The Famished

These creatures are shape changing humanoid predators. Their natural form is a large, powerfully built creature with long claws on both hands and feet. Their powerful jaws can open quite wide and are filled with sharp teeth and bone crushing shearing plates. Their eyes are red and they possess night vision equal to that of a tiger. However, they are usually found in their camouflage form, appearing as a normal average human being. Shifting into their natural form can be done in about 2 minute, but assuming their human form takes half an hour. Their camouflaged form is typically 35-45 SIZ points smaller than their natural once in appearance, but their weight remains constant.

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Slither Rats

This is a “Lovecraftian” monster for use in a traditional fantasy roleplaying games. Slithering Rats use rules and stats from MAZES (a new RPG in 9 th Level Games’ new POLYMORPH system line of RPGs).

A Note to Our Readers: The Mazes RPG uses a modern rules system focused on dungeon adventures – Mazes FEELS like games from the 1970s but runs like RPGs from today. An integral part of the Mazes design philosophy is the idea of “keeping it weird” – specifically players throwing players off their game by always presenting them with strange things that they’ve never seen before – which used to be a key part of the 1970s RPG experience that we’ve largely forgotten today.

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Night Lord

“Though I had mayde the pact with the Lorde of the Great Abyss and knew this being would visit, I could not have been prep’red for its majesty. Its skin all over midnyght black, it tower’d over me, wielding the great trident.
In my mind was spoken a demand for the reason I had summoned it.”

–Written on a scroll, circa late 18th

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The Beloved Dead

This non-corporeal parasitic entity from another dimension is one of a number of creatures that feed upon very powerful human emotions. This particular variety desires the feelings of profound loss and mourning. The first Beloved Dead was summoned to earth by a reckless wizard seeking to restore their beloved to life. They opened a gateway to another dimension and invited the soul of their lost love back into its body. What they got instead was a powerful, malevolent parasite which played upon their grief and ultimately claimed their life.

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That Which Truths Beneath

System: Paranoia (all versions)

Category: Monster

Class: Thaumiel

Shouldn’t it be ‘lies beneath’? – Ron-O-KTH-2

No, everything else in Alpha Complex lies.  This is far worse. – Alice-B-KTH-5

R&D notes, year 214




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A Parcel of Darkness, Lesser Servitor Race

Tentacles writhing forth out of blackness, grabbing a man in a grey suit
A Parcel of Darkness
Art By Danial Carrol

These strange creatures violate most laws of physics. They existing in a parallel dimension of darkness and possess the ability to briefly manifest in our reality through interdimensional weak points created by sinister magic. They serve the Great Old One Nyogtha, Thing That Should Not Be. Powerful wizards who serve Nyogtha are sometimes taught the ritual needed to open a doorway for a Parcel of Darkness. These creatures then lurk near these weak points, waiting to ambush and attack anyone not directly under the protection of Nyogtha.

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Cutter Bugs

There had to be a dozen or more, black and glossy, a cross of spiders, beetles and lizards–all of ‘em half the size of my boot. I kicked away a few, but the bastards were fast, so I started stomping. They were hard, their bellies hit the floor with a loud clacking sound. The 12- gauge worked fine though, cracked ‘em open, and some kinda’ thick, black fluid splashed out of
‘em. Bit the shit out of me, but I killed them all.

Gave the damn wizard time to escape, though.—William “Knuckles” Johnson, SSgt, United States Army (Ret.), Security and Combat Specialist for the Manchester Foundation.

Cutter Bugs are black, chitinous creatures with a high gloss. They appear as a cross between spiders, beetles and lizards, and have saw-like legs, similar to those of a cricket. They have no internal organs, and have a thick, black ichor, rather than blood. Cutter Bugs are very fast, entirely focused on task, and fierce in combat. However, they have very limited intelligence.

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Bannik (Slavic) (Labyrinth Lord)

No. Encountered: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 60’ (20’)
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 2 (claws)
Damage: 1D4/1D4
Save As: D2
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XXII
XP Value: 29

The bathhouse is an important part of Slavic life, being a site not just for personal cleanliness, but for socialization and healthy living. Yet it was also considered a place for magic, spiritual pollution, and danger – whether physical or spiritual. The bannik is a source of the latter.

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Welcome to OctoberNomicon 2019

While we are still taking content, we’re starting off today.
Happy OctoberNomicon everyone!

Lovecraft At The Wall; by Ian P Duckett
Scratchboard 9×12 2019

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Send lawyers to hell

Normally we try to stay as apolitical as possible, however this seemed pretty fun. DavidXNewton, a Youtube video game commenter and all around swell guy has a series on his channel called “David Does Doom”. With the goings on in the news recently, he’s started to ask for donations on his channel. Said donations will be amassed and handed off to RAICES to aid in the border immigration problem, AND will be matched by his employer. So as he’s going to be playing Sandy Peterson’s (creator of Call of Cthulhu) own Doom and has promised us some Cthulhu levels as well; I give you (direct link with donation link and handy chart of how much has been given already:

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