I still remember when the cartel came to our village. They wanted to teach us a lesson, and chose quiet old Mr. Santos to make an example of. They tortured him for hours while we were forced to watch.. It wasn’t until they slit his throat that Mr. Santos started laughing… the blood that poured from his neck reached out.. And tore each of those poor men, those murderers, apart. — Raul Morales, former Catholic Priest, non functional alcoholic.

The gods are ancient and petty things. Squabbling and doing battle among themselves in conflicts older than the stars we see in the sky. In times long forgotten some of these gods inflicted powerful and restrictive bindings on each other. They long to battle, to hurt, to maim and to destroy, but can not. The bindings placed upon them limit them completely, so much so that they appear to be a completely different entity than they are. In fact, the bindings are so complete for all intents and purposes they are those different creatures. Until, the bindings are released.
The bindings are complete and all encompassing. It is an omnipotent and all powerful being, locked into the parameters of whatever form it is currently using. If it’s a 43 year old white woman from Omaha, and if a 43 year old white woman should know how to make raisin potato salad, then it will make raisin potato salad. It will carry on conversations like it is supposed to. It will return washed serving trays from house warming casseroles like it is supposed to. It will even remind Gary that it’s his turn to buy pizza for the bridge game Wednesday night while it rips the man who shot it with a fully automatic shotgun in half with it’s bare hands. Because that’s what a suburbanite is supposed to do when they see someone from the bridge game, the geases upon it enforce such behavior. Existence for it, is a painfully restrictive full body straight jacket, and it is completely alien, and longs only to hurt and to kill.
A bound destroyer can only inflict damage equivalent to that inflicted upon itself. Stab one in the thigh, and it can pierce the exact same spot in your thigh. Punch one, it can punch you back. God help you if you open up on one with a machine gun or flamethrower. It is important to note, when I say can.. I don’t mean it has the skill too, rather that it’s restrictions are lifted such as it’s allowed to. The damage it inflicts is identical to that which is given to it. Shoot it, and it will replicate the bullet wound down to the charred bits of flesh and replicate the exact blood spatter on the wall, it just won’t do so nicely. You may have to suffer through the ordeal of seeing it’s eye extend out of it’s socket, ignite to a blazing hot flame and gnaw it’s way through your shoulder. The binding limits it to do no harm unless invited. Attacking it, gives it permission to return the damage in kind, to hurt it is to give consent. Coordinated attacks are it’s favorite. The squady loading your machine gun is as much a target as the gunner. Same goes for the person who pays a hitman to kill it. It would be most disturbing to happen upon a dead firing squad, each with identical bullet holes.
These things are gods, they can not be destroyed. It can not be destroyed. Once it’s target is destroyed, it returns to its previous shape, unharmed. Alternatively… if treated kindly or shown mercy, concern or care it is stunned and has a hard time responding.
Due to its binding, it can only return pain in kind, without it.. It may be your quiet, studious neighbor; mowing it’s yard, planting flowers and contributing bratwurst at the local cookout. It is soft spoken and quiet. It spends it’s time adhering to the limitations of it’s bindings, repeating each day with a warm smile & wave from the front yard and washing the car. If it holds down a job, it will never, ever get a promotion. It’s employee reviews will be neither good nor bad, it won’t have friends but it will be friendly to those around it.
Power: Functionally immortal, it’s physical body can be reduced to ichor, ash or pulp and it wouldn’t slow it down. It takes and wants damage, for that allows it to inflict the same.
Spells: This creature doesn’t need or use spells.
Bound Destroyer, restricted cosmic sadist
Human form / Unbound
STR: 3D6 / 200
CON: 3D6 / 300
SIZ: 2D6+6 / varies/massive
DEX: 3D6 / 21
INT: 2D6+6 / 0
EDU: 3D6+3 / 0
POW: 3D6 / 100
HP: CON+SIZ / 300
Damage Bonus: n/a (damage done is precisely equal to damage received)
Build: varies
Magic Points: n/a it is a God
Move: varies / 40
Attacks per round: as many as received
Fighting attacks: . as many as received
Dodge: It will not dodge
Armor: It will not use any sort of armor, however if somehow destroyed it will reform in 1d6 hours
Skills: menial at best, but suited to its current role.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 upon seeing it reveal itself as allowed, 1D100 if creature is contacted/sensed telepathically or psychically (one does NOT want to link minds with this)