Stephen King interviewed on Salon

Stephen King, author extraordinaire, interviewed with on 09-98 regarding his book, Bag of Bones, which was pointed out to me recently.  Of course in the interview, the old gent came up.  He, in all of his trailer park eloquence, described Lovecraft’s work as something best read by 13 to 15 year olds and is basically composed of gigantic disembodied vaginas.   Albeit very true that whilst in that age, I was very much interested in vaginas, I hardly found Lovecraft a source for blatant pornography.  NOW KING on the other hand, was always good for a pointless 300 pages describing in detail a character with some overly perverse obsession with some bizarre fetish that has really nothing to do with the story besides of course, securing the MA rating on his books. Continue reading »

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Chaosium Product Updates!!


The 20th Anniversary Edition is (still) coming!

Our greatly anticipated 20th Anniversary Edition of Call of Cthulhu (Cha 2399
$79.95)has taken much longer to print & bind than we were led to believe.
Despite all the delays, we expect to ship this book the first week of October.
As soon as we receive them, we’ll start shipping them out to everyone who has
placed orders. Go reserve a copy at your local game shop this weekend! For more
info check out: Continue reading »

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I just received this in my inbox. I will speak for her from experience that she does some
GREAT mythos work as well as the listed.  That said;

 greetings folks,just want to take a short moment of

your time to post this reguarding the NY/pentagon
disaster.being this is a very tragic incident.i have
decided to contribute to the red cross by doing a
charity custom commission auction.this is an anything
goes for art auction.from fantasy,to horror,to
anime,whatever you would like,i will draw it!(except
pornographic and copyrighted material) please if you
can pass this on:


~ Nikki Morris

Posted in Gaming, HelpWanted, Humor, Interviews, News, Past,, X-News | Leave a comment start page changed.

In a show of mourning for the victims and families of the recent terrorist attacks against the US, The Shoggoth Network has replaced thier main page with one of mourning. In it you will find an article originally posted in 1973 by Canadian radio broadcaster Gordon Sinclair. You can read the full story on it HERE. In the meantime, we extend our condolences and best wishes to everyone.

Thank you,
Matt ‘TrollBoy’ Wiseman
Webmaster; The Shoggoth Network

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Join us

We’re at it again.. God help us all. is currently looking for *gasp* more editors. Here’s the scoop:
Filks: Someone to help collect and write those ZANY Cthulhu songs
Humor: Can you write Mythos comedy? Or can you get a lot of it?
Interviews: Nag all of your favorite Mythos stars now!
Filks: Someone to help collect and write those ZANY Cthulhu songs.
Reviews: Write reviews on your favorite Mythos products!!
Think you’re up to par?  Looking forward to random ICQ msg’s from a 7′
300lb bald man?  Then mail us at [email protected].

What do YOU get out of this?  Well, first I must say, you get your own
e-mail address, access to my personal collection of nude pictures of J. Edgar
Hoover and the infamy of being “one of those bastards from“.
I also must add, “ask not what your cult can do for you, but ask what you
can do for your cult” .. or is that ask what your cult is going to do TO

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A Conspiracy of Cthulhians

For the casual viewer of “The X-Files,” you probably know at least one thing about Fox Mulder: his sister was abducted by aliens. You might have no clue what the sister’s name is or how old she was when she was kidnapped or why she was even abducted in the first place, but you know she was abducted. Mulder pursues the trail of her abduction sporadically through the series like the reporter in Citizen Kane chases after the meaning of “Rosebud.”

And, by virtue of the fact that Chris Carter wasn’t very strict with creative control, there are at least three different explanations for what happened to Mulder’s sister, two of which suggest that there was never an alien abduction. They did the same thing with Scully. Scully gets abducted, has her ovaries milked and some sort of device stuck in the back of her neck, then later finds out that the abductors were quite human.

What does this have to do with Call of Cthulhu? Simple: just because you’re playing a game where the characters wander around and investigate paranormal stuff, doesn’t mean there has to be paranormal stuff in the game.

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H. P. Lovecraft’s Birthday Party in Vancouver BC

Come to H. P. Lovecraft’s Birthday Party! By foot or by wheel or by stilt! Join the swelling throngs. It is useless to resist. Saturday and Sunday, Aug 18-19. So much fun it hurts. OH GOD THE PAIN!

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Call of Cthulhu (d20) available for pre-release!

This just in, the famous (or infamous) Call of Cthulhu (D20)
rulebook is now available for pre-order from  Typically, boycotts
this vender due to thier unscrupulous patenting policies, but as
they are currently the only ones offering it and this is a major release, we’re telling you about it
here.  The new book is available on pre-order and is set to come out March 2002.  Credited with its creation are Monte
and John TynesContinue reading »

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Bait and Switch: Something Bovine This Way Comes

I’d originally come up with this plot device in about a half-hour while guiding a couple of friends through character creation for Call of Cthulhu. This story element could easily be imported into some other situation, but is generally certain to get confused looks from your players.
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More Help Found

Hi all! I’m the latest shmoe recruited for this gig. And to think it only cost my first born child. My name’s Jeremy, and I’ll be Content Editor for the RPG neck of the woods. I’ll be approving, beating people over the head for, and writing content for the RPG section. I look forward to the thronging masses at my doorsteps with their RPG materials. (Trollboy assures me that the thronging masses thing is figurative.)

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