Tales of The Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz Era New Orleans

Tales of the Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz-Era New Orleans

Tales of the Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz-Era New Orleans

Tales of the Crescent City: Adventures in Jazz Era New Orleans by Golden Goblin Press LLC is a must have supplement for any Keeper, novice or seasoned, who wishes to explore the Mythos undercurrents of the Big easy. This supplement ranks with the very best in the genre. I’ve been playing Call of Cthulhu for decades and rarely have I been this excited to Keeper an entire work. The scenarios stand alone but they really shine together as a campaign. Continue reading »

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October 16th: The Men in Black

The men in black

The men in black

Sometimes their clothes are ill-fitting and their demeanor is very weird. Sometimes they themselves are hunchbacked, crippled or grotesquely malformed. They can speak in a mechanical-like voice or appear to have trouble breathing. In many cases, they have visited isolated farms in hard-to-reach places without any car in sight and walking through mud and goo without dirtying their pristine shoes…they try to pump you for information or they make disquieting remarks about your past or your future. They also have a startling way of simply disappearing after they speak with you. – John Keel, Introduction to The UFO Silencers by Timothy Green Beckley Continue reading »

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Lovecraft Nightmares

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Strange Aeons: Cthulhu/Lovecraftian Miniature Skirmish

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October 15th: The Loveland Frog

Eyewitness sketch Artist unknown

Eyewitness sketch
Artist unknown

“They appeared on the side of the road,” the drunken man who obviously hadn’t bathed in days slurred. “They tried to drag me off. Looked like frogs…sounded like em too. They had a hunger in their eyes, I know what they wanted…they wanted me!” The bartender kicked the man out shortly after, playing his story off as the ramblings from the whiskey he had been drinking. I would have to, if not for the claw print I saw on the man’s arm. Continue reading »

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October 14th: The Wallmaster

The first thing Christie knew of his imminent demise was a cold, damp sensation in his hand. He opened his eyes and looked down the length of his arm. There was—unlikely as it seemed—a severed hand in his hand. More unlikely still, the two hands were exchanging a grip of greeting, like old friends. He stood up, making an incoherent noise of disgust in his throat and trying to dislodge the thing he was unwillingly grasping by shaking his arm like a man with gum on his fingers.

His mind spun with questions. Had he picked up this object without knowing it? If so, where, and in God’s name whose was it? More distressing yet, how was it possible that a thing so unquestionably dead could be holding on to his hand as if it intended never to be parted from him?

-Clive Barker, The Body Politic

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October 13th: The Masked Ones

Dispatch – “911, what is the nature of your emergency?”
Caller – “I just shot and killed an intruder. He was wearing a mask and had a knife.”
Dispatch – “Okay, stay on the line, we are sending someone right away. Caller ID doesn’t seems to be working, give me your address”
Voice in background – “He’s gone!”
Caller – “What? I shot him four times!”
Dispatch – “Sir, stay on the line. What’s your address?”
Voice in the background begins screaming. Sound of phone falling to the floor. Sound of screaming. Sound of Two gunshots before the line goes dead.
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October 12: Pennywise the Clown

FireAttheBlackSpotWhat he saw then was terrible enough to make his worst imaginings of the thing in the cellar look like sweet dreams; what he saw destroyed his sanity in one clawing stroke…It held George’s arm in its thick and wormy grip, it pulled George toward that terrible darkness where the water rushed and roared and bellowed as it bore its cargo of storm debris toward the sea. George craned his neck away from that final blackness and began to scream into the rain, to scream mindlessly into the white autumn sky which curved above Derry on that day in the fall of 1957.

–Stephen King, IT

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October 11th: Pukwudgies

Sketch drawn by an eye witness.

Sketch drawn by an eye witness.

“As I looked at it… it kind of looked a minute like an ape. And then I looked at the head and the head was very big and it was a very weird head It had bright green eyes and the eyes just glowed like, they were just looking exactly at me.” – Abby Brabham, eyewitness, 1977. Continue reading »

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October 10th: The Popobawa

The Popobawa Artist Unknown

The Popobawa
Artist Unknown

I woke up frightened. It’s if I knew to be afraid even before I saw the monster. It lopped from the shadows on all fours, planting its wings and swinging its back legs forward. Not like a bat moves, but like a gorilla, you know? But it was a bat, and a man, with one big gleaming eye in the center of its face, right on top of that disgusting grin. I just got sense it was happy I saw it, happy I was afraid, and when it took me, happy I was in pain. It forced me to keep eye-contact until I passed out. – anonymous Popobawa survivor, as told in John Leek Hansen’s Dark and Dangerous Entities from Around the World. Continue reading »

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