(Author’s Note: This version of the Chupacabra is offered as an alternative to the one presented in The Bermuda Triangle source book for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game.)

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“ It’s manifestation was prefaced by a flurry of livestock mutilations on the Caribbean island nation of Puerto Rico. Most disturbing was the face that the animal corpses, which included goats, sheep, chickens, and rabbits, were report to be completely devoid of blood, as if some modern vampire had paid them a visit in the dark of night. Allegedly, two tell-tale puncture wounds were the only sign left behind by the unseen attacker. Soon, reports of hideous, goblinlike creatures were large, lidless eyes and razor-sharp claws began to surface. The Chupacabra had arrived.” – Ken Gerhard, Encounters With Flying Humanoids