Archive for Scenarios

Open Season

A Sinister Seed from Golden Goblin Press

By Oscar Rios
Happy Halloween!

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The Angel’s Glow

A single session, 1920s micro-scenario. Suitable for 1 or more investigators.

Pigs have unearthed bodies at Shiloh National Military Park—oddly well-preserved bodies. Farmers from nearby Savannah, TN, have petitioned the War Department to relocate the dead. 

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Delta Green // Moment of Impact

// Delta Green: Moment of Impact

For decades, for seemingly no other reason than dumb chance, one intersection in the projects of Atlanta, Georgia, Barber, and Lewiston,  has earned the infamous title as one of the most dangerous intersections in the United States of America. No one is able to understand why.

The intersection is in Lithgow Heights, an area of the Georgia “projects”, home to thousands of african-Americans who were clumsily shuffled into low-income housing by white realtors eager to keep “non-whites” out of “white neighborhoods”. It is, by all appearances, a normal four-way stop. Thus far, no city planner or architect has been able to understand why this one intersection has claimed more lives than any other intersection in the entire united states, each year, dozens of t-bones, head-on collisions, and multiple-car pile-ups claim lives numbering often in the hundreds. Until now.

it is about to become a problem for the Outlaws to deal with. This is a scenario that takes place in the Summer of 2021. The agents in this scenario are part of the “Outlaws”.

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Aperson children

In a tiny little village in the middle of nowhere, flanked by forest on either side, resides a nearly childless community, save for the Aperson twins.

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Black Blood of the Earth

Scene 3

Scenario Summary

In October of 1925, Southern California Standard & Oil gained control of an oil field that had gone untouched since an incident in 1920 that left three men dead and the owner missing. Acts of sabotage have been significantly dropping the development of the property and the tension created by management has started a worker’s strike. Recently, a night security officer was found dead. The Investigators are hired as “scabs” to investigate the death and the strange circumstances surrounding it.

However, little does Southern California Standard & Oil know, the tunnels under “Stewart Field” hold evidence of a very old civilization, one that made pacts with dark entities. What lives in the cave is up to the Keeper: the crazed former owner of the property or a trapped mutant shoggoth.

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Defeat a Hag

This adventure is designed for your favorite fantasy role playing game, to be inserted into an ongoing campaign, and can be completed in a single session. It consists of a scenario that takes place over time, but should be conducted in a single game session. It will work best with players who are interested in mechanics and roleplaying, maximizing both of those aspects of your favorite game.

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The Night Mother’s Moon


Life on the streets is hard. The Homeless are invisible. New York City has almost one hundred thousand homeless. Each night they sleep in the city’s parks and subway system, invisible to the population who passes them every day. What better victims could one ask for?

This scenario is designed for 2–4 investigators and can be completed in one to two evenings of play, depending on the length of your sessions. In it, the players take on the roles of New York city’s street homeless as they come together to solve the mystery of something that is stalking and killing the members of their community.

When a relative newcomer to the streets turns up dead in a dumpster, her death is chalked up to just another example of street violence. The local homeless know better. Something is stalking them. Something no one has an explanation for. With nowhere else to turn, they must band together and save themselves before they become just another statistic.

Players will take on the role of local homeless as they attempt to find out what killed Claire and stop it from killing again.

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Halloween in the Time of Covid-19


Halloween 2020 was to be the best Halloween in the last few decades. October of 2020 had five Fridays and five Saturdays! Halloween itself fell on a Saturday, and with a full moon no less! That hasn’t happened since 1944! On top of all that, Halloween was also daylight savings, giving the holiday an extra hour of night! Yes, Halloween 2020 was going to be the best Halloween of all of our lives.

It was…until the Global Pandemic of 2020 shut large public gatherings down. In 2020, things like attending costume parties at bars or clubs, going to the movies to watch the latest horror movie, and trick or treating were dangerous activities. Many industries which relied on the holiday were hard hit, but none worse than the Haunts.

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A Man to Purgatory, A Woman to Hell

About the Scenario – This adventure takes place on the island of Martinique, in early May of 1928. The story begins in the capital of Fort-De-France and should end in the mountains to the north, along the road leading to the city of St. Pierre. The title refers to a Martinique proverb, “L’homme est pour le purgatoire, la femme pour l’enfer”, which translates to “A Man to Purgatory, A Woman to Hell.” This means that men are punished for their sins but women are dammed for them. It involves a missing man, his vengeful mistresses, his wife, their secret, and La Diablesse, a creature of Martinique’s folklore.    Continue reading »

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