It looked just like any normal human. It was only under closer examination that the true horror that had lived in our midst became clear. Vile abomination! An unholy blending of human and alien flesh used to invade and undermine our civilization. What’s worse it wore the flesh of an old friend. If I could hunt down every last one of those monstrosities and all of their alien kin I would! Unfortunately you idiots have me locked up in this ‘institution’.
Taken from a transcript of an interview with Martin Case, a patient at Agnews State Mental Hospital, Santa Clara, CA.
Alternative names: Vile abominations.

The Mi-go are well known for their ability to surgically remove the brains of humans (and other sentient species) and place them in “brain cylinders.” They are also known to alter members of their own species to pass as humans for the purpose of spying. The culmination of these two branches of Mi-go science are Mi-go Human Hybrids. These hybrids are composed of human bodies whose brains have been removed and replaced with antennaed Mi-go cerebrums (aka ascomas). It is not clear whether the Mi-go ascomas are surgically implanted in the host bodies, or are grown in place as suggested by some scholars. Under scientific examination captured specimens display extensive invasion of most of the body’s tissues by mycelia like fibers, and subtle changes to bodily chemistry. It is surmised that these changes are responsible for the super human strength observed by some investigators, and possibly other as yet unknown effects. The hybrids also are known to possess the telepathic abilities common to many Mi-go, as well as the even more invasive abilities possessed by spy caste Mi-go.
While operating among humans they are visually indistinguishable from normal humans, though observant people may notice behavioral anomalies, particularly if they were familiar with the human host prior to their conversion to a hybrid. Among other Mi-go they are able to expose their ascomas allowing them to communicate with their fellows using their normal chromatophoric language. When their ascoma is exposed their human “scalp” is pushed back to hang around their neck much like a hood. In this state it is clear that the top and back of the original human skull is absent.
Powers: the special abilities listed constitute what appear to be the most common powers possessed by the average mi-go human hybrid. Other abilities may exist.
Hybrids have the Telepathy, Mental Probe, and Void Light powers as listed in the Mi-go entry on pages 94-96 of Malleus Monstrorum.
Spells: 30% chance to know 1D3 spells.
Mi-Go Human Hybrids, insidious spies
The following profile describes an average hybrid. (If a player character or NPC is hybridized, use the character’s stats for CON, SIZ, DEX. Multiply character’s STR by 1.5. Roll as listed below for INT and POW.)
char. roll average
STR 5D6x5 80-85
CON 3D6x5 50–55
SIZ (2D6+6)x5 65
APP 3D6x5 50–55
DEX 3D6x5 50–55
INT (2D6+6)x5 65
POW (2D6+6)x5 65
Average Hit Points: 13–14
Average Damage Bonus (DB): +1D4
Average Build: 1
Average Magic Points: 13
Move: 8
Attacks per Round: 1 (unarmed or weapon)
Mi-go human hybrids have the usual range of unarmed attacks open to humanoids and can use any weapon.
● Fighting 35% (17/7), damage 1D3+DB or by weapon type
● Dodge 25% (12/5)
Listen 60%, Spot Hidden 60%, and Stealth 70%, other skills varry and should be determined by the Keeper.
Armor: none. Due to the nature of the human host body they do not gain the usual advantage of Mi-go extra-terrene flesh. As such, impaling weapons do damage normally.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6+1 Sanity points to encounter a mi-go human hybrid with their mi-go ascoma exposed. 1/1D6 Sanity points for a person whose brian has been implanted in a brain cylinder to encounter a Mi-go human hybrid of their human body.

Contents: 50% Mustache, 20% Rum, 30% Demented Cultist