tohoku subduction zone (38.322 N, 142.369 E) east of Honshu, Japan at 2:45 pm, Tokyo time, on March 11, 2011. The immediate shocks from the quake hit Tokyo in little over a minute.

Satellite imagery revealed a massive form at the ocean’s surface, churning out tsunami waves towards Japan. Of those who saw and recognized the ominously hideous figure—with its sinuously whipping tentacles and bright red eyes, massive arms and legs pounding and kicking the ocean into a fury pool—the name Kuto~urufu was exclaimed with ancient dread.

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Doctor, Doctor: Part Three of The Curse of Azathoth’s Amulet

The Curse of Azathoth's Amulet

Murder! Intrigue! Spookiness from the sands! It’s the chilling third installment of the eldritch serial The Curse of Azathoth’s Amulet!

Read Part One

Read Part Two

Dr. Taylor hated loose ends. He didn’t like them when it came to any aspect of his life. Most especially when it came to his research. Now that he would spend the rest of his life on the run, or at least as much time as he had before he’d be able to prove there were monstrous forces on the loose, he hated them even more. He drove the precise speed limit, in case there were any cops on the prowl. He didn’t want to give them an excuse to pull him over.

His first stop would be his office. He needed to get his notes and get rid of anything regarding his trip tonight. He couldn’t leave anything behind that would be a trail for someone to follow too quickly. There was no telling whether or not the creature who was posing as a human college student would have his precise description and his license plate number. Assuming they didn’t could be deadly. No, better to assume there were things worse than wolves at his door.

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Four-armed is Forewarned

Image is a rate with the feet, hands and head of an elderly bald man.

Brown Jenkins by John Donald Carlucci

Four-armed is Forewarned

Brown Jenkin part ten

Soundtrack here.


Brown Jenkin crept silently down the seven hundred stairs to the bottom. He could be really, really quiet when he wanted to, and this was one of those occasions.
It wouldn’t do to create any commotion. Not yet, at least.
Night-gaunts didn’t hear him coming. The Gugs didn’t feel the stairs vibrating. Jenkin stepped onto the grassy sward unmolested, the sun glinting off the silver key he wore around his neck.
He carried a small bag in his right hand. In it were several cans of sardines and a package of steaks.
These were his offerings.

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Creature Features

jenkinCreature Features

Brown Jenkins, part nine-soundtrack Here

Brown Jenkin by John Donald Carlucci

(note-some of the events in this series refer to the story “Pnakotic Reaction”, from the anthology “The Fall of Cthulhu“, published by Horrified Press. Therefore the author recommends the purchase of same 🙂

Some of the material was inspired by the moderators and denizens of the online community Lovecraft Eternal. )

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Wrong Turn at Albuquerque

Scott Roche continues his Golden Age serial, The Curse of Azathoth’s Amulet, with Part Two! Told in the arch style of the Republic Serials of the ’30s and ’40s, there’s no telling where this is going until you get there … and it is HORRIBLE indeed.

Read Part One, “Down in Mexico.”

It all went downhill for Doctor Taylor as soon as he visited the Ancestral Pueblo site just a few dozen miles from his home in Albuquerque. A colleague knew he’d been researching symbols used by the Anasazi, as they were known to some, and their relationship to other symbols used by equally ancient people groups the world over. There was no known connection between these groups, and it was thought by some that they spawned from a collective subconscious or from some other psychic network. Taylor, of course, believed all of this was complete hogwash. There had to be a better explanation. The desire for that better explanation was why he found himself in a kiva, a sort of pueblo holy site, that had only recently been discovered. Doctor Samson assured him that the site dated back to at least the eighth century BCE. That certainly wasn’t the oldest bit of evidence that had been found, but this was supposed to be in pristine condition.

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Dust Devils

jenkinDust Devils

Brown Jenkins part eight

soundtrack here.


Brown Jenkin cackled softly to himself. His words were virtually inaudible and clearly not in any language that Nat understood.
“Keep it to yourself,” he remarked. “I’m trying to work over here.”
For Nathaniel had found a promising lead. The leader of a local band had told him the night before that his band might soon have an opening.
They chatted for a bit, just “Do you remember?” and “What about that?”, establishing some common ground. Continue reading »

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Beneath the West Wall of Darkness

Jordan Hofer reminds us in this dread-full tale that sanity is a gift easily stolen.

“Life in the oceans must be sheer hell. A vast, merciless hell of permanent and immediate danger. So much of hell that during evolution some species crawled, fled onto some small continents of solid land, where the Lessons of Darkness continue.”

Werner Herzog, April 30, 1999

Judd Farmer feared the sea. He more than respected the ancient and indifferent nature of its forces. The relentless crashing surf could not care if he were caught in its fury and dashed upon the lacerating coral. When the ocean did care about him he was the object of hunger, food to be devoured by abysmal jaws with rows of serrated teeth. And then there was its incomprehensible vastness, the open and endless depths that concealed fears formed of shadow and dream, of memories so old they had no name and could not be recovered in full conscious form from the primordial sleep.

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Nature is a Wonderful Thing

Psst! Yeah, over here. Do you want to read something REALLY disgusting? Of course you do, you little scamp. Well, read what we got below and tell all your friends where you got it, all right? And don’t say nuthin to your parents!”

Since my retirement from the force, I make my weekly pilgrimage to the supermarket and pick up eggs, bread, cheese for my wife, and one copy of each of the supermarket tabloids. I’m not much into the weight loss miracles or reports of Tony Curtis’ brave final days, but the last case I ever handled is one that’s haunted me ever since I slapped the cuffs on Hubert Hubert as he lay buck naked in bed and took his young companion away from him six years ago.

Every week since then I scour the Weekly World News, the Sun, the Star, the Globe, all of them, for some trace of the life I destroyed, some sign that I can make things right.

But today, after giving Marie a sponge bath and getting her down for her morning nap, I found it.

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