Archive for Gaming

The Original, the Eternal, the Undying

All that Danforth has ever hinted is that the final horror was a mirage. It was not, he declares, anything connected with the cubes and caves of those echoing, vaporous, wormily-honeycombed mountains of madness which we crossed; but a single fantastic, demoniac glimpse, among the churning zenith-clouds, of what lay back of those other violet westward mountains which the Old Ones had shunned and feared.

  – HP Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness

Other Names: The Source, the Primal White Jelly, Ur-Shoggoth, God of the Shoggoths, the great gray goo.

If the Original, the Eternal, the Undying has a true name, it is obscured behind vague titles. Few tomes acknowledge the existence of the deity. Those that do only hint at its nature.

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Le Fear Fatal

It was around 4:30am in the bus station located at Melnea Cass Boulevard & Madison Avenue in Boston. Several scantily clad women were standing on the sidewalk, some visibly digging at invisible spiders. Bit by bit, cars containing single men pulled up, and the women left…only to return a short time later. A girl in a leather jacket, pleated plaid skirt, and auburn pixie cut was gone the most, seconded only by a young woman with locks the color of orangish flame wearing only black negligee. A blonde woman who could be otherwise cosplaying Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction down to the hair cut and bare feet had grown frustrated and restless, keenly aware of the current trade of the night. Finally, she stormed off down the street, passed the intersection and after walking past the homeless shelter, turned the corner onto Albany as a tall, lithe redhead clad only in a stained grey thong bikini.

In nature, many opportunistic predators evolve to take the form of their prey. Examples of this include the fireflies of the genus Photuris that emit the same photonic signals that females of the genus Photinus emit as a mating signal. The same can be said of the shoggoth. As humans are the top species on this planet and account for a great deal of it’s biomass, specializing in preying on them has been the niche of several species of predator. As such, it makes sense that a quickly adapting species such as the shoggoth would use mimicry as a predation strategy. 

The Le Fear Fatal takes the look of, including replicating clothes, a sexually available female.  They’re not very sentient in any humanly recognizable way, with intelligence on par of an African Grey Parrot. As human society progressed, they adapted to the more common courtship patterns they observed in their new natural environment: a concrete jungle.

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Shoggoth Seeds

It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train—a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.

H. P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness (1931)
Artist: Martin Kaci, Website:
Art Piece Name/Number: shoggoth creature

These amorphous things were created by the Old Ones to service them; they were designed to be strong, adaptable, and capable for any task set before them. Eventually, they rebelled against their creators and brought them low and lost themselves to the four corners of the Earth. Even if the player’s characters have not heard of a “shoggoth,” the players have, and even the name is designed to send shivers crawling down spines.

Keepers desiring to include shoggoths in their campaign can find the fetid beasts in Chapter 14: Monsters, Beasts, and Alien Gods in the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook (7th Edition). Shoggoths are presented in two varieties, Shoggoths and Shoggoth Lords. The Shoggoth is the horrific creature originally described in Lovecraft’s novella, At the Mountains of Madness. A Shoggoth Lord is typically smaller than a shoggoth, but far more intelligent. They disguise themselves as human to get closer to their prey. An additional type of shoggoth, the Proto Shoggoth, is available in the new Malleus Monstrorum, Vol. 1; it’s an infantile shoggoth, perfect for when the Keeper wants the investigators to confront a shoggoth without a near-certain total party kill.

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Avian Shoggoths

We’d been chasing reports of a condor for over week when we saw it, soaring high above us on the thermals rising out of these canyons. It looked massive from here, and our photographer struggled to track it. We needed pictures to see if it was banded, part of a breeding program, or a wild born animal we hadn’t yet identified in our conservation efforts. Suddenly our photographer screamed and dropped his camera. He curled into a ball and started babbling about blinking eyes and slavering mouths. He said it wasn’t a condor. He said a lot of things, but we didn’t believe him then. I wish we had.

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Lovecraft Country Shoggoths

HBO Subscribers: Welcome to Lovecraft. FYI, those things in the woods weren’t shoggoths.  They were something else. Even before watching the first episode of Love

Trollboy, August 17, 2021

Before seeing the first episode of HBO’s “Lovecraft Country,” based upon the book of the same name by Matt Ruff, I was seeing posts about it on Facebook. I was surprised at how quickly supernatural monsters turned up in the show (granted, it was the end of the first episode, but it was still the first episode!) I read the posts and comments, wondering what could actually be so confusing, and then HBO Max released episode one on Youtube.

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Gaming: Reasons PCs Leave

Sometimes a player, for one reason or another, leaves the game group or has agreed with the GM to play a new character. Where does the PC go? Unsatisfactory possibilities abound: they inexplicably wander off; become a lifeless, two-dimensional NPC; are arbitrarily hit by a truck and killed, or any number of options that detract from the mood of the game.

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Facehugger for Call of Cthulhu

“Return to the place where no one can hear you scream…”

This article contains information on inhabiting your world with the “facehugger” from the Aliens series of movies. Included are: Anatomy, Combat statistics, and recommended sanity losses for encountering them.

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Maggot Walkers

By the time I got up close, I was sure this guy couldn’t be alive, which made no sense. He, it, was still crying. Maggots were crawling out of everywhere on its face.
The flesh was rotting, and the thing smelled like an old corpse. I put a few rounds in it, and it split open like a bad melon. The thing dropped to its knees and fell over, thousands and thousands of maggots exploded all over the street. I’ll never un-see that.
Civilians, still pressed up against the barrier, panicked and ran. That’s when the city really went to hell.

Sgt. Brian Carson, during debriefing by CDC officials and agents of a secret government agency.
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Spore Bearers

It looked like Bill, but it was all gray and rubbery. It had this big ball in its hands, like a mushroom of some kind. Suddenly, the ball popped open and this cloud of gray powder flew everywhere. It got in my eyes, and it smelled like fungus. I, I don’t feel so good.

Paul Oates, patient at Mercy Hospital.
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The Dog Soldiers

Wars make warriors. But wars also make warriors into beggars. From the first time humans employed organized violence to impose their will upon their fellow men, injuries received by combat were seen as badges of honor. The history of each warrior’s successes and defeats is written in their flesh. Each missing limb, each furrowed scar is a story. Some stories are triumphs, others tragedies. Warriors have always faced the prospect of being eroded, whittled away until they can ultimately no longer serve the purpose for which they were created. More warriors than not end their careers not only unable to fight, but unable to work. Those most unfortunate end up even unable to care for themselves. In earlier times such men had to rely on the alms of their family and neighbors, with nothing but their injuries to testify to their service. The discarded warrior is all too common. Even in our enlightened time, with our vigorous social security net, gravely injured warriors are discarded. Before the end of the Second World War, the loss of an eye or an arm or a leg did not force the departure of a soldier, particularly officers, from their service. Today, any physical imperfection means an almost instant departure into civilian life. Many of these warriors do not make this transition smoothly. Loss of purpose. Loss of comradeship. Loss of structure and discipline. Many veterans still crave these things long after their forced departure from their adopted tribe.

The discarded warriors seek only to escape their exile. Some through vice, some through exceeding the expectations of their peers, some go looking for a new tribe, for a new mission. Others search for meaning, looking for god’s plan written in their wounds. Most, fortunately, find no meaning, no plan, no god. I say ‘fortunately,’ because the only thing worse than screaming questions into the silent void, is the day that the void finally answers back.

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