Archive for Gaming

Cthulhu Eternal has Launched!

Cthulhu Eternal in a hand scrawled font on a cloudy green background

We are so, SO excited to today be announcing the first release of Cthulhu Eternal, our all-new, fully-open, anytime ruleset for creating Tabletop RPGs with a Lovecraftian influence.

The first batch of downloadable System Reference Documents (SRDs) is available right now via DriveThruRPG (where they’re technically listed as a Pay-What-You-Want release to allow folks who want to chip in a donation can do so, but we’re 100% fine with people taking the files for free).

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Tales of the Caribbean news!

Image is 5 books laid out in presentation around a statuette of a golden goblin. The books itself features the text "Tales of the Caribbean" it features a man approaching the bottom edge of the cover with the ocean extending up behind him. In the ocean is some sort of tentacled thing with tentacles reaching towards him.

First looks at the new “Tales of the Caribbean” by Golden Goblin Press

Loyal denizens of; we have got an exclusive look at Golden Goblin Press‘s new Kickstarter; Tales of the Caribbean. It will be amazing. Golden Goblin Press continues to set the standard for an impressive game.  The artwork is impressive and the scenarios are superb.  The subtle elegance of “the Golden Goblin” look is unmistakable.

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‘Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game’ coming from Arc Dream Publishing

“Be careful what you wish for. Delta Green, the award-winning setting of deadly conspiracy, desperate intrigue, and Lovecraftian cosmic terror in the modern day, has returned. The subject of the two most highly-rated tabletop role-playing game books of all time ( index) is an RPG of its own from Arc Dream Publishing. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game launches at Kickstarter in September 2015.”

Get the whole story:

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New Kickstarter for Cthulhu Now Adventures

Hi all, Stygian Fox have just launched our first kickstarter for our first paid-for product!

The Things We Leave Behind is a modern day scenario anthology for Call of Cthulhu focussing on the madness and evil within mankind. Please take a look and support us!

It has a dark focus and has scenarios written by Jeff Moeller, Scott Dorward, Brian M. Sammons, and Si Brake. There is also art by Davide Como and maps by myself, Stephanie McAlea.

We at Stygian Fox are proud of our little twisted, tentacular baby so please take a look and support us!

The Things We Leave Behind Kickstarter

Stygian Fox is a licensee of Chaosium Inc and it’s I.P. is used with permission.

Posted in Chaosium, Crowdfunding, CthulhuNow, Delta Green, Gaming, The Laundry | Leave a comment

Vintage Ad Browser

I just found this:

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Worldwide Adventure Writing Month

The boys over at are running a world-wide adventure month. They have this to say:

June is Worldwide Adventure Writing Month.
Join us in expanding the number of free, downloadable adventures for tabletop roleplaying games!
The goal is to write a complete 32+ page adventure module by June 30th, 2007.
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Posted in Cthulhu by Gaslight, Cthulhu: Dark Ages, CthulhuNow, Gaming, The Roaring 20's | Leave a comment

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