All posts by CthulhuBob Lovely

Soul Taker

We finally managed to kill the damn wizard. We were already about half dead after wiping out his nuisance monsters, and he was a tough son of a bitch. Clearly, his magical protection had run out, because I got him full-on in the chest with my .12 gauge and he crumpled in a bloody, meaty mess. The dagger fell with him, clanging to the floor.

We decided I would be the one to pick it up, figuring I was probably the most mentally stable at the time–oddly enough. Sure as hell, just like that damned old book said, someone was inside. I quickly promised we’d release her and placed the blade in the protective case we’d brought.

We prepared our standard site sanitization–pouring gasoline all around the interior of the building and setting explosive charges. Then we loaded up in the truck and headed back to Mrs. Manchester’s mansion to drop the Soul Taker into the cremation oven.”–Bob Holt, Shotgun Expert, Manchester Foundation Team 2

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Megapede (aka Spiked Centipede)

. . . regular looking guy–slacks, shirt, and a tie–classic middle-management. He set down his briefcase and stretched out his arms. Next I know, he’s shouting a bunch of gibberish and waving his hands around, then he just picked up his briefcase and casually walked away.

This weird rippling started, vertical and very narrow, standing from the sidewalk to about a foot in the air, then it turned black and widened a little–like a short door opening into a dark room. These damn centipedes came pouring out, dozens of them–huge too–some as big as small dogs.

They started crawling all over people, including me, and it hurt like hell. The legs stuck in me like giant fish hooks. If people weren’t screaming in pain, they were screaming in terror. Some pulled out pistols and started blasting at the things.

You folks got here before any other first responders, damn fast. You a private outfit? I’ve never seen a green and black ambulance with a green triangle logo before.—Walter Walker, to paramedics, immediately prior to his disappearance.

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Guardian From The Mother

It was fucking insane. He started gagging, retching, then he puked. That was when I got it, why he’d needed to swallow a maggot when he cast that spell this morning–shit, thank God I’m not the group’s wizard.

The damned thing was about the size of a chihuahua when it started shoving its way out of his mouth–I thought his face was going to split open. The maggot-thing was already about a foot long when it slid out and splopped onto the floor, thick with mucus, and rapidly growing.

By the time I blacked out, it was as big as a mastiff and growing tentacles, spikes, and too many mouths and eyes. Good thing it was on our side.

When I came to, we were back at the safe house. I’m the shotgun member of the team, a pump-action 12 gauge, and they told me I helped a lot–blew away a bunch of whatever the hell we were fighting–ghouls, giant spiders, cultists, I can’t remember. Thank God I didn’t hit any of our people while I was out of my mind.

Magic, yeah, it’s a mixed bag.—Samantha “Sam” Fernandez, member of The Silent–a group of ordinary people dedicated to protecting humanity.

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Combined Skill Roles in 7th ed. Call of Cthulhu

When a Combined Skill Roll (p. 55 of the 7th ed. Call of Cthulhu Rulebook) is appropriate, the Keeper will state “Roll against (Skill A) and (Skill B).” This means you roll once and compare your result with both Skills, and are successful as long as your result is equal to or under both, or simply one of them as the Keeper requires.

If only one is required and you have History at 45% and Archeology at 50% and you roll a 48%, you succeed because your result is equal to or under your 50% in Archeology.

I also apply this to rolls against both a Skill and an Ability Score.

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Heinrich Müeller

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This asshole has Xeno Tier 3 written all over him. Intel believes he may have been a commandant at Auschwitz, but that hasn’t been confirmed. We do know he’s a powerful sorcerer with undead servants and spends time on the other side of sleep.

We’ll have to make sanitizing him a surgical op as he rarely leaves his offices. International businessman and philanthropist my ass.—Cpl. Franklin Miller, Team Leader, Project Star Team 3.

Müeller’s dangerous with a capital D. Project Star has shared with us they have a team going in tonight. I wish them luck, and I hope we don’t have to fight their animated corpses later.—Marcus Johnson, Wizard of the Manchester Foundation.

The guy’s a total freak. Usually some flunky answers the door and accepts the packages, but every now and then it’s him. He’s like the main bad guy in a Weird War Two B-movie.—Jimmy McPherson, Driver for United Package Courier.

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Plant Walker

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I swear it was Jerry. After he got lost, we searched for him for over a day. He, it, came walking out of the woods. He was made of grass, like a naked scarecrow, and he shambled toward Mike.

Henry ran off screaming, who can blame him, and I seriously thought I was going to shit myself. The sun was coming up, and I could see Mike glistening with sweat. His eyes were huge. He was crying, and talking to Jerry–asking him what happened, what was wrong with him–that kind of stuff.

The Jerry thing stopped a few feet in front of him and blades of grass shot out from all over its body, really long ones, and they stabbed right into Mike’s body, sliding right in. There wasn’t any blood and he didn’t seem like it even hurt.

I screamed at him to run away, but I don’t think he could, it was like he was hypnotized. I ran up behind him and grabbed his shoulders, but several of those blades of grass slid right through the skin on my hands and face. No pain, no blood, and I instantly felt weirdly sleepy.

It really pissed me off, and I jerked away, long grass sticking out from me like I was turning into a plant porcupine. While I fell on my ass, grass was already growing out of Mike’s back–the shit had skewered him–and the Jerry thing shot out a bunch more that cut right into Mike and started wrapping around him like a green cocoon. That’s when I ran like a bitch.—Lyle Morris, giving a statement in Interview Room 1 at the Peyton County Sheriff’s Office.

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Venom Grass

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I keep feeling better Doc, slowly. It hurts like hell when I stretch, and I swear I can feel the grass tearing when I do, dozens of little popping sounds–but could be I’m imagining that. Maybe it’s still growing a little, I don’t know.

What scares me is the dreams, I’m still having them just as bad. I’m in a dark forest, jungle, and it’s hot and humid. I hear a voice, more like feel it, inside me but I don’t understand what She’s saying.

Then I fall to my knees, and I’m scared shitless, but I’m praying to Her.—Patrick Everson, Patient in a medical facility of undisclosed location.

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The Blood Map

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It was horrible, fucking horrible. The “sorcerer,” shit. My cousin Christopher, we grew up like brothers, had to be trepanated for a nick of his brain. Doctor Wilson split him open like he was performing an autopsy, to take a tiny piece of his heart, and he did a spinal tap for some fluid. They mixed all this up with Christopher’s blood.

When he woke up, he said a bunch of crazy shit in some language and dropped some of this on that creepy ass map. It fell into the margin and made a weird symbol. Somehow, this gave them an idea where Tiffany had been taken.

Now we’re down in this room beneath a basement at some big wood door with metal bands. They put some kind of drops in my eyes that made everything look clearer, more real. Apparently there’s some other world on the other side of that door. All I know for sure is I’ve got my 12 gauge pump, a shitload of ammo, and we’re going to bring her home.–From a sheaf of handwritten notes found in the Special Archives Room at the Miskatonic University Orne Library.

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The Blessed Seers

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It was weird, hell it was terrifying. Three eyes, I shit you not, and they glowed red! How the hell does that happen?

He told me to do stuff and I did it. I threw coffee on people, sang loudly, just random crap–and he kept apologizing. It was like he was grabbing me tightly, but in my mind. Lost my damn job.—Paul Erickson, former employee at Mug o’ Joe.

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The Immunized

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We had the best of intentions. Our team included endocrinologists, neurologists, geneticists, and medical doctors. We were trying to engineer a panacea–something that would slow age, prevent dementia, make the body more durable, resistant to injury, and much faster to heal. We never imagined these abominations.–Dr. Richard Treemont, M.D.

Hunit dalas. Hunit. Kedit. Klss kedit. Hngy. Kllyou. Eat.–Test Subject A5, Patient Zero, and former college student. Actual name withheld for national security purposes.

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