Chaosium News & Rumors

The R’lyeh Report

Volume 6, Number 6

September 13, 2002

Transmitted by the Leng Embassy, Silverton Colorado.

Welcome to the September 2002 issue of the R’lyeh Report, featuring all the latest Chaosium news and views.

Howdy Folks!

As I gaze out the Leng Embassy office window I can see aspen turning to gold, which means Autumn is here. Where did the Summer go?
I reckon I missed it while preparing for, attending, and catching up from Origins & Gen Con. 🙂
I hope your Summer was full of Chaosium gaming and good times with friends.

This month we have a couple of new releases to announce. We’ll be revisiting Lovecraft Country this fall with the release of
sourcebooks for Dunwich, Arkham, and Kingsport. These books, along with the upcoming Miskatonic Sourcebook will give Call of
Cthulhu keepers a very detailed Lovecraft Country setting in which to run 1920’s campaigns. We’re very excited to be returning to
the very roots of our Call of Cthulhu line.

We also have plenty of Call of Cthulhu fiction in the works as well. The next few months will see several new Mythos works as well
as reprints of classic tales. Our ever expanding Call of Cthulhu fiction line will include new edition of the Necronomicon and a
reprinting our our classic Encyclopedia Cthulhiana as well.

Our Eternal Champion line has experienced some bad luck of late. Several titles have fallen into limbo along with their authors.
But we’ve received a couple of proposals recently which will hopefully lead to new books for both Stormbringer and Dragon Lords of
Melnibone. There is also a book in the works which the author has asked us to keep secret for now. Once we have the book in house,
we’ll announce it in a future R’lyeh report.

Shipping to Game Distributors now:

BASIC ROLE PLAYING : The Chaosium System

CHA 2006 $5.95 1-56882-168-9

September 2002

We thought it’d be fun to jump up and surprise everyone.


CHA 0082

MSRP $20.00 Size L – 4X

Please let your local shop know you want these books! Support your local shop – it’s where new Chaosium gamers come from.

Here’s the Chaosium upcoming release Schedule: For more information check out our web page.


The Creature Companion

#2375 $21.95 ISBN 1-56882-133-6

Our Manual of Mythos Monsters will be reprinted Fall 2002.



H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands (Hardcover)

#2394, $34.95  ISBN 1-56882-157-3

We’ll be releasing a hardcover edition of our Dreamlands Sourcebook Fall 2002.


Miskatonic University (hardcover)

CHA 2389 $39.95 Hardcover ISBN 1-56882-140-9

Winter 2003

Secrets of Japan

Modern-Day Exploration of the Land of the Rising Sun

CHA 2392 $27.95 ISBN 1-56882-156-5

Fall 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Dunwich (dual stat: BRP/d20)

$25.95 ISBN 1-56882-166-2

At the printer. Releases September 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham (Dual Stat BRP/d20)

$25.95 ISBN 1-56882-165-4

December 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport (Dual Stat BRP/d20)

$22.95 ISBN 1-56882-167-0

December 2002

Keepers Companion vol.2

$23.95 ISBN 1-56882-186-7

Fall 2002


Encyclopedia Cthulhiana (reprint)

#6022 $16.95  ISBN 1-56882-119-0

Expected Fall 2002.


The Necronomicon 2nd edition

#6034 $19.95 approx. 550 Pages

ISBN 1-56882-162-X

Expected Fall 2002.



Disciples of Cthulhu II

#6033 $13.95 ISBN 1-56882-143-3

This Book is nearly completed, and should be sent to the printer soon.

Fall 2002

The White People & Other Tales

The Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen Volume 2

#6035 $14.95 312 pages ISBN 1-56882-147-6

Winter 2002

The Tsathoggua Cycle

$13.95 ISBN 1-56882-131-X

Winter 2002

Other Nations

#6025 $13.95 ISBN 1-56882-128-X

Winter 2002

For Call of Cthulhu d20

Pulp Cthulhu: Reckless adventures in the 1930’s   (D20)

A new setting for Call of Cthulhu & Call of Cthulhu D20.

8800 $29.95  256 pages ISBN 1-56882-159-X 

Expected Winter 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Dunwich (dual stat: BRP/d20)

$25.95 ISBN 1-56882-166-2

August/September 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham (Dual Stat BRP/d20)

$25.95 ISBN 1-56882-165-4

December 2002

H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport (Dual Stat BRP/d20)

$22.95 ISBN 1-56882-167-0

December 2002

Other  Groovy Stuff:

Arkham Horror 15th Anniversary Edition

CHA 1051  $59.95 1-56882-163-8

A cooperative board game for 1-8 players.

Spring 2003

Thanks for your support Everyone. We couldn’t be here with out you!

Charlie, David, Dustin, & Lynn. The Chaosium dudes.

Dustin Wright- Chaosium Colorado "Leng Embassy"


27 Years of Quality Mayhem and counting

Support your local game shop!

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