PHP Coders Wanted

We’ve been working, off and on, on a new version of
running entirely off of a custom codebase. Alas, its turning out to be
more off than on, and we’d love to get this done soon, so anyone willing
to help, please let us know. And as always, if you simply want to join
our staff to help with content, you’re more than welcome as well.

Send your info to [email protected] today!! Continue reading »

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Of Webs and rings.

Hello faithfull WebRing Goers. Tis I, TrollBoy here to talk about the rings. Continue reading »

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There can only be one

Congrat’s go out to Sivonne Pryve! this lucky Bairnsdale Austrailia native was the winner of the Exclusive Dracthulhu Giveaway Contest!!

Email webmaster at with your shipping address an we’ll get it right out to you!!
Also, just because you didn’t win doesn’t mean you can’t still have one, has lots of Dracthulhu and other Cthulhiod plushes available for you to buy!

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Woo!! I am PLEASED to announce a new contest sponsered by and!! We’re giving away a Exclusive Limited
Edition Dracthulhu
, and it could be yours!

The contest is now over thanks for playing.
The winner will be announced soon!

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Yet Another Horror Site

HorrorHouse ( is a new “general purpose” horror site, dedicated more towards horror movies, etc. I know many of you are horror fans in the broadest sense of the word (I’ve seen some of your photos.. *shudder*) and they’re looking for a few bad eggs to give them a hand. Swing on by there today and give him a hand, or just check out his cool stuffs.

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The R’lyeh Report Volume 7, Number 6

Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.

Howdy Folks!

Welcome to the July issue of Chaosium’s R’lyeh Report. What follows is plenty of Chaosium news for your pleasure & edification. Enjoy!
Continue reading »

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Dredged from the Deeps

The latest specimens from the NORFANZ expedition once again we have plenty of alien species already here on Earth. Struggling to add new horror to your campaign? Check out those Serpent Stars!

Creature Feature

(Originally flagged on Slashdot Science.)

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Origins Report: Day 2

and its over.



I met a lot of fun people, played alot of fun games, and think I sold my spleen to gypsies.. or I’m married.. I don’t remember because I only speak chinese now and not
japanese… Continue reading »

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Origins Report: Day 2

Well, today was mostly uneventful… I ran some intro to cthulhu games for folks and will be running one tommorow at noon.

Come play with me.

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Other Nations now Available!

The novel OTHER NATIONS by T & P Marsh is now for sale!  It’s sci fi, mystery, romance, 430 pages, 13 illustrations that look like photographs.
Color cover, 6×9 trade paperback. Continue reading »

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