Archive for Gaming

Augustus Cantus: The Tenders of the Stone

This article is a submission to the Augustus Cantus contest sponsored by Golden Goblin Press. Give it a read for when voting opens up, and go ahead and try your own entry!

In the remote mountains of Tarraconensis (Hispania / Spain) there exists a mysterious sect known as the Tenders of the Stone. The region they operate in encompasses about a dozen villages and towns, mostly pastoral in nature, although some trade in silver, olives, and wine. The Tenders are thought to be natives on these villages, although their specific identities are unknown. The cultists, usually a procession of thirty members, gather on the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox and visit a seemingly random village within their domain. They then demand the tribute of a single human being to be given up to their “God of Stone”, “The Provider of Prosperity”. In return all the villages in the region are ensured a prosperity. Continue reading »

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‘Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game’ coming from Arc Dream Publishing

“Be careful what you wish for. Delta Green, the award-winning setting of deadly conspiracy, desperate intrigue, and Lovecraftian cosmic terror in the modern day, has returned. The subject of the two most highly-rated tabletop role-playing game books of all time ( index) is an RPG of its own from Arc Dream Publishing. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game launches at Kickstarter in September 2015.”

Get the whole story:

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Chaosium’s Gamemaster Program

Chaosium has recently posted revisions to their gamemaster program. It’s now called the Cult of Chaos…

Have a look, here:

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New Kickstarter for Cthulhu Now Adventures

Hi all, Stygian Fox have just launched our first kickstarter for our first paid-for product!

The Things We Leave Behind is a modern day scenario anthology for Call of Cthulhu focussing on the madness and evil within mankind. Please take a look and support us!

It has a dark focus and has scenarios written by Jeff Moeller, Scott Dorward, Brian M. Sammons, and Si Brake. There is also art by Davide Como and maps by myself, Stephanie McAlea.

We at Stygian Fox are proud of our little twisted, tentacular baby so please take a look and support us!

The Things We Leave Behind Kickstarter

Stygian Fox is a licensee of Chaosium Inc and it’s I.P. is used with permission.

Posted in Chaosium, Crowdfunding, CthulhuNow, Delta Green, Gaming, The Laundry | Leave a comment

Augustus Cantus — A Cthulhu Invictus Contest

Image is a book cover showing a collage of various scenes of ancient rom.

Horrore De Cosmico
Six Scenarios For Cthulhu Invictus
By Golden Goblin Press

Salve citizen!
It is with great honor that I announce the Augustus Cantus Cthulhu Invictus contest! Our beloved Patron Golden Goblin Press has been generous enough to offer us “boo boo books” (Slightly damaged in production, but still in fine order) as well as Roman Replica Coins in their own small bag that we can give away to the contestant who comes up with the best Cult of Ancient Rome. Our two runners up each get their own aforementioned copy of Horrore De Cosmico, and our Grand Prize winner gets the final Horrore De Cosmico, as well as 9 Replica Roman Coins, and the long awaited Cthulhu Invictus Fiction Book, Tales of Cthulhu Invictus.


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Post Mortem

POST MORTEM, a one-round scenario
There is very little text to this scenario. The scene is set, there is a little scripted action at the beginning and at the very end, and the rest is virtually all character interaction.

Due to the nature of character backgrounds, it is imperative that the players read their character’s backgrounds silently and not share the details. Continue reading »

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Brown Jenkins

Brown Jenkin by John Donald CarlucciBrown Jenkins is intended to be a serial, with each episode accompanied by music to be played while the story is read.

Each episode will consist of a short story or vignette in tune with the major theme. The episodes will post every Sunday night until the tale is complete.

Once all is said and done, a book/cd package will be put together,with a few extra goodies. The cover will feature the artwork at left, by John Donald Carlucci.

Ready? Here we go—

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Inflation Calculator

Factual data exists only to make role playing more cool and immersive:

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Lost Pages: Deus Ex Machina

“I’ll take the damn pills when you can prove to me I’m wrong about the Internet. I’m not saying that computers are evil, I’m not pretending to be some tabloid TV version of a fake Amish. I’m saying that the end result of a worldwide network has such a high potential to be evil that it’s safer to assume that it is. One cell isn’t evil, but you get enough of them together and proliferating – that’s right, I can still use precise vocabulary – and it’s a cancerous growth. No, I didn’t know your brother was in hospital for chemo. I’m sorry about that. But knowledge is power and when you hook enough of it together…”
-Secure ward, Highcroft Psychiatric Hospital

“I’m requesting leave for personal reasons. I’m starting to see the possibilities in the delusions of one of my patients. You look at the faces people using tablets, laptops, smartphones – it’s like the internet is sucking their souls out. I’ll take time out on a nice beach for a week, just with a normal non-smart cellphone. Please confirm by written memo or verbally – I’m switching my desktop off.”
– Main office, Highcroft Psychiatric Hospital, 2 hours later
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Lost Pages: The Halloween Goblins

Travis: ya ill be home at 9
Travis: were getn lots of candy
Travis: im with some new kids
Travis: hittin all the houses
Travis: going threw the woods

— last messages received by Mrs. Margaret Jackman from her missing son.
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