So this weekend, I went to the infamous CthulhuCon: Portland and took several pictures with, from what I can ascertain from reviewing the photos, a low-definition potato. That said, the convention was awesome. The panels were insanely good. Watching Ken Hite link Y’Golonac with Leonardo Da Vinci was simply genius. It was also nice to finally meet Dan Clore & Sean Hoade in the flesh.

Horribly blurry photos of tables selling wares and books. So blurry that even the sited need this description to know what the photos are.

Horribly blurry photos of tables selling wares and books. So blurry that even the sited need this description to know what the photos are.
The dealers room was well stocked as these blurry photos would attest.
Portland’s own Guardian Games was there in full force; despite the disservice that my photos do them:
Many thanks go out to Gwen Callahan (See Gwen not Dawn, I still cite higher journalistic quality over The Oregonian despite the potato pictures)
All in all, it was a great time and I can’t recommend attending high enough. I not only look forward to attending next year, I will be also attending in October for their Film Fest.
Stay tuned for next week’s review:
HP Lovecraft Film Fest & CthulhuCon: Los Angeles
Too much horror in the LBC, it’s kinda hard being an elder Gee Oh Single D