Are you getting ready for NaNoWriMo?
Don’t know what it is? Maybe you should. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, AKA November! A lot of the staff at are authors, and some of us partake in this annual word party.
The goal? 50,000 words in a month.
Interested? Sign up an and then comment in the comments of our site with your page link. We’d love to friend you and follow your progress.
November is going to be a fun month for NaNoWriMo members here at We’re planning a few surprises as well as giving you regular updates as to our own progress.
That being said, how do you get 50,000 words in 1 month? It isn’t easy, but has built a little calendar that you can make as your wallpaper on your computer desktop to help keep you on track with your word count.

NaNoWriMo Calendar
Let’s see how many words the NaNoShoggothers can get this next month. We’d love to see how many monsters we can bring into the world…
My NaNoWriMo link? Here ya go: