The Knick-Knack Queen

Her online screenname was “KnickKnackQueen”, and he shocked himself when he asked her to meet him; normally he only began to pursue his prey after talking in the chat rooms for a few weeks. This time, it took only a few hours for him to realize that the inevitable ending was likely to happen. He had to have her, and soon. And so when the knick-knack queen said maybe, she would think about it over night and let him know in the morning, he knew he had her. She gave him her phone number, and he gave her his. A real number, it would ring, but not anywhere around here. And no one was likely to answer a payphone in the middle of a rundown shopping center with only an IGA that was almost out of business on a Sunday morning. Continue reading »

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Please allow me to introduce myself..

Due mainly to a blatant oversight by myself, I feel it necessary to explain this site.  I have come to the conclusion that many people don’t understand what the Shoggoth Network is really all about, so here we go.

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The Garden’s Yield

“Bill, what is this?” asked Susan, kneeling in the damp freshly-watered soil between a row of string beans and another of tomatoes. I didn’t answer her at first, concentrating on carefully pulling out a clump of weeds, taking are not to disrupt the stalk of one of my tomato vines. The moist dirt reluctantly gave up the clump of prickly weeds, the roots dangling wetly beneath my gloved fist. Continue reading »

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I’m a Big Fat Idiot

As some of you may have noticed, was down from around 3pm yesterday to around 10am this morning. Wanna know why? Because my big fat clumbsy fingers wiped the entire database. All of it. And of course i had no backup handy. So I had to wait till the next morning till have the database restored from tape backup. Submissions and comments made May 2,3,4 may have been lost. Please re-submit if you entered an article during that time FYI: Backups are performed nightly now automatically and stored on 3 different servers, paranoid? Me? You better believe it bub.

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Welcome UserFriendly was mentioned today on! So if our web server doesn’t explode we should be serving alot more pages today to a much bigger audience. We look forward to corru.. I mean introducing a whole new audience.

Thanks again WebDiva

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too much free time

I usually do no post submissions this short but sweet god man.. its blasphemous:

A painstakingly accurate recreation of the epic battle between Cthulhu and his arch-nemesis. Or something…

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Lovecraft Featured on Horror Online

Horror find,, is running an article on the old gent himself, Howard Phillips Lovecraft. You can view this article at:

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Quasi-Planned Outage and will be going down tonight due to irregularities on our main web server. The Database powering this site will be backed up immediatly after this post and will be the data used to restore in case of database corruption. If you are posting a story, news item, gaming module etc, please mail it to [email protected] so that we can ensure that your submission is not lost. Continue reading »

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Cthulhu on Userfriendly!

The great unclean one can be spotted on the popular comic UserFriendly ( at the following Continue reading »

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The Drooler in The Dark

I stood at the door, my face pale. A cold seat dampened my brow. I turned to look at my companion to see how he was faring. Prepare yourself, Joe. We are about to face something so horrible and evil that I am surprised that the very earth does not reject its presence.
What is this horror? said Joe.

The Drooler in the Dark, the Dog That Should Not Be… I said, my voice trailing off to a whisper.

A Hound of Tindalos! Joe cried as a look of terror crossed his face.

No, far worse. I said as the door swung open, revealing It.

Oh, look at the cute doggy! said Joe, stepping forward to meet the Beast.

No, Joe! I cried, but it was already too late…
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