The immense white thing threw itself upon the ice. Flippers shifted, melted, reformed into arms and hands. The tentacles that propelled it in the water became legs and feet as the thing stood. It’s skin boiled, rippled and grew brighter as it strode toward us.

Alternative names: Iceberg Walkers, Man Whales, Oisostai
All Ningen descend from a single near-microscopic polyp that fell to Earth with Cthulhu and His spawn millions of years ago. In the cold of the planet’s southern oceans, the polyp evolved and multiplied. New polyps formed immense colonies numbering in the million, working together to form one composite creature of a rough humanoid shape. The polyps perform specialized functions — performing tasks such as digestion, breathing, locomotion. Amphibiously adaptive, the polyps can form the necessary organs and appendages as a Ningen transitions between land and water.
Ningen are deathless except for violence. Individual polyps are replaced as they die, almost instantly. In the rare occasions a Ningen is “killed”, surviving polyps will form a new composite monster. The process can take decades, if not centuries. Ningen millions of years old still swim the coldest parts of the southern oceans.
Over the eons, the polyps forming the brain of Ningens have developed an intelligence close to that of humans, albeit alien. They have amassed a deep knowledge of magic and arcane lore. Some Ningen serve Cthulhu and other Great Old Ones, serving as stand-ins during ceremonies and accepting sacrifices. Others have established themselves as gods to degenerate cults.
Amphibious Shapeshifting: a Ningen’s physiology allows it to adapt to life in the water and on land. The polyps rearrange themselves to form lungs where there were gills, arms and legs where there were fins and tentacles. Such transformations take the Ningen mere seconds (or one round). While shapeshifting, they may take any action except for moving.
Bioluminescence: in their normal state, Ningen are translucent. A Hard Spot Hidden roll is necessary to see a Ningen in this state. Special polyps glow a soft white when the Ningen wants to communicate, attract prey, is about to attack, or becoming agitated, making the creature visible.
Ningen, ghosts on the ice
char. | rolls | average |
STR | 6D6 x 16 | 335 |
CON | 6D6 x 10 | 210 |
SIZ | 6D6 x 20 | 420 |
DEX | 3D6 x 5 | 50 |
INT | 2D6+2 x 5 | 45 |
POW | (3D6+6) x 5 | 90 |
Average Hit Points: 63
Average Damage Bonus: +7D6
Average Build: +8
Average Magic Points: 18
Move: 7
Attacks per round: 2 (swipe, bite)
Fighting | 55% (26/11), damage 7D6 |
Dodge | 25% (12/5) |
Stealth: 65%
Armor: None. Ningen regenerate 1D6+1 Hit Points per round. At zero hit points, the Ningen collapses, its constituent organisms falling away from one another, the creature crumbling away.
Spells: Contact Cthulhu, Contact Dagon/Hydra, Summon Deep One, and spells associated with the ocean as the Keeper sees fit.
Sanity Loss: 2/1D6+1 to encounter a Ningen.

Bruce is a sociology student and co-host of The Crypt Keepers podcast