The Pope Lick Monster, Lesser Independent Race
Named for the creek outside of Louisville, KY the monster is said to haunt, the Pope Lick Monster appears as something of a hybrid between man and goat. Like the satyr of Greek myth, the Pope Likc Monster carries itself on powerful goat-legs, covered in albino fur. The upper body is the grostesquely deformed torso of a man. The skin is alabaster, except in places where the flesh is tight over bone, which show black through the ghostly skin. The face resembles humanity, but it clearly not; the black eyes are too far apart, the nose too aquiline, and the thick jaw sticks out too far. Short, but sharp horns protrude from its forehead, just below the hairline. The hair atop the head is long, greasy, and matted, matching the fur on its legs.
The monster stalks a small creek and the train tressel that runs over it. The Monster will mimic the voice of loved-ones to lure victims onto the tressel, just as a train approaches. The victim becomes trapped on the tracks, forced to either by run-down by the train, or plummet 100 ft into the creek below. The Monster will harass hickers or young-couples parked at a nearby lover’s lane, hurling stones or making disturbing noises. The Monster will rarely attack victims; when it does, it attacks with a rusted, blood-stained axe or kicking with sharp-hooves. The monster prefers tormenting any who comes in its domain, getting a sadistic pleasure in the terror of others.
The origin of the Pope Lick Monster is unknown. There are rumors it was birthed from the unnatural union of a farmer and his goat. Or it may have been Shub-Niggurath’s “blessing” upon Her faithful. One story says the Monster was freak in a circus sideshow that passed through the Pope Lick area, during the early 20th century. The locals were very cruel to the Goatman. When he escaped during a destructive thunderstorm, he pledged to revisit the locals cruelty upon them ten-fold.
Creatures very similar to the Pope Lick Monster are said to exist in Texas, Oklahoma, and Maryland.
Special Effects and Attacks:
Mimic: The Pope Lick Monster can mimic voices, by spending one magic point, and simply calling out. The intended victim will hear the voice of a loved-one in distress. Those standing next to each other may hear different voices. The victim will be drawn to the voice, unless they can make a successful Idea roll.
The Pope Lick Monster, the Goatman
Char. – rolls – avg.
STR – 3d6 – 10-11
CON – 3d6 – 10-11
SIZ – 2d6+3 – 10
INT – 3d6 – 10-11
POW – 3d6 – 10-11
DEX – 3d6+3 – 13-14
Mov 10 – HP 11
Av. Damage Bonus: 0
Throw Stones 50, damage 1d4
Kick 40%, damage 1d6 + db
Axe 40%, damage 1d8 + db
Armor: None
Spells: None
Sanity Loss: 0/1d8 to see the Pope Lick Monster

Bruce is a sociology student and co-host of The Crypt Keepers podcast